Monday, November 27, 2023

Christ our Shepherd, NEVER LEAVES His Father's Sheep ALONE among the wolves in darkness. Light of Truth SAVES us.

, Peace REMAINS in Reborn SOULS at Peace with God.   Dust of death, the lifeless souls of dust, live temporarily and then DIE, RETURN TO dust.  The children of flesh, human fathers, are DUST.  You the Living Vessels, SHAKE OFF THE DUST that seeks to CLING to your Feet. Perpetual Spirit of LIVING Waters, PERPETUALLY Bathing, Washing our Feet.   Those who reject, refuse to hear, listen, accept your Truth, BE WISE, AND HARMLESS AS Doves among wolves of darkness, men the children of flesh that SEEK TO harm you, My Testimony against them.  They will HATE you and your Truth, FOR My Name, Mark, Spirit upon you.  FLEE.  It IS enough for you to Serve, to BE LIKE Me your Master.  You a Servant IN My Household.

Reality.  Th against Spirit, Testimony in you.  Sinners, unrepentant, liars that BLASPHENE, speak lies against Truth.  PARUIAL obedience is not fullness of Obedience.  MAKE the tree Good or EVIL.  COMPLETE Goodness.  A little evil makes the WHOLE evil.  God's Tree is Known by His Fruit.

Stop being deceived by you human self, spirit in dead soul.  BE Obedient by Faith, has no doubt, or dwell in unbelief in darkness WHERE there IS NO Faith, Truth, Life, Hope...Way to Escape.  The kingdom of darkness, the darkness can not EXIST with Light.  Satan, darkness remains, exists, separated from Light. Darkness cannot cast out darkness or he has no kingdom at all.

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