Monday, November 27, 2023

IF Christ, Light IS in you, THEN HOW can darkness remain?

 The wolves disguised as shepherds, work for the rewards of flesh and darkness.  Either Christ is in you or you are a liar, pretender, deceiver, a ACTING like hypocrite, SAYING you ARE but you ARE NOT.

Godless HUMAN teachers in and of flesh, guides of darkness, lead even deeper, farther from the Truth until buried in nonexistence.   The dead turned back to DUST.  Where they FALL they remain.

The Shepherd of the Living, Calls us from LOST TO Found.  NOTHING exists temporarily OR eternally but by the Will of God.

Angels of disobedience of Angels of Obedience.  The Spirit of Obedience, the Life Generated of God His Presence IN His Children.  The flesh is nothing.  The REBORN SOUL the Existing by Faith in God.

The Head and Body BREATH AS ONE.  God the Life of PERPETUAL Obedience.

The Teacher, Guide, Helper KNOWS the Meaning, the VERY Thoughts of God.  The Spirit of Necessary Goodness, Truth, if you DESIRE TO Live in PERFECT Union of Love with God.

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