Sunday, November 19, 2023

Go, DO as I Say, BEAUSE I Am WITH you. Prepare to EXIT this place. EXODUS 4.

 The REMEMBERING God PERPETUALLY BY His Presence. His Spirit of Love OVERPOWERS this soul, puts me on my knees.   The WASTELAND, the mind given to unbelief, darkness, death is good for nothing but surrender to God. The things of darkness but temporary dreams of flesh.  Cease to exist in the Light of His Presence.

I Make, CAUSE the deaf, the blind, the mute, and I Make them to Hear, See, Spe ak.  Man born of flesh is dead void of Spirit.  Crippled without Spirit to Help. I WILL BE with, IN your mouth and TEACH you WHAT TO Say.  And your brethren when they meet you, WHEN they See you, they shall be glad, rejoice IN their heart.

Ready or not, the time IS NOW, to EMBRACE the Truth, Word of God's Mouth. And be still and allow the Spirit to Talk.  The Wind and the Flame, set this heart Ablaze.  Who is alone WHEN God is Present?

The Spirit Rules where there is NO RESISTANCE TO Truth.

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