Sunday, November 19, 2023

Father Knows BEST b

You MUST BECOME children of Humbleness and depart spirit of pride, OR, NEVER ENTER the Kingdom OF God.  The SPIRITUAL Kingdom where the Reborn , the Humble Children Live.  Not a PHYSICAL kingdom for flesh but a SPIRUTAL Realm OF Light without a speck, a spot, mark of darkness.

HOW TERRIBLE for the children of deceit, death, the shadows of darkness, THAT CAUSE separation from Truth, Life, Faith.  Robbers in the night-time of darkness, that separate the soul from Riches, Life.  SUCH things happen, BUT woe unto the tool, worker of darkness, the source of separation.  Even Satan bows TO God His Will.  Evil one cannot even TOUCH, harm WITHOUT Permission.  NO?  Then you NEVER Listened to the TRUTH concerning JOB.   Better to cut off the hand, foot, lose the eye that disobeys God and  then be swallowed with both eyes into nonexistence, death without Life.  REMOVE by the Sword of Truth, that which offends, quenches the Spirit unto death of soul. 

The Spirit, the Angel of the Spirit, IS always in, with the Lord His Body.  It IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR human-beings, flesh to BE Saved, ONLY Possible WITH, IN Union OF Spirit, Helper, is itb POSSIBLE.  BY Faith in God and His Word, Truth, we Live in, by Him His Presence, we are more than overcomers, we ARE the Children of God.  God Seated upon the His Throne our SOUL its mind and heart, AS God.

Want the things OF THIS WORLD of flesh and darkness?  OR Seek Perfection, the Spirit by Faith comes Lives, Dwells, Abides in His PERPETUAL SOUL Raised by Truth, Alive unto God.

You ASK what IS Good?  There is ONLY ONE Good, Perfect Spirit, Source of Perfect Life of Obedience.  God the Life of Perfection, Gives Him His Self, Spirit TO His Chosen.  Chosen BY God His Will, to BELIEVE and Live Honoring God in ALL you Think and DO.  IT IS God within THE Reborn SOUL that DOES the IMPOSSIBLE, FOR you.

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