Monday, April 22, 2024

Christ the Light, Presence of God, ENTERED the temple built by religous flesh.

 And the teachers OF darkness, sought a way to GET RID of the Light.  The very sons of darkness FUFILLED their OWN death with darkness, The Substance, the Light of Christ POURED OUT,  the Body of Light Walks SHINING AND they cannot CAST Him out.   WHEN the Holy Epiphany Rises within you, WHEN you Hear, THE that very NOW, Believe the Living Thought of God, that Chooses to BECOME your NEW Mind, casting out the OLD.

Let the Thought of Life ABIDE.  JUST Breath, the Faith, Spirit of Christ HAS DONE ALL the Work FOR you.  BE STILL and BREATH.  JUST Breath, Listen.  AND DO ALL that He His Spirit TELLS you TO DO.

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