Thursday, November 30, 2023

Keep THE Sabbath of the Lord? Holy Day Light of Life, IN UNION WITH Christ His Spirit UNTO our Spirit. Pleasing the Lord not human self, dead soul.

 The Union of His Body of SAINTS, pleasing not self but God.  SOULS givne themselves in Union to the Lord, TO Serve the Lord Head and Body, those who Love, Honor and Obey the Lord, KEEPING THEMSELVES FROM POLLUTION.

Stronger IN US, THE Body, IS He than the darkness of unbelief.  His Presence, our Union of ONENESS Remove the evil from within out SOULS.  The Virginal SOUL gives itself to ONLYONE God, Truth, Hope, Life that IS PERPETUAL, Everlasting, NOW.

The life the dead soul now lives in is but a temporary dream of darkness and flesh.

Imagine the Life without death, exists?  No LONGER a dream but Reaiity in the Flesh of Christ, His Body, of SAINTS.

God the Life BEYOND flesh of night.

The underworld of darkness. The serpent of vipers RULES the dead souls, keeps them Powerless by unbelief, in chains of darkness.

 The thouhts that take captive holding soul bound to death.  Christ, the Rock, the Hmmer of God that breaks asunder the chains of darkness off the REBORN OF Faith.

Hell under the Feet of Christ upon His Throne.  The Word, TrYuth of God REIGNS in Power OF Light.

The father of the dead, Lifeless, temporary souls earth bound.

You cannot EXIST but, IN the Mind, Holy Womb of G, goodness.  The serpent in disguise as good but is evil, the evil thought, lie, falsehood of deceit that keeps dead souls IN flesh captive.

Christ IS Lord, NOW, IN AND OUTSIDE OF time, IN Reborn soul yet dressed in flesh.  God has PREPARED a Holy Flesh to replace the snake-skin IN time.  There ARE MANY hours of NIGHT, but ONLY ONE Day of Light.  Perpetual Light where there is NO DARKNESS, not evenHADOW..

BE GONE ye shadows of death in flesh, teturn ye dust TO dust, and AIR, wind, back to AIR.

Blessed are the SOULS NOW Wakened by Spirit of Light, and Rise this Eternal Hour to Serve Christ His Body.   The House of Christ, His Body has MANY Rooms.  Prepare by God to Receive you.  BY Spirit.

We ARE God's Evidence of His Power, Will, WHEN the human flesh Sees our Obedience untto Him only.

Christ DIED FOR the dead souls to BECOME Reborn of His Spirit.  Christ, His Spirit, our Father, IN US His Reborn souls, we are the Evidence of God in a world, graveyard of darkness.  Each soul Called TO Return to Truth from life of deceit of unbelief, MUST SURRENDER AT THE Feet of Truth, that Truth may Raise the soul from death UNTO THE God of Life.

The soul is but a moment, A thought of spirit of darkness away from Truth that Saves NOW IN Union with Truth

The stillness of HUMAN thoughts, reflections, IN Quietness, The Thoughts of the VERY Present Spirit Teaches, GIVES TO Christ the Living Word of Spirit.  From God His Mind into our Mind, Chr ist the Head filled with Mind of God. God the STILLNESS, the Peace, Reflection of God in our SOULS

Stillness, REST, Peace of God without the WINDS OF air of darkness, in Body oF Christ.  We ARE the Body of Resurrection.  The Perpetual-Generation of God His Likeness

God's Plan BFORE the beginning of darkness in flesh, WAS His Desire, Will for HOLY offspring.

TO Believe, THEN BY BELIEF IN Truth, BECOME THE Likeness, His by Spirit Chosen, and His perpetually, REBORN SOULS REBORN OF God INTO His VERY Likeness. Life not death.

HOW CAN a soul disobey and say it believes, belief that is unstable? Such a soul lies, pretends to BE what it IS NOT.  God's Living SOUL Reborn of His OWN Spirit and Seed of Life.

The TEST FOR Faith, is Christ in the mind and heart of REBORN SOUL.  Aske a Witness of His Power.  AMEN?

Born in such a time of greatest darkness, Choen to Shine Light, and TELL the Truth of Christ His Powerful Presence.  Born to Speak the Truth, Word of God, Home, and never a lie.


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

LOST IN DARKNESS WRESTLING WITH doubts of unbelief, ASK the Lord is WAITING FOR you to ASK IN Faith and Receive, BE as you HAVE Believed His Word.

 To SURRENDER TO Truth, and BE Transformed by Faith, into Humbled SOUL yet in flesh.  Greater is He within SOUL than the OUTER flesh of disobedient spirit.

To Conceive Truth in the inwadmost being, SOUL, and produce the Fruit of His Presence.

The HUMAN SOUL of flesh and temporary AIR, MUST BY Faith: BECOME a REBORN SOUL OF the Flesh of Christ, a SOUL filled with the very Breath, Life of God IN Resurrected Body.  We REBORN Seed of Holy Wheat fallen to the ground, dust, grave and Raised Alive.  IN US Divine Seed and Living Waters, our PERPETUAL Life in, with God.

To lean upon God in stillness and not rely on the HUMAN spirit of self reliance.  Lean not upon the spirit of human  misunderstanding OR die, fall without Help, Way to Return to the Presence of God, Holy Spirit of Holy Life.

The HUMAN spirit of flesh, fills the flesh with eny, jealousy, evil desires, thoughts of darkness. The END OF evil imaginations is REBIRTH OF THE Holy Spirit, God.  Do NOT SEPARATE FROM the Yoke of Spirit and Truth.  The Spirit of Truth LEADS the REBORN SOUL into, through the Door of His House of MANY rooms.  For LIVING SOULS, Children of Righteousness.   Led by flesh, that by nature ALWAYS LIES, will not Help you FIND His Way back to Home, the Beginning.

The Riches of Heaven to Children that Treasure the Thoughts of God His Presence, Christ STORED in Chosen Vessels of the Lord.

WHAT time IS Good, where God His Presence is NOT?   Speak my Father for I LOVE TO Hear You, LEARN the Meaning of Christ, Truth, in a SOUL.

The Fast APPROVED BY God, that Pleases God, is the Yokes of darkness removed, broken off by Faith in His Power, Presence.

 WHY are you STILL standing in, under a yoke of darknesst, human spirit?  Is God not Truth that sets free and YOKES the SOUL UNTO God?

Many remain chained in darkness BECAUSE they love the chains of human spirit of flesh desires.

EVERYTHING OF this world of flesh shall be left behind IN DARKNESS, Fix, YOKE your eyes and ears ONTO God.  He ALONE Real, Reality, Thoughts of SANE souls, surrendered to Him. God IS now and ever will BE NOW.

The Peace, THE REST, from this temporary world of madness, separation from God.

The dead soul, HUMAN child MUST COME TO God His Power, Love, and by Faith IN Him His Word BECOME NEW creature, LIVING SOUL the mind and heart filled with Eternal Life, Breath of By God.

By His Presence, POWER, Spirit, Truth, HE Raises us Alive separated from the dead.  We LIVING Testimonies of God, Reality.  Yes the dead walk, live among the LIVING, but the Living that walk among the dead, SHALL Rise, Ascend by Spirit, Breath NOT AIR.

It is the Spirit that enters, abides, GUIDES us that SAVES that belonged to God BEFORE human flesh of Adam WAS DECEIVED by the open mouth of the serpent, door into belly of hell.

I Shall DECLARE God IS my God and Father.  God alone His Word HAS BROKEN the yokes of darkness, removed the spirits of darkness FROM within, upon me. I   God Reigns.  I sat among the dead souls of dust, destined to return to Lifeless dust.  God the Spirit of Wonder Raises His dead from among the weeds of death.  PERPETUAL Truth, Speaks, Resides, His Presence RULES me.  I am not ashamed.  I will not LIE, PRETEND, to please dead souls in flesh of pride.

I am FILLED to overflowing, a cup of VERY STRONG Wine indeed.  May ALL the LAST Generation, Awaken, ASK AND Receive the Power, Presence, Way BACK TO Him.

CONSTANT CONTACT, UNION WITH THE Power SOURCE, Keeps the Light SHINING. Playing Hide and Seek in the darkness. Learning to BE Still.

 Truth does not HIDE FROM His OWN REBORN SOUL OF His Flesh.

The blind use their flesh, hands, to TOUCH the face to see, discern.  The Spirit of Christ, OF His Spirit Speaks to Spirit.  The HOLY Seed, Children REBLORN New by the Mind, Will, Spirit of God.

The Body of Christ, a SPIRITUAL Body of GATHERED SOULS into One.  We grasp not by flesh but by Spirit the Presence of Father and His Word.  The REBORN SOULS ARE NO LONGER SOULS CAPTIVE TO HUMAN FLESH AND human spirit of wickedness.  Temporary life that deceives the soul into thinking it IS alive but it is dead in darkness, of darkness.

RETURN TO Original Design, Plan, Will of God.  FIRST creation of Flesh, THEN REBIRTH OF Faith, THEN ENTRANCE INTO the Body of Christ, Faith.

