Sunday, November 26, 2023

The desires of flesh MUST BE CRUCIFIED DEAD by Faith IN God, Word. Divine Presence, Truth must Live, Rule, Remain in you BY Faith IN God, His Word.

 The SOLLUTION, Remedy, CURE for temptation and falling  DOWN, IS Christ His Spirit, the Power to RESIST and OBEY God always.  The churches of flesh  of flesh doctrines can save NONE, BUT THE Spirit of His Children, Body, Church, HAVE Spirit ENGRAVED Doctrine of Truth, in, upon the minds and hearts of their LIVING SOULS.

God the Living Father, True Life, Spirit of Life according to God, Reality, enters and the soul becomes the Residence of Goodness.  The dead human soul becomes a Living Child of God by Spirit, Breath of God.

Devoted to God or serving desires of flesh?  Purified by Fire or impure, unclean.  God IS GREATER than flesh.  God CONFORMS the Reborn SOUL unto Spirit, Presence, Life.  The Spirit TRANSFORMS, Changed the soul from darkness TO Light.

God does not hide His Presence from His Children.  God REVEALS Him Self TO them.  We ARE ONE Seed, ONE Fruit ONE Spirit.  That which COMES FROM Him, Returns to Him WHEN Called TO Him.

ALWAYS RESIST, SAY NO to temptations, thoughts of evil one.  WAKE UP AND REMAIN Aw  ake IN Christ, the Light.

Christ in you His Body is ALL you need TO Live.  Ask.  IN Faith, THEN Receive IN Faith.

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