Tuesday, November 21, 2023

There IS Fate, the fate of ALL sin-natured flesh, there is NO such thing as COINCIDENCE.

 There are actions of flesh and Actions of Spirit.   Standing LOST without Guide to cross Safely through the wilderness of time.  Under the Protection, the Power of God? OR alone about to fall into the mouth of the lion of darkness?

IN Christ His Body BY Faith, the SOUL Rooted in by Spirit, IS  NEVER alone, never lost with the Presence of Spirit.   ONCE you Know, God Knows, and there is no shrinking back from the Light of Life.

ONCE you Know THE Truth, there can be NO DISOBEDEIN CE OF the dead Godless, Lifeless, DEAD SOUL.  The Presence, the ENTRANCE of Truth, Life, Raises the SOUL, Opens Eyes of ReBORN Soul TO See as Christ our Head  .  To BEAR the Thoughts of His Spirit,  Holy Spirit and God the Father ARE ONE, Adam was 2 IN one FLESH, SO NOW ARE we His Body with Head become TWO IN One.  Eve TAKEN from Adam his flesh and bone, as a bride for him.

ONCE Truth is Known, Holy Union, the souls can receive no ungodly seed, thought which with water of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS brings forth evil actions.  Christ a Seed of Truth PLANTED within the Circumcised soul, both mind and heart.  Watered and Grown BY the Spirit, we ARE Holy Fruits of His Tree, His Seed of Righteous Fruit.  It is not BY flesh we OBEY our Father, it is the Power of Truth AND Spirit that CONFORMS us TO Reality, Genuine Life of Love, a Live Lived in Service to God.

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