GOD HAS THE Right TO EXTERMINATE the darkness with Light.  HUMAN flesh, its self-centered human spirit, ACCUSES God of being unfair.  Merciful God, His Mercy IS that flesh, human flesh and human spirit EXIST IN time at all.

That NOT God, is LOST, aborted IN TIME.  God as God Knows His tfrom the seed of wickedness.

God Breaths Life into His SOULS HIDDEN BY darkness among the dead.  That dead by flesh and AIR, is Revived with the Breath, the Flesh of Christ.  REBORN of, IN, the Body of Christ.

Each Reborn SOUL casts off its flesh and Rises by Spirit into the Kingdom of God.

The Presence of God WITHIN Restores us TO God His Presence.

This the God, the Father I Know.  The Reality Shining in the darkest of dreams.

The dead soul in temporary flesh, has one life to live. Spend, GIVE that life to God and Receive back MORE. INVEST IN God, His Presence.

The Egyptians THOUGHT they could take all their EARTHLY things WITH them.  Their souls gone, found no more.  But their worthless things, hidden are st
ill being taken by grave ro

The Lord IS Peace. The Words of Peace are in the MOUTHS OF Living SOULS near to Him. NEAR BY Spirit, not far off, separated by human spirit of flesh.  There is NO Peace, God for the children of wickedness.  Lifeless, DEAD souls in flesh. 
His Messenger, Servant, Seed, CRY ALOUD like a TRUMPET,  Revealing their sins, trasgressions, of their self deceived souls.  Their offering not Christ, Fruit of God, but their own thoughts of THEIR OWN HUMAN spirit.  They LEAN, turn to, follow THEIR OWN HUMAN thoughts, desires.

The FAST God DEMANDS is the fasting from evil thoughts that lead to evil works.  They PHYSICALLLY fast from FOOD BUT NOT FROM fruit, thoughts, of wickedness. They speak, teach their own human thoughts, and NOT My Truth from, OF My Presence.

God HAS SET a time, an END of time, that He ALONE Knows.  Do not be FOUND OUTSIDE His Spirit, having NO Christ, no Truth, GARMENT to COVER your soul.  Be not found NAKED OF Christ and without Spirit, Life.  Rise up NOW from the dead souls OUTSIDE His entrance.  Let the Spirit Prepare your SOUL for PERPETUALL EVER NOW, Union with Chrit.

Even the Devil Knows God is not like, as other spirits.  This God HAS DOMINION over that Above AND all the desd souls below His Feet.   The lying spirit WORKS for God, to TEST, lead astray EVERY soul NOT God's IN flesh before flesh fell TO the devil his mouth, tongue, lips.

The TEST you MUST PASS and enter the Kingdom without Sin.
Adam's fall.  The lips of a strange spirit, takiing captive ALL the seed in Adam, EVERY generation.
It is the Spirit that separates the SOUL unto God.  IT is the Rain upon the DORMAN Seed of Truth THAT CAUSES THE Seed to COME ALIVE, Root in the hearts of His Wheat, Children.  The seed of wickedness shall not drink, Rise, into the Light.  Seed without Water IS DEAD.  The spirit of unclean waters can grow temporary weeds of death.

Isaiah 57. The seed, children of flesh and human spirit, MIXED IN by the enemy of the Devine.

 The children of darkness ARE NEVER SATISFIED with enough they ALWAYS envy, SEEK MORE THAN the Lord HAS GIVEN them.  The Seed of Righteousness and the seed of unrighteousness GROW together upon the earth.

BUT the Seed of Wheat seeks the Presence of Light and Waters of Life.  The Seed, Children of Righteousness ARE Separated from THE EVIL TO COME, they ENTER Peace, Rest in. LEAN UPON Him their Righteousness, Spirit.  The seed of death, his seed shall fall ,and live no more  The sons of adultery, not of Faithfulness mock with, their tongues, for they are the seed, children of TRANSGRESSION, FALSEHOOD.  Setting themselves on fire with idols of darkness.  They give themselves an offering to iniquity.  To him his power in and over them.  They have GIVEN themselves to another spirit THAN Me They Remember NOT Me, Think OF Me, Me theu forget.  Wickedness is the god in their mind of flesh,, the spirit in THEIR flesh.

The flesh CREATED FOR Me, Presence, has been replaced by union with wickedness.  Ye children of darkness and flesh do not weep, grieve, repent.  You SAY there is NO Hope, God to Save from evilM self. Thou HAST LIED.  I Shall Water My Seed of Wheat with Rain from Above and they shall Separate by Spirit, REMEMBER AND RETURN TO the Lord, THROUGH His Presence in them.

I Sent messengers, but you rejected the Message they carried FOR Me You WERE NOT GRIEVED, did not repent and TURN BACK, Remember Me in your heart, mind, SOUL.  Your works, wickedness shall not PROFIT thee that DEBASE, give thy SOUL TO hell.  You will cry out to flesh, but they are carried away in  the winds of vanity, self-righteousness   BUT My Seed DESIRE Me, not the desires of flesh. Mine SHALL INHERT the Holy Mountain the Land of Light.

COVETOUSNESS. wake up, Seek the Ligh of His Presence that SAVES His from darkness.  God Saves His Children OF a HUMBLE Spirit, His dead souls He shall REVIVE, Draw them to Him by Spirit.  Know THIS: I Creator of SOULS, will not CONTEND WITH their COVETOUSNESS, if a soul CONTINUE OF WAR NOT Peace.  The SOUL THAT CONTINUES IN THE path of wickedness, his wicked thoughts, Know that I HAVE Seen the way IN his heart, if he RETURNS TO Me, I Create, am the Source of his Thoughts if a soul humble itself, separate unto Me, I My Presence shall Heal him.  I Will CALM, REMOVE winds, waves IN his soul.  I Rescue him from the sea of troubles, from mire and dirt.   Believe, there is NO Peace for the wicked without Peace the Spirit gives.  REST FROM wicked works.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Deliberate Sin, Continue to sin, AFTER? Abstain, forsake, give up? Turn from and do no more? Alien thoughts, weapons of darkness?

 Reborn of Christ His Spirit, Father BY FAITH.  HOLY Brethren, Body of Christ.  The Body AN the Life, Spirit of Truth.  No longer a sinner by human nature, but an ENTIRELY NEW, creature than before.

NO Reborn SOUL continues in the path, life of disobedient spirit.  God HAS TAKEN us FOR Himself.  God removes us from the dead souls that WALK IN human spirit the road of disobedience. 

The HUMAN SOUL that BELONGS TO Sin, is a dead soul on th e path of unrighteousness that leads, ends in death.

The Solution, Remedy, CURE for disobedience, IS Faith in Word of Truth, to ASK AND Receive BY Faith, ASK in Faith and Receive the Obedience of Christ, Source of PLEASING God not flesh and blood.

Separated, divorced from Sin, the NEW Soul is in Holy Union of Faith with Christ.  The SOUL Spirit of Spirit, the SAME MIND, SAME Spirit, SAME Thoughts, Same Desires as Christ.  Head and Body ARE UNITED AS ONE by the Power, Will, Command of God.

Your human spirit of flesh must die, BE CRUCIFIED IN Faith, and the SOUL Rise NEW to Walk.IN Obedience, rejecting ever evil thought of disobedience.  Holy Mind and Holy Body.

ONLY God IS Good.  Good Thoughts of Love.  WHY DO you THINK human thoughts, weapons of deception seeking to devour YOU INTO the belly of Deceit.  The ONLY Way to RETURN from darkness. to BE Turned from, TO, IS THE Holy Spirit UTMOST Power IN Reality.  God IS Self-Existent, Perpetual, UNCHANGING NOW and EER No. CONSTANT COMMUICATION WITH God, Spirit with His Children REBORN OF Spirit.

Aborted souls in union with LIPS OF darkness, dead in the belly of darkness.  Darkness begets darkness.  Darkness shrinks back into darkness becoming ONE.A

Lord, who shall believe the mind that bears the Word of God, Seed being ROOTED by Spirit, Rain?

The Children of Truth, Know, Recognize, Discern by Spiit of Truth within them, the lie of deceit, the trick of darkness to the eyes of flesh that is CONDITIONED UNTO darkness. Dead not Knowing they are dead in the MANY TIMES of darkness, night.  Unless the Lord CHOSE AND Awakened the soul would sleep on UNAWARE, UNAWAKE, LOST in THEIR time of darkness.

Beloved, Christ HAS COME and will come again to put away time  and Establish Eternity WHERE THERE IS NO time whatsoever.   Christ IS the OPEN Door set OPEN BEFORE us by God..  HURRY NOW, for WHEN the Door IS CLOSED, that OUTSIDE Reality shall cease to EXIST.

God  MANY dimensions God.  MANY times but ONLY ONE God.

Let no flesh and blood attempt to separate me from Christ, I Love Him and He LOVES me.. The Witness?

