Christ DIED FOR the dead souls to BECOME Reborn of His Spirit. Christ, His Spirit, our Father, IN US His Reborn souls, we are the Evidence of God in a world, graveyard of darkness. Each soul Called TO Return to Truth from life of deceit of unbelief, MUST SURRENDER AT THE Feet of Truth, that Truth may Raise the soul from death UNTO THE God of Life.
The soul is but a moment, A thought of spirit of darkness away from Truth that Saves NOW IN Union with Truth
The stillness of HUMAN thoughts, reflections, IN Quietness, The Thoughts of the VERY Present Spirit Teaches, GIVES TO Christ the Living Word of Spirit. From God His Mind into our Mind, Chr ist the Head filled with Mind of God. God the STILLNESS, the Peace, Reflection of God in our SOULS
Stillness, REST, Peace of God without the WINDS OF air of darkness, in Body oF Christ. We ARE the Body of Resurrection. The Perpetual-Generation of God His Likeness
God's Plan BFORE the beginning of darkness in flesh, WAS His Desire, Will for HOLY offspring.
TO Believe, THEN BY BELIEF IN Truth, BECOME THE Likeness, His by Spirit Chosen, and His perpetually, REBORN SOULS REBORN OF God INTO His VERY Likeness. Life not death.
HOW CAN a soul disobey and say it believes, belief that is unstable? Such a soul lies, pretends to BE what it IS NOT. God's Living SOUL Reborn of His OWN Spirit and Seed of Life.
The TEST FOR Faith, is Christ in the mind and heart of REBORN SOUL. Aske a Witness of His Power. AMEN?
Born in such a time of greatest darkness, Choen to Shine Light, and TELL the Truth of Christ His Powerful Presence. Born to Speak the Truth, Word of God, Home, and never a lie.
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