Monday, April 22, 2024

He Called my name and NOW I AM His Believer. Gone out of my mind, UNTO Mind of Love.

Humble yourself unto Spirit, that God EXALT you, His Body IN DUE TIME.  Whatever   Spirit TELLS you TO DO as the Body of Christ, DO it NOW.  IF any reproach you-IN-the-Name, Body of Christ?  Blessed ARE you, for the GLORIOUS Spirit of Christ Rests UPON you, COVERED BY His Wings.  Blessed the Obedient to Christ.  WHAT the END OF those disobedient?  UNABLE TO Stand, Resist temptations OF flesh, thoughts, desires of flesh?  IF His Body of Obedience is barely Saved by SUFFERING AS   Head Suffered THE Will of God, We His Body Obey Mind, Thoughts in Head and THEN suffering His Will WITH SOULS Committed to Him His Will, LET US BE FOUND Faithful unto Mind and Head, OUR God.  Reborn souls TESTED For the Reward of NEW Flesh of Obedience.  The living souls, REBORN OF Spirit, FOR OBEDIENCE OUR ABIDING IN Christ His Body ONE Life of Perfect Obedience. Tested WORTHY OF Perfect Garment, Holy Flesh.

TIME EXISTS ONLY for Seeking, Finding God His Presence, and His Presence Perfecting our Obedience, ONENESS.

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