 OF OUR Union, IS Our Father who HAS JOINED us together, EVER Now.  The Wine upon OUR Lips is the Wine of Obedience.

NOW is always THE TIME TO Change from HUMAN mind, spirit TO the Diving Mind, Spirit.  From house of darkness Transformed by Faith, TO a Room IN the House of Light.

His BY Faith in His Seed, Christ IN us, we PRODUCE the Fruit, Truth, Seed of God.

The ENTRANCE OF Light, His Presence, CHANGES, Transforms TO His Likeness. Reflection.  ONLY the Things that PLEASE Him Remain.

The Wine HAS BEEN Poured.  Celebrate THE UNION.

We have Received the SAME Spirit of Obedience as IN Christ. NO MORE EXCUSES. We ARE the Body of Chritst Resurrected OUT OF time.

 This darkness, this generation of darkness in flesh is FOR the Children of Light, TO See and COME TO Walk in the Light.  Always God IS PRESENT, NOW as in ALL times of darkness.  The Children of Faith from Fall unto NOW are being freed, Raised Alive and Taught HOW TO Walk ONE WITH God HiS Presence. 

The BLIND See even in the darkness the Candle and Flame.

BE Prepared, READLY TO GO.  IN Freedom at His Command.  God the SAME, THE old God IS THE NEW God in His Flesh, Body.  Do not be found outside the Body of Christ, disobedient to Head of Word.  We HAVE BEEN Reborn FOR THIS Destiny of Predestination.  REBORN SOULS, Chosen TO Live the SPIRITUAL Life of Jesus, Glorifying, Honoring, Testifying, we the Evidence of His Power.

The BEAUTY of a fallen house RETORED to House of Ascension.  The Spirit, He IN me, Life with God within this soul.  The THOUGHTS, OF Truth, ENGRAVED BY Spirit, Holy Witness TO Truth.

Th Teacher IS the Author of Truth. The Engraver of the Word upon mind and heart of SOUL.

 To RESTORE the dead UNTO Life, by the Power of Truth God having to DRAG His LOST soul from the darkness BACK INTO His Kingdom , House WITH Him?

AN HEIR?   Spirit BEGETS Spirit, the INHERITANCE of Spirit filled Flesh IS Living the Life that Pleases God.  The Sword of Truth, piercing your heart of darkness dead, separating your soul from darkness by His Presence., 

Christ, OUR Freedom.  ONCE you Taste of Him your Walk Changes TO Run WITHIN the Straight Path of Christ set before you, His BODY. 

I believed every speaker of flesh, did not Know Christ His Presence, so I followed a RELIGIOUS PATH that is not of Christ.  THE ONLY Law I NOW Follow unto death of body of flesh.  I WANT TO Live IN Truth, Christ, IN His Body and I want to DEPART this dying flesh, Lifted by Him, BEHING Him into the Kingdom OF NOW.   Madness to children of flesh in love with the world.  A soul mocked, TOO MUSH Wine of   Christ His Presence.

This Day of Union NEVER ENDS.  The days lived in darkness; time of darkness ARE FADING AWAY into nonexistence is the OLD life.  My Eyes of my Head, HAVE FIXED this soul upon God His Presence NO and EVER NOW.

To BELIEVE God IS . Christ His Solution for Garden problem, I WAS blind IN body of darkness, BUT NOW IN Christ, I See.

 God the Creator, had a Garden problem.   EVERYTHING in existence, EXISTS TO serve God.

The Darkness the tool by which the SOUL Discerns LIGHT.  We are the flesh that became the house of darkness,   And Christ PUT ON the flesh of death and Raised it NEW Garment for Reborn SOUL THAT Live, Run, EXIST IN Christ and CROSS OVER out of temporary womb of time.

OUR Head, the Eyes of TRUE Perception without flaw, speak of darkness.  You SAY Jesus is he Son of God, BUT do you have the Spirit of Faith TO Live the Life of Christ in flesh on eaerth?

IN union of desire with sin of pleasing self and not God?  Ruled by desires of FLESH, AND ignoring the Reality of God His Spirit and Seed of Truth that TRANSFORM the dead soul into a LIVING soul in His Body?  HINDERED, chained to, in unbelief and unable to  ENTER Truth?  God  the SOURCE of Power that His Will, Decision, to DRAG you out of hell ALL THE Way BACK TO Him.

The gullible human soul.  The soul void of Spirit has no Life, Truth, Hope within.  IT is only by God His Will, ASSISTANCE, Power, Presence, that the SOUL can Escape the pit of death, mouth of the devouring lion of darkness.

What EXCUSE does flesh, human children enslaved to darkness, have NOW?  The Light is Shining, Brighter and Brighter unto Rebirth Day Celebration.  Seated NOW, WHEN Awakened, ARE His Children.  Time but an imagination, many hours of darkness BEFORE THE Sun of Day appears.

We live in darkness and God ignites our souls with Flame of Fire, and EVERYTHING IS Changed.

Christ born in the fullness-of-time. Life of Light ENTERE, D the world of darkness.

 The warring winds of flesh, rage, resist, deny.  But the Light they released from the Vessel of Holiness shall, ALWAYS, NOW, the Flame of God goes from candle to candle across the world of darkness, Light REMOVES darkness.  Heaven on earth.

The temporary spirits of darkness, flesh of darkness, RAGE fueled by fear, this is but a PASSING DREAM, the Awakened soul set of Fire vy Flame, shall GROW Brighter and Brighter.

The fake candles of darkness, hypocrisy, lovers of sin nature, shall be snuffed out by the Mighty Wind Spirit, Breath of God.

The TEMPORARY timeS of darkness shall pass, cease to exist.  ALL the Shall REMAIN IS Light and Light.   The REBIRTH of a Garden of Perfection, Reflection of God.

ONE MOMENT, of surrender to Truth, NOTW is the rebellion of darkness over.

There is NO fear of darkness in the REBORN SOULS that Know God OUR Father..

What resistance if there IN temporary time, hours, AGAINST Eternal NOWN?

Stop listening to flesh that loves it human nature of sin, AND BE Transformed into a LIVING SOUL Enraptured in, by Spirit of Love.   He GAVE His temporary body to pain, hate, RAGE, DEATH to set We His Bride, Body FREE IN Reality.  He PAID, He DIED, NOW BELIEVE, ANDY after this world is gone, Rise Awake IN Reality.  He is the Reality of His Saints, those who believe THEREFORE We OBEY

Those who NOW disobey, it is because they are asleep in darkness not Awake IN Christ His Body.   Time to Wake UP from the nightmare of the hours of darkness and Stand, Remain Awake.  The flesh will fall back asleep without the Presence of Spirit of Light.  The Flame in His lamp does not stop Shining especially in darkness.

Believe the Lord.  The time of darkness is over when YOU Door of the SOUL to the Lord.  Soul by Soul He Shines yhe Light of Day. UNTIL darkness is no more.

WITHOUT darkness the Light could NOT BE Seen,  Wise God.  Blessed His Children. their Eyes Opened to See, Seek the Light.

HUMAN thoughts of SPECULATION are not the Truth, Thoughts of Spirit. 1 John ch 3-4.

 Christ's Spirit, SOURCE OF Living Law, Truth, Christ IN us Ruling us the SPIRITUAL GOVERNMENT OF God His Kingdom, IN His Children.  The REBORN SOULS, whose hearts WILLINGLY OBEY BY Love, by Spirit of the Father.

God as OUR Father.  The GOOD Father who LOVES us therefore He DISCIPLINES us, TURNS uf from disobedience unto Obedience.  He Helps, He Saves US , SENDS the Spirit of Truth, Christ into us.  Greater is He His Will, His Presence than any other thin existent.   EVERYTHING IS TEMPORARY PASSING DREAMS, SHADOWS AND DARKNESS.  God IS Reality, God is ETERNAL, PERPETUAL "NOW", God IN us.  THE God, the Spirit and His LIVING Seed, Rising unto producing Holy Fruit WHEN Watered with Rain from above.

Christ IN His Body. Body Ruled by DOMINION ck Love.   The Holy Sabbath in the REBORN SOUL,  Where Christ Stands and HAS His BEING God.  God my ALL in all.   IF you HAVE the Spirit in your SOUL, Spirit will Transform, Conform, Change, GROW you into the Likeness of Christ, PREPARED TO depart the womb of darkness into His Arms, Kingdom.   God IS PERFECT Power.  Love.

EXERCISING IN the Spirit, by the Spirit we are BECOME, Ready to Walk in the Kingdom where NONE fall back into  darkness.  God GLORIFIES Him His Self in human flesh, He Reveals His Power, His Love.   The children of flesh HATE the Body of Christ.  Christ the VERY Word, Thought-Life IN HUMAN flesh SENT them into RAGE.  IN LOVE WITH SIN THEIR MASTER, the god of fallen flesh.   THEY-thought they could KILL God, BUT THE Light is NOW swallowing the darkness into nonexistence.   Light NOW Reigns over darkness in flesh, WHERE Spirit Lives, HAS BEING as God.

