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The Lord IS Peace. The Words of Peace are in the MOUTHS OF Living SOULS near to Him. NEAR BY Spirit, not far off, separated by human spirit of flesh. There is NO Peace, God for the children of wickedness. Lifeless, DEAD souls in flesh.
His Messenger, Servant, Seed, CRY ALOUD like a TRUMPET, Revealing their sins, trasgressions, of their self deceived souls. Their offering not Christ, Fruit of God, but their own thoughts of THEIR OWN HUMAN spirit. They LEAN, turn to, follow THEIR OWN HUMAN thoughts, desires.
The FAST God DEMANDS is the fasting from evil thoughts that lead to evil works. They PHYSICALLLY fast from FOOD BUT NOT FROM fruit, thoughts, of wickedness. They speak, teach their own human thoughts, and NOT My Truth from, OF My Presence.
God HAS SET a time, an END of time, that He ALONE Knows. Do not be FOUND OUTSIDE His Spirit, having NO Christ, no Truth, GARMENT to COVER your soul. Be not found NAKED OF Christ and without Spirit, Life. Rise up NOW from the dead souls OUTSIDE His entrance. Let the Spirit Prepare your SOUL for PERPETUALL EVER NOW, Union with Chrit.
Even the Devil Knows God is not like, as other spirits. This God HAS DOMINION over that Above AND all the desd souls below His Feet. The lying spirit WORKS for God, to TEST, lead astray EVERY soul NOT God's IN flesh before flesh fell TO the devil his mouth, tongue, lips.
The TEST you MUST PASS and enter the Kingdom without Sin.
Adam's fall. The lips of a strange spirit, takiing captive ALL the seed in Adam, EVERY generation.
It is the Spirit that separates the SOUL unto God. IT is the Rain upon the DORMAN Seed of Truth THAT CAUSES THE Seed to COME ALIVE, Root in the hearts of His Wheat, Children. The seed of wickedness shall not drink, Rise, into the Light. Seed without Water IS DEAD. The spirit of unclean waters can grow temporary weeds of death.
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