Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Without Understanding? That the Lord Hears Your human thoughts, risen up against Him.

 Lord of MERCY, Love, Life, PATIENCE with the UNAWAKENED souls. Lord Hear our Prayers and being down the walls of unyielded resistance.  The lips of the dead souls in the body of death they BLASPHEME, speak against God His Truth, Word of Spirit.  The children, workers of deceit?  Lord the BLAST of Your Breath return them home with their rumors, lies, THOUGHTS to fall by their own sword, tongue, thoughts in the land, heart of death.

God my Thoughts of Spirit, the Mind of God, I TRUST, REST IN, the Lord They my God SHALL Save me.  NONE CAN deliver from death the dead BACK TO Life, LIKE God Can , DOES where there IS Faith.

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