Monday, November 27, 2023

God made Adam in His SpiritUAL Image LIKENESS. THEN the spirit of darkness Poisoned the flesh of DUST.

 Spirit begets Spirit.  Flesh begets flesh.Adam Created in Likeness, Spirit, THEN POISONED MIND FILLED WITH DOUBT, lack of Faith.  Adam separated from Truth, by the woMAN, instrument serpent used.   Adam, separate TWO, ONE in Eye of God.  The Head must rule over the Body.  The mind of flesh corrupted by the thoughts of evil one. Man fallen into darkness when separated from Light, Truth. The FLESH OF Adam become  prisoner of darkness.  Christ crucifying the fallen flesh of Adam, into a Body, Flesh OF Life.

The deceiver took the body captive to error, SEPARATION FROM Truth, THE Adam did not want to live without his own flesh, self.

First separation, THE SOUL.  The man from God by his OWN flesh.  THEN without Christ, Truth, the final separation of BOTH soul and bodies from Life, dead in prison of death.  Eve the body of Adam her head.  BOTH ONE fallen unto darkness alone.

The angel, human spirit of envy, pride, evil, TOOK FIRST the woman, womb of Adam and put his seed of darkness into Eve, womb of man.   The darkness, spirit, must enter and take up residence in the MIND of the flesh and EXIST.  The children of flesh and HUMAN SPIRITS are not Holy DNA. 

There used to be GIANT lizards.  THEN there were none.

Light shall Swallow darkness and Eternal Swallow time.

 ONCE you See you cannot stop Looking at Him.  ONCE you Hear the INAUDIBLE Voice, His Thoughts Written, Engraved into mind, He IF UNFORGETTABLE God.

The dead souls in dying flesh have but TIME TO Seek, Find, CLING to His Presence, THEN ALL that remains IS the Light of Light.  Darkness cease to exist, time is removed by Eternal.

By His Spirit, Presence, Thoughts I Live and this SOUL Reborn shall never die, be dead again.

Our Father Help you that are minds wrestling with time.  Christ our Head and His Body, NOW ARE ONE outside his graveyard of dust, We NOW Liv in Union of Love beyond this temporary world of time.

Eternal God put on the flesh of time and Saved us.  As a soul believes so that so IS.  He is my Understanding, He IS my Victory, my Declaration of God.  The Church, THE BODY OF Christ, my Home.

Complete Obedience BY Spirit ENABLING the Reborn SOUL to Please OUR Father. This Evidene of Love.

 Our Obedience the Mark, Evidence of His Spirit.  His Children by Spirit, Nature COME WHEN Called. IF you DO NOT Keep the Eyes of REBORN SOUL Fixed upon Him His Presence, you will fall and keep falling UNTIL you Understand. Because you Believe and COME TO Know, Experience His Presence.  BY PERSEVERANCE OF Faith in the REBORN SOUL of Faith.

The Tree-Trimmer is available by Faith, Prayer of Faith.  ASKING and Help removes that which hinders.  God the Merciful with the confessing sinner unto Spirit of Repentance, Raising the soul Alive from the dead fallen in inexistence in darkness of their OWN human mibonds.

Fix your soul upon Truth, and let death bury his dead, BE STILL, LET Spirit Raise you to Walk without falling down and back into darkness of death.  The Living Children are Taught Fed by Spirit of Christ.  We are the Body of Christ.  Alive by Spirit.

Flee the religious body of death. So many kinds  masquerading, pretending to BE the ONE Truth. Partially dead, partially alive, IS DEATH SENTENCE.  Souls lost in womb of time, immature conceptions.  That which is the Body of Christ shall Follow Christ into Eternal Perpetual Day

Genesis. The breath of flesh, AIR became one with dust of ground and man BECAME a soul filled with temporary life of AIR.

 God CREATED a garden for AIR breathing flesh.  MANY TREES, man may eat of but not the tree if death its poisoned fruit evil that appears but is not, tastes good to flesh but is not.  The fruit of the tree that is BOTH good AND evil, MIXED together.  HUMAN wisdom that seems good to a man but is not.  Partial obedience to Truth, is not ABWOLUTE, PERPETUAL Obedience TO T/ruth  The mind of the Devil, his thoughts ARE NOT God's Thoughts.  To listen to any other spirit than the Spirit of Truth IS TO DIE OF POISON.    INFECTED BY DOUBT unto, into UNBELIEF.  Separated from God, Light, BY darkness.  A little yeast of malice RUINS the WHOLE Loaf of Bread.

The Spirit, Breath, Presence of God is within His Children.

The HUMAN spirit of AIR, breath of flesh is temporary life.  Temporary man is not the PERPETUAL Man Planted IN the Kingdom of God.  The SPECK of darkness, malice RUINS the whole soul.  BY Faith BECOME NEW, REBORN OF God Perpetual Goodness, Holiness, Righteous LOVE.

Adam become a BODY, field of death, producing dead fruit.  Christ THE NEW Man OF Life, and the old man, old flesh dead even while it appears to be alive it is dead.  The WHOLE tree given to death.

Christ THE Man, Seed and Rain come down from above, Rooted in fallen flesh, BECOME CRUCIFIED AS ONE, BUT Sinless Soul of Life, Raised His BLED OUT Body Alive with Him. Filled with the Breath, Presence of God.   From REBORN SOUL Resurrected in the Body of Christ.

To Walk with Christ, you must BE IN Christ His Body.

WHY SO HARD FOR dead soul in mortal flesh to take hold of Christ, Truth and CLING?

With God in us by Faith, ALL is possible He COMMANDS, DESIRES. FROM a soul in which God Abides, Remains, God IN Dominion.

Putting on Christ, Snake Boots to dance the night until Dawn.

Christ IN us His Body, OFFENDS the children of flesh and deceit.

 Isn't this man of flesh, just a man like us?  WHERE does this man of flesh GET, Receive FHis Wisdom and Power FROM?  Because of their unbelief, human spirit, they rejected, CONSPIRED against Him.  They had the SAME spirit as Sodom and Gomorrah BEFORE they confessed, TURNED TO Truth.

Merciful Christ UNTO those who Gather UNTO Him His Presence.

The children of flesh, their spirit, voices, WINDS that resist THE Way of God.  God IN His Chosen is STRONGER and CARRIES us to the Shore of Home.

God IS WITH, IN you?  BE NOT AFRAID of flesh Obey Spirit and Live not die.   Remain in the Vessel of Faith.  Christ.  The worship of flesh is with words not ACTIONS. Lip service of the children of hypocrisy.  Lie like their father.  The Children of Spirit, Home Grown, HOME Schooled. That which IS COME OF, FROM God, RETURNS Home by Spirit.

Flesh is tempted, but Spirit is not.  BOW NOT TO flesh but REMAIN ONE With, In Spirit.

Harvet time, THE END, WHEN the workers of death gather and the Workers of Life Gather UNTO Spirit.

 Understand BY Spirit?  The wicked dead souls in flesh shall be separated, taken away, removed WITH the darkness.  The Good Gathered into Vessels of Christ.  BUT the bad, the dead, sust, CAST AWAY.  ONLY Light shall REMAIN, the LIVING WITH the Light.

They HATED and CONSPIRED against the Truth o9 Spirit.  Blasphemers against Truth.

HINT.  The darkness cannot exist at all in the presence of Light.  So darkness put on the Lifeless flesh and MADE WAR with God.  But God the Light of Revelation HAS, is, all the Power at ALL times of darkness, beginning  of darkness unto THE END of Darkness WHEN THE Light IS ALL IN ALL His Chosen lamps.

NOT ONE, EVEN ONE God's in the Beginning is left dead in darkness its power.

Shine or sleep on in death, unbelief. MATTHEW 13:49, the WICKED are cut, severed from the JUST, Justified by Faith, Spirit, Life, They the Body of Christ.

IF Christ, Light IS in you, THEN HOW can darkness remain?

 The wolves disguised as shepherds, work for the rewards of flesh and darkness.  Either Christ is in you or you are a liar, pretender, deceiver, a ACTING like hypocrite, SAYING you ARE but you ARE NOT.

Godless HUMAN teachers in and of flesh, guides of darkness, lead even deeper, farther from the Truth until buried in nonexistence.   The dead turned back to DUST.  Where they FALL they remain.

The Shepherd of the Living, Calls us from LOST TO Found.  NOTHING exists temporarily OR eternally but by the Will of God.

Angels of disobedience of Angels of Obedience.  The Spirit of Obedience, the Life Generated of God His Presence IN His Children.  The flesh is nothing.  The REBORN SOUL the Existing by Faith in God.

The Head and Body BREATH AS ONE.  God the Life of PERPETUAL Obedience.

The Teacher, Guide, Helper KNOWS the Meaning, the VERY Thoughts of God.  The Spirit of Necessary Goodness, Truth, if you DESIRE TO Live in PERFECT Union of Love with God.

Where John leaned, rested, his head ON Jesus, Christ Resteed on Father.

 The Body and Head of Christ rely on Spirit.  Christ IS COME TO Call sinners, hypocrites, liars, deceivers TO Repentance.  Spirit of Repentance unto Obedience.  You do not PUT a NEW SOUL into the OLD garment of flesh, nor the old dead soul in NEW Garment.  For they will TEAR, pull away separate from each other.  THEIR condition WORSE.

The Christless, Lifeless SOUL, human soul IS dead SOUL.  NO Life in it.  A CERTAIN ruler CAME IN Worship, we Worship IN, BY Spirit, and Said to Jesus: my daughter, flesh, is NOW DEAD, BUT IF You COME AND Touch her she WILL Live.   Jesus entered the ruler's house where people, flesh, were making a NOISE OF MOURNING, AND He Said she is NOT dead, just asleep.  And they LAUGHED AT Him..  He REMOVED  the unbelievers, mockers, doubters, from the room and His Hand took her hand and  Commanded she Rise.

WHERE Faith IS, THERE will BE Miracles.  According to FAITH IN you so it shall BE done according to your Faith.  Doubt of unbeliver should expect NOTHING.  Faith begets Faith, MORE FAITH.  Doubt, unbelief, removes, takes away what little you have.  Lord, Help me to Believe.  Give me the necessary Faith.  Spirit TO Help me.

The Testimony of Truth.  The REBORN HAVE Heard, Seen the Power of Wind.  They HEAR the Call of Father and they RISE QUICKLY DO TO Him without hesitation BECAUSE He IS their Father.

Children outside in time of darkness, OBEY our Father, NOW, IS the TIME OF darkness to COME IN and Stay with Him.  AT REST in His Presence.

The temptation to remain outside with the children of darkness, playing games in darkness.  TAKE your brother by Spirit by the hand and PULL him IN.

Christ our Shepherd, NEVER LEAVES His Father's Sheep ALONE among the wolves in darkness. Light of Truth SAVES us.

, Peace REMAINS in Reborn SOULS at Peace with God.   Dust of death, the lifeless souls of dust, live temporarily and then DIE, RETURN TO dust.  The children of flesh, human fathers, are DUST.  You the Living Vessels, SHAKE OFF THE DUST that seeks to CLING to your Feet. Perpetual Spirit of LIVING Waters, PERPETUALLY Bathing, Washing our Feet.   Those who reject, refuse to hear, listen, accept your Truth, BE WISE, AND HARMLESS AS Doves among wolves of darkness, men the children of flesh that SEEK TO harm you, My Testimony against them.  They will HATE you and your Truth, FOR My Name, Mark, Spirit upon you.  FLEE.  It IS enough for you to Serve, to BE LIKE Me your Master.  You a Servant IN My Household.

Reality.  Th against Spirit, Testimony in you.  Sinners, unrepentant, liars that BLASPHENE, speak lies against Truth.  PARUIAL obedience is not fullness of Obedience.  MAKE the tree Good or EVIL.  COMPLETE Goodness.  A little evil makes the WHOLE evil.  God's Tree is Known by His Fruit.

Stop being deceived by you human self, spirit in dead soul.  BE Obedient by Faith, has no doubt, or dwell in unbelief in darkness WHERE there IS NO Faith, Truth, Life, Hope...Way to Escape.  The kingdom of darkness, the darkness can not EXIST with Light.  Satan, darkness remains, exists, separated from Light. Darkness cannot cast out darkness or he has no kingdom at all.

The Garden of Peace turned into garden of hell by a serptent.

 The Spirit that separates the Seed of Wheat from the weeds of hell.  Jesus: WHY DO you-thin, k EVIL in your hearts?  IS IT EASIER to SAY OR do?   Easier to SAY your sins ARE Forgiven, OR to COMMAND: RISE, STAND? Miracle Prayer OF Faith. Power in the mind, heart and SOUL believes and TRUSTS.  Unashamed of being a believer.  Know Him and Say, DECLARE His Name.  He is our Employer.  His workers in temporary flesh.   The Reward for Obedience is NEW Flesh of Christ, ONCE   The SOUL TESTED by darkness and the Light REMAINS IN the soul.  The SOUL REBORN found to BE WOTTHY of Christ His Flesh.  Ready WHEN the Light STAYS ON never turns off.

There is NO evil IN the Presence of Goodness.

Those with fear in their hearts, have DOUBTS and not Faith.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

The spirit of temptation that moves, lives, governs a DEAD SOUL, Godless soul.

 The DOUBT of Unbelief, that separates the SOUL from Life, God, Spirit of Truth.  The house filled with doubt of unbelief MUST BECOME a Room in the House of Faith.  The House, Christ, HAS MANY ROOMS for LIVING SOULS.

So God Helps me to move from unbelief into Faith.   The Power of God His Transforming Power.  Holy Fire that does not destroy like the fire  of hell that consumes both the soul and flesh as one.  The fire of destruction is not the Fire, Light OF Cleansing and Reformation.

The TEST.  Testing THE FLESH to see what lives, dwells, has its being in OLD flesh.  Where there is NO New Spirit, of Rebirth, there is no God, Life, Truth, in the dead soul.

Christ CAME down and lived as a HUMAN being, flesh.  Christ was a DIVINE Soul in human flesh.  Greater the Divine Spirit, Power in the Soul Christ, than the spirit of flesh and AIR.  The God Breathed Word, Truth put on flesh and Walked among men of flesh and AIR.  Christ the LIVING SOUL Born of Spirit, God.  Spirit begets Spirit. Flesh begets flesh with HUMAN spirit. The CREATING Holy Flesh from dying flesh, corrupted skin of dead soul, man.   God Restoring FALLEN flesh TO Spirit.  Creator Created man OF FLESH, First, in order to Crucify, bleed out the evil spirit, AIR, in the blood.  THEN God Raised the Body of Christ, Filled His SINLESS Flesh with Breath of Life.

ONLY Light CAN CAST OUT darkness, ONLY Goodness removes evil, disobedience.  The servant of God is worthy of His Food for the Body of Christ.  The Presence of Christ His Spirit CASTS OUT, REMOVES evil darkness, unbelief.   TO Know Him because we ARE His Body.

The desires of flesh MUST BE CRUCIFIED DEAD by Faith IN God, Word. Divine Presence, Truth must Live, Rule, Remain in you BY Faith IN God, His Word.

 The SOLLUTION, Remedy, CURE for temptation and falling  DOWN, IS Christ His Spirit, the Power to RESIST and OBEY God always.  The churches of flesh  of flesh doctrines can save NONE, BUT THE Spirit of His Children, Body, Church, HAVE Spirit ENGRAVED Doctrine of Truth, in, upon the minds and hearts of their LIVING SOULS.

God the Living Father, True Life, Spirit of Life according to God, Reality, enters and the soul becomes the Residence of Goodness.  The dead human soul becomes a Living Child of God by Spirit, Breath of God.

Devoted to God or serving desires of flesh?  Purified by Fire or impure, unclean.  God IS GREATER than flesh.  God CONFORMS the Reborn SOUL unto Spirit, Presence, Life.  The Spirit TRANSFORMS, Changed the soul from darkness TO Light.

God does not hide His Presence from His Children.  God REVEALS Him Self TO them.  We ARE ONE Seed, ONE Fruit ONE Spirit.  That which COMES FROM Him, Returns to Him WHEN Called TO Him.

ALWAYS RESIST, SAY NO to temptations, thoughts of evil one.  WAKE UP AND REMAIN Aw  ake IN Christ, the Light.

Christ in you His Body is ALL you need TO Live.  Ask.  IN Faith, THEN Receive IN Faith.

You? You CHOOSE God? The misunderstood doctrines of offspring of flesh and blood.

 SUPREME, UTMOST God.  Reality. Truth.  The HUMAN sHoul IS DEAD void of Spirit, Life.  The human soul is a TEMPORARY life in dying flesh.  Tainted blood.  The spirit of AIR, is in the blood of flesh.  You MUST BY God, Spirit, BECOME Reborn filled with Breath of God. Eternal Life.  Christ was SENT to put on sin natured flesh, reliant upon AIR, spirit, to Crucify, bleed out the OLD life from flesh and RAISE the Flesh NEW, Garment, Sinless for the REBORN 'OF Christ His Spirit, Power to put on to Walk in.

NO Spirit, NO Life, NO returning to God, Holiness, Righteousness, Love.  God's Spirit, Christ's Spirit OF Faith.  God IN us doing FOR us the impossible without Him.

The HUMAN heart condition, the heart relying upon AIR, evil spirit, to live a temporary life of flesh. IF you HAVE NOT the Spirit of God, you ARE NOT His.  The spiritual BRETHREN OF Christ His Body HAVE the Spirit IN THEIR souls, minds and hearts.

Have you not THE Spirit, OF Understanding?  CONFESS AND ASK, Receive Him.  The HUMAN heart void of Spirit is FULL OF EVIL THOUGHTS THAT FLOW from the EVIL human spirit that has rooted itself within the soul.  Spiritual CONTAMINATION.  The 

ENEMY OF Christ, Life of Truth, dwells, RULES from within the mind and heart of SOUL.  Human flesh but the puppet on the chains of evil.

Our HUMAN thoughts are not God's GOOD Thoughts.  We HAVE the mind of FLESH and MUST BY Faith, Receive the Spirit, Mind, Thoughts of God.   The dead soul and the dying body of flesh, belong to angel of death, spirit that wars against the Spirit.  The human spirit is spirit of disobedience.  The Spirit of Christ, IN the Reborn, is the Spirit of absolute Obedience to God.

TO BEAR WITHIN the Spirit of God, IS the Mark of BEING, BELONGING TO God. God is HUMAN spirit in flesh. God in Christ His Body, is the VERY Breath, Spirit Presence of God.

That which breaths air, that which is flesh of human spirit IS the enemy og God, Holy Breath of Life in Reality.   Believe the Word of God, if you have not Spirit you do not belong to, Know God.  UNABLE to DISCERN, RECOGNIZE, Follow Truth.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The destructiv love of self BEFORE others.

 To Think FIRST OF God, Goodness, and then Think what IS Good FOR others.  The walking dead souls in a room, place, bumping into, causing others to fall.  It is the HUMAN spirit within flesh that seeks, is pleased to cause others to fall in order to measure, compare themselves to others and not TO God.

God IN His Chosen Temple, the Body of Christ with MANY Rooms.  The deaf, the blind, the lame, pushing and falling over each other, hindered by their Godless flesh.  The BEAUTY OF ONE Resident, ONE Owner, God PLEASING Him Self.

A dead soul Raised Alive in the Body of Christ can not consider itself anything but DEPENDANT on God.   Lord You Purchased a House of MANY Rooms NOW CONFROM us to Your Desires.  You Lord do not Conform to us, Christ HAS Conformed His Body UNTO You.

Best to BE STILL, Reat in His Spirit, the Carpenter Knows WHAT Pleases God.

The Perpetual Desire to be found Pleasing Him and not desires of flesh i dominion over dead soul.

 What is IN a man, flesh?  Applly pressure, squeeze tight and observe what comes out of the skin.  Even the enemy knows about flesh, Satan said to God: JUST TOUCH his flesh and see if he will honor you with his mind and heart, soul to emotions, thoughts of flesh.

Flesh begets flesh. Better to have told the Truth to MY flesh and blood, they are not angels, they are self-deceived, misguided flesh.  I lived the ONLY way I KNEW, BY THOUGHTS OF FLESH, emotions.

The Mirror that is God.  Christ the Reflection of God.  Clean inside soul, the Outward flesh cemented in Obedience cannot be moved, separated from God the Foundation.  Tear it down, God will Build a BETER House for His Presence.  God MOVING IN and Restoring house to His Likeness.

The soul in love with stuff that God desires Removed.  The Things, in, with God are Good. Eternal.

America in love with temporary, refuses to get rid of any thing of flesh.  ALL given up in Exchange for the Riches of Heaven.  Time for a YARD SALE, every thing not God, must GO, BEFORE you Move.

BECAUSE you ARE His, belong to Him, get ready for a whooping AND Thank Him. Dicipline Turns, Returns, Restores us TO the House of Obedience.

There is a wrong spirit and a Right Spirit.  Those who Know, Recognize Him, ASK for Help to Please Him.  NO to flesh the PERPETUAL Yes TO God.

Time to BECOME a Living SOUL Taught by Father His Spirit, HOW TO Live and not die in the pit of PERPETUAL darkness.

Who foolish the one that hinders, separated His Child from Spirit unto error?  Death is inevitable for dying flesh and disobedient soul.  The body OF disobedience die, depart the temporary world together as ONE. Place in grave they have NO Way, Spirit, Life TO RETURN them to God.  The dead souls remain dead to God, cast outside the Kingdom of the Living Body of Christ.

Give temporary self TO God, Life of Love and Honor Him with His Thoughts, His Spirit.  Glorify Him as SUPREME, ONLY True God.  Reality.  Flesh a temporary dream asleep in darkness. Unconscious of God His Presence.   EVERY NEW day of darkness, I Rest IN Christ.  Learning all about the INVISIBLE NOW. PERPETUAL Life Lived as ONE with God, Spirit and Word, Holy Thought-Life of a MATURE Soul HELD BY Spirit to Think Speak, Walk, Live Christ BY Faith.

Don't want to drown in waters of unrighteousness? JUST Breath as ONE with Spirit AND FLOAT.

 The dead that NEVER reach the Shores of Life.  ALL I want to Think and DO is PLEASE to Him and Say NO to evil, IN Faith.  His Will for me IS DONE by God.  God alone is Obedience, True.  God our Obedience, Love, Truth, WITHIN the soul, the Breath within the LIVING Reborn SOUL.  Without Spirit I cannot Love God as He LOVES me.

America the lost, blind, become deaf to Sound of Freedom, the Voice of God.  God SAVE us from our evil self-lost in human desires.  ONLY You can Save the LOST.  Raise Your Generation of Light, the greater the darkness, the GREATER the Praise, Glory, Honor Given to You AS God.  IN the Light of Your Presence there is not one day, one hour, even one moment of darkness.  Save us, from the body, flesh of darkness. IN the fires of flesh we WAIT FOR You to Save us.  Holy Preserver Keep us Afloat, unharmed, UNTOUCHED by desires of human Godless flesh.

We Know NOW we Live and never soul shall die with body. We LOVE the Rain and fear not drowning with flesh so long as We BREATHE.

The FLESH separated from God BY Truth. Hates the messenger of Truth. Recognise and LOVE them always as Father HAS Loved you in your disobedience.

 The Gift of God His Presence, LIFE to a dead soul, our Resurrection. No one Knows they ARE IN darkness UNTIL God OPENS THEIR Eyes and TURNS the Light on.

ONCE you See, you Know the Presence of Light from the darkness of the world.  THIS IS HOW we Know that we belong to God, God IN us IS GREATER.  Spirit of our Obedience REIGNS Seated upon the soul.  KNOW THIS?  It IS God, OUR NEW Spirit of Consciousness, His Spirit of Consciousness makes us Know, Believe we ARE IN UNION, ONENESS WITH Him.

The HUMAN SPIRIT OF SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS, spiritual DEATH of soul, desires to swallow the dead, disconnected soul, into the belly of NO RETURN.  Where flesh, Godless dust TURNS BACK into to oneness with waterless dust.

Lord be with, in, leading me out of this world, realm of dying and dead.  Cling to the Spirit of Ascencion, look nowhere but AT Him, depart this world with ONE Thing Good.  The Presence, Spirit of Christ's Body.

Christ the ONE Desire of a REBORN SOUL.  IF you want to Live and not die with the body of flesh, death.

The Holy Flame OF Holy Fire, setting the darkness ABLAZE. From candle to candle, WHERE THE Flame REMAINS, THERE IS Light.

 The Wings of Spirit, FAN the candles of His Body.  Set on Fire with Love of God.  The OLD flesh BECOME New Flesh, Christ the Seed for Wheat, Waters for GROWIN IN Likeness.  The garment of many colors of flesh, Exchanged for the Flesh of Christ.   The sin stained, torn, abused, by spirit of disobedience, MUST BE Changed by Faith into Christ His Garment of sinless flesh, no spot, no stain whatsoever.  The OLD flesh CONFORMED TO SpFirit of Father, Love, Forgiveness, Repentance unto Restoration.  THE Power of God, Faith, Love, Mercy, His INDWELLING Presence by Faith in us, TRANSORMS THE dead soul into a PERPETUAL soul OF Life.

From on unlit candle to another, the candles, lamps of Light are set ablaze with the Flame, Christ of the Fire. UNTIL the ENTIRE House, EVERY Room in His House is Cleansed, Restored, Filled with the Presence, Spirit of God.

There remains NO EXCUSE for stumbling unto fall , led by disobedience for Christ DIED FOR you. HAS NOT God DECLARED Christ the SOUL Saving Truth, SENT TO Reveal the Way back to God His House.  Room by Room, Restored to the House of His Presence.

The Eyes OF Christ's Body, Know and by Faith Live, Walk, Obey as Head, Truth DEMANDS of His Body.  The PRETENDERS of darkness have NO Truth IN them, the weeds, seeds of unbelief.

Christ, Life of Obedience, the ELEMENT missing from souls lost in the works of darkness.

 Souls being Gathered unto Light, THE Presence of Light, in Christ. passing through the world of darkness.  God gets ALL the Glory, Honore AND OBEDIENCE OWED TO Him.  Christ IN the SOUL and the soul AT Peace, IN STILLNESS at the Feet of Truth.  WHERE there IS a SOUL Filled and Led by Spirit, THERE in that SOUL IS Peace with God and men.   WHEN you Know God is the Author of each and every life lived or Lived.   There is NO Peace, stillness within the SOUL until surrendered fully unto God, Spirit and His Truth.

Human traditions of dying flesh.  Not a thought of WHERE they ARE NOW, and how to change of thought that leads to Life away from death.

Father has MUCH TO Say.  BUT FIRST Rest, THEN Walk again with Him.

Father GIVE Your Thoughts to this soul and Prepared me for departure time.  EVERY SECOND OF TIME, NOW a soul departs this world dead of Alive IN Christ, Your Presence overflows my mind, but BLESS me Father with a hear overflowing with Love.  Love warns, to Warn and not just sit and watch others fall INTO the mouth of NOW Return.  Dead and SWALLOWED by death with dead body.

To walk, live, breathe without Your Presence, IS TO BE ALREADY DEAD, Lifeless, Godless, LOST in perpetual darkness.   Shine Father Your Presence that the blind may See, may Hear, Rise Alive by Faith.

The EXPIERENCING His Presence by FAITH, Changles darkness to Light, wrong to Right, evil TO Good.  The Blessing in, of a HAPPY HERT IN THE Body under the Rule of the Mind in the Head of Jesus.

The Groom is waiting at the Alar, NOW Join Him IN Love. The soul that Knows God, LOVES God.

 IF you Know Him, THEN, OBEY Him.  The EVIDENCE you are Alive.  Turned from serving darkness, flesh. AND BECOME a Servant of God.  The Reborn Serve God their Father and no OTHER spirit.  We ALL BORN OF FLESH and poisoned blood.  The life of flesh INFECTED by poison of serpent, is DEATH in a soul.  The human soul is BORN DEAD, but the temporary body of FLESH is slowly dying, carrying the soul to the pit of way to Return TO God.  The DEAD, souls, cannot ENTER the Kingdom, the Presence of God.  Not in a fallen state, condition of disobedience, that pretends, masquerades as God's but is a soul given to death.

Christ the Remedy, Solution, Cure for the shedding the skin, flesh of serpent, darkness for Perfect Garment.  ONLY Reborn, NEW SOULS, Born of His Will, His Choice, Rise and Serve ONLY Him.  By His Presence, Will, Power within them.  Christ the Word, Will, Power of God, IN US BY God's Hand Planted.  The WATERLESS WEEDS are already dead.

ASK Father the OWNER of EVERYTHING.  Who Gives and TAKES according to His Will.  IF you cannot accept THE Truth of God. You will NEVER seek, find, grasp, take hold OF Life in His Kingdom.

The wicked foolish heart that NEVER WAS His from the Beginning of TIME.

The Body of Christ lost in temporary darkness WAS ALWAYS His. Love brought us back to our Father Reality.   The LAST time, the LAST Call.  WAKE UP AND Shine forth His Presence.

Abel a Willing heart. Cain a heart of resistance. Acceptable to God BY Spirit, u, nacceptable by human spirit? Know whose you ARE?

 The RESTORATION OF a Garden of Life, from a garden of death.  Christ the Owners Son. Sent to take back God's Property.  Christ the NEW Man in a Garden without evil.  The Serpent, lie, has been PIERCED with the Sword of Light, Truth, Love.   WAKE UP, from the human dream of life without God His Presence.  BELIEVE He IS, and He HAS Raised the Body of Christ WITH Him, Head.

The Light is Risen, Seated WITHIN US, IN us, there is no Shadow of darkness, NOTHING BUT Brightness of Light.  The SOUL become nothing but Light.  It is the FLESH that CASTS shadows, doubts, thoughts of darkness.

The LITTLE Children, NEW BORN SOULS OF the NOW Generation.  NOW is the moment of their BECOMING, DOING ACCORDING TO the Spirit of Christ, as Christ Thinks, Speaks, DOES, so His Body follows Example, Reality set IN us to Live PLEASING God not the human self, SOUL poisoned with lie, dead doubting God.  Christ NEVER doubted, neither does the Body of Christ.  We are the Body, BLED OUT, Purified, Clean Garment Prepared for us by Father who LOVES His SOULS LOST IN THE WILDERNESS OF DARKNESS, ABOUT TO BE SWALLOWED int nonexistence.

A SOUL that BEARS Christ, Spirit of Christ in SOUL, is Reborn.  BELONGS TO You.  The DEVIL, father of the dead IN TIME, has destroyed himself darkness BY Swallowing the Light, Christ.  There is no darkness where there is light within the soul. Light Bulb from Heaven.

The WILLING SOUL surrenders and PREPARES for Union with Christ.  The resistant DEAD soul in love with darkness, wars against the Light of Love.

The Willing Body of Christ the Obedient Soul. We ARE His Reborn souls, IN His Likeness. Formed in womb of darkness, INTO the Light, Presence, Reality.

The ANGRY, RESENTFUL, Jealous Cain, STRUCK, KILLED ABLE.  BECAUSE? Cain PLEASED God not him self, flesh.  God is Spirit.  WHAT PLEASES God, IS Good, His SPIRITUAL Reflection.  The spirit of flesh, darkness, draws back from Light, Truth, Love.  Anything that removes darkness, darkness flees.

God's ENEMY has done THIS.  MIXED his seed, thought, error, in the hearts and minds of ALL SOULS born of FLESH, Christ the ONLY Son of God, Genuine Seed, We the Body of Christ, MANY Seed of Wheat fallen into the earth, pit and Raised a LIVING Body, not earthly, CELESTIAL. Immortal.  The soul REBORN that BE COMES THE Reflection of Christ our Head, and the Mind IN Head, SHALL Crossing OVER Alive IN OBEDIENCE, Receives the Reward of NEW IMMORTAL Garment.

EXAMINATION.  OF the soul, house, to see its TRUE condition, calling down? OR Standing by Spirit, Keeper of the house and soul.  The HUMAN spirit needs  CASTING OUT by the Owner.  The bad condition of the house due to an enemy that cares not about the house.  The ANTI-Christ is always at home in his stolen property.  Where there remains desire for evil, what the presence of evil gives the house  KEEPS the soul in bondage to darkness.

What lives, has its being in a soul, is the source of all EVIL, thoughts and actions, the devil turns the flesh into coffin the souls sleeps into nonexistence.  Where there is NO God, THERE, there IS evil.

The human soul and its heart condition. Phisician Says that you have a BAD heart. BELIEVE Him, not self, and do as He Says.

 Good Recognizes bad.  God IS Good Thought. Truth.  Where does theThevil thought that leads to evil actions, come from?  The soul born Lifeless, Powerless to do Good.  There is NO Good, PURE Good in the soul born of flesh.  JUST evil hiding, concealing himself in flesh.   The flesh of man CREATED FOR God.  MUST Change, Transform by Spirit, Faith in order to enter into the Presence oF God, Ligt.

Rebirth.  BY Faith.  A ENTIRELY NEW soul, different, opposite to the OLD.  The flesh and the mind of flesh, SERVE the flesh.  DO according to evil-human-thought, DESIES OF flesh.

Man.  Adam, a SOUL dressed in flesh.  What could go wrong, did.  Adam but PART I, Christ Part II, from a man of flesh UNTO a Man of Spirit.

IN man was woman.  Separation into TWO.  You leave a soul alone and long comes a stranger. A thought masquerading as the Thought of God.  God has never changed His Plan.  Believers, obedient souls, as ONE are the Body of Christ.  The thoughts of darkness come as lies and temptations.  ONLY God IS Good,  God IS Reality, that human is but evil imaginations.

To be still.  Receive the Good Thoughts, that which God GIVES TO you, BE H APPY, Thank FULL.  The PRESENCE OF God, Goodness, is the ANSWER TO ALL questions.

God THE Father of Christ AND the Body of Christ.  The Devil, his thought, OF he temptation, the enemy of Goodness and His Man the EXACT SPIRITUAL Image, Reflection of God, Spirit.

Desires of flesh, the thoughts of the spirit of death, seeks to kill both soul and flesh below in hell.  God in us IS Goodness, Mercy, Love. RIGHT Thought that Saves the soul from destruction.  The soul is dead in the womb of flesh and born lives a temporary life of temptation and falling. The fallen dead soul born of flesh is Godless, LOST in temptation and darkness.  The thoughts of flesh and human spirit ARE AGAINST, AT WAR against God, Love.

You must BECOME Reborn, Substance of Substance, Spirit of Spirit that the SOUL be, remain Alive and Rise, enter the Kingdom REJOICING NOT mourning the life of flesh.  The dead soul is carried, moved, taken where the evil spirit wants to go and do.  Robbing God of the OBEDEINCE due Him AS God.

Friday, November 24, 2023

To Speak the Language of Truth, as Taught by Spirit. Language of the REBORN, Living SOULS in the Body of Christ.

The children of flesh, of hypocrisy born, taught, hear the doctrines of the dead.   Pretenders, deceivers of dead flesh that know NOT God nor His Worn of His Soul and Spirit of Breath.  The flesh gives up, struggles, resists God, Truth, Spirit.  Without Spirit, Light, He pa they will NEVER find the INVISIBLE Way into the Kingdom of Spirit.

There is nothing in, on earth that can hold the attention of a soul but the ENTRANCE, Presence of Light in darkness.  The Christmas gift EVERY SOUL need is the Gift of Spirit, Presence of God, Life in the SOUL.  The human spirit and flesh MOCK God His Goodness, Mercy.  There is ONLY ONE Thing a soul needs IS Life, God, Love to GIVE UNTO OTHERS as Received from God.

American and her many desires, many man made things, garbage.  Want to Celebrate a Holy Christ Mass. IS God alone ENOUGH in you to put out the many desires of flesh.  The REBORN SOUL Lives for ONE Holy Thing, God.

The End of TIME, the END OF a Christless Christmas.  NOT a day in time but an Eternal Life NOW and Forever.  The devil, father of traditions of flesh.  The APPEARANCE of celebrating God, just a celebration of flesh its desires.

PEER PRESSURE kills Powerless souls.

Have salt, light? THEN Live IN Peace with others. The Good INCREASE BY Faith.

A DEAD SOUL.  WHERE there is NO God, Life, THERE is death.  Be Ye REBORN OF Living Seed and Holy Spirit, Rain and Light.  Wheat that GROWS above the weeds of death.  Dying MORTAL flesh, temporary flesh for dead souls.  God's Mercy. The Light against the man-made things, shadows moving then gone.

The test of time, and temptations of time.  The VIRGIN SOULS must give herself ONLY TO Christ.  Union of Soul unto Mind of God, Truth.  The Bride, Body, MOVES according to the Mind IN Christ our Head.  SIMPLICITY of Truth.  Whoever LOVES God, Loves His Word of Truth.  Whoever LOVES God, KNOWS God.  God Knows, Recognizes the Reborn SOUL that Love, Honor, OBEY Him.

Those who testify, wear, vow THAT they Love God, MUST obey or be found GUILTY of deceit.  The enemy of God, Truth, Love, NEVER ceases to take and keep what belongs only TO God. The spirit of seduction, disobedience, INFECTS with evil desires unto evil thoughts unto evil acts.

The flesh belongs to darkness.  Christ CRUCIFIED the flesh, removed the blood of darkness, AIR.  We ARE the Body Christ Raised AIRLESS, Filled to OVERFLOWING Breath, Presence of God, Spirit.

The Spirit of Truth, They ARE DYNAMITE, Open the Way, Let the Light Shine in.  The souls, a candle, Christ the Flame OF Fire.  Your flesh, your HUMAN spirit of deceit SHALL NOT REST, stop, until both your dead soul and flesh of AIR are dead together as one.

The Godless Jew.  NOW God's Jew BY Spirit.  NOT God's at all by flesh.  The Body of Christ, NEW MAN is not by flesh but Spirit Raised, Empowered to Walk ONE WITH Head, the Mind of God IN Head.  Our Deliverance from fallen flesh, VOID if Life, Living Waters.

Jesus Walked.  Talked. Talked.  THEN Returned to His, OUR Father.  His Body of Light MUST SHINE here, now, in darkness, Serve God.   Let us BE Lamps of Fire Light that CONSUME the world of darkness.   Fire burns Brightest in contact with AIR.

Darkness SWALLOWS souls where there is no light SHINING.

The traditions of dead souls. DO NOT carry my bones that belong to death WITH you a burden of flesh upon flesh.

WAKE UP. Sleepy head.  I am NOW His Body of Christ.  This dead flesh returns to dust, belongs to the earth AND temporary life of AIR.  OF Him His Body BY Faith, THIS Soul REBORN Living Soul of Soul.  He Shall GIFT me His Body of LIVING Flesh to put on and Walk in.

I BELIEVE the Holy Spirit, inaudible Truth that DEAD souls in dying flesh CANNOT Hear without Rebirth.  The Living Reborn soul Growing BURIED IN flesh with darkness, BREAKS THROUGH into the Light and Rises unto Harvested out of time into Eternal.

ONCE upon a TIME we lived temporary lives of sin, as slaves of sin, resisters to Truth.  But now THE SOULS Awake in the womb of darkness, time, ARE BEING Formed Conformed into the SPIRITUAL Likness of Christ, Seed of God.   The Farmer, Owner of His Eternal Field, plants His Seed in rows, generations, THEN He.Waters, SENDS Rain.  The seed of disobedience sown in time of NIGHT. Allowed for a time to GROW, exist with Wheat.  UNTIL READY FOR Harvest from the Field.

God is not a human being.  Christ A NEW Flesh and Spirit, different from flesh and blood.

Call upon God, Merciful God of Love.  Secret?  His Wheat, Children, REBORN SOULS, Know Him THEIR Father and He Knows THEM.  The Reborn soul will not stop KNOCKING on the Door of Truth, until Father Himself Answers the soul and LETS the LIVING SOUL IN.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Lot and his flesh. Taken hold of by angels , servants of the Lord. Reistance to God, LOOKING BACK not Forward. Eyes on God.

 Lot never could make good choices, decisions LIKE Abraham who Leaned, Trusted, Looked TO, followed.  Without one argument, Abraham presented his flesh as sacrifice to God.  BUT Merciful God SUPPLIED His OWN Sacrifice.  O the Holy Blood, Spirit, Life IN Jesus,   Spirit of  Divine Life.  Our Spirit, NEW Life, NEW Divine Nature, Presence NOW our Teacher, Guide, Friend, Father of Love.

There are MANY hours of darkness but ONLY ONE Day of PERPETUAL Perfect Light.

 Whatever hour of TIME it NOW is, the time to Shine NOW IS HERE.  Shine ye lamps of Light.

NOW?  BECAUSE? God HAS GIVEN TO His Reborn TO Know our Father LIVES IN us?  Yes Spirit IN you O soul, Knows, Talks with, Listens to the Spirit, Father of the Living SOULS.  Raised BACK TO Life FROM the womb of darkness, of death, the dead in darkness ARE LOST without Spirit, Breath, TRUE Life.  Our Father COMMANDS, demands His Children Believe.  Christ put on the body of death and Walked the earth of dust, CALLING the Children lost, asleep IN power of darkness. to COME. NOW if they Hear Him His INVISIBLE Spirit Calling to their God Given Ears of His Head.  His Body Rises, Separates, OBEYS Him.

The DUST, Lifeless, Waterless DUST, soul IN NEED OF THE OWNER OF THE Field, The Gardener, His Workers, ANGELS OF Light, WATER the Wheat and not the weeds that return to dust.

The Seed of God, Christ Planted IN the soul, WHEN Watered from Above, Rain. Grows upward to Heaven until Harvested, STORED Barn, House of Perpetual Day without night.

The human spirit and temporary flesh, work as one to keep, kill you on the wrong side of Door, until there is NO MORE TIME existence.  Tick Tock.   Is that THE ALARM going off?  The NOW of God, NOW Wake Up AND SHINE.

He WAITS AT the Alter of Love for you. SO TAKE YOUR Vow to Live with, for ONLY UNTO Him.

 Such a Man, Willing to die to Save you from your evil self infection.  With His Foor, Walk, Spirit in His SOUL, He crushed the head of serpent IN HUMAN flesh.  BE Free BY Faith, Spirit of Love in you.   The cure for hate IOS Love.

The times of darkness and flesh CEASE TO EXIST, WHEN Fullness of Day, PERPETUAL Day of PERPETUAL Light WITHOUT ANY DARKNSS WHATSOEVER in existence.  HOW PATIENT God, Spirit, with human flesh that is blinded, deaf, e WHEN the Reality of Light IS ALREADY SH

INING, but they Know not, Think not Right concerning Him in their minds of DARKNESS.  The temporary shadows of darkness that move, pass, float, disappear off the face of earth, the children of fallen Eve UNITED WITH DECEIT, his seed of thought.  Eve mother of the dead souls in flesh, encased in coffin of flesh.  The Christless are dead and RETURN with flesh TO dust.'

  • The head of serpent removed, yet its body continues to move, exist.  Every self chosen teacher of flesh is NOT the SOUL Chosen by God.  Christ the Head of His Body. NOTHING can separate the Body FROM Head of Truth.   Born of the Will, the Power, the Spirit of God. Christ RULES IN and is Dominion of Life in His Body.  Living SOULS Given to Christ as His.  The children of flesh and darkness, follow the evil self of separation from Truth.
The ONLY Way Home is by the SPIRITUAL Map, Guide within a Living soul.  The SOUL enters the world of darkness, ruled by unholy father, his desires. Time.  The times I thought I was alone, I NEVER Knew, Realized He was ALWAYS THERE, Watching for the Day of Light to Rise up within my soul.   Still, Quiet.  He Rose up in my mind. the Shining of His Presence, Beauty, Love, never ceases to AMAZE this soul.     

Is that a poisoned fruit, thought from the tree of death, partial obediece, on your lips? Do not take another bite of venom flowing from serpents mouth.

 PURGE the darkness with His Remedy of Light.   The Spirit in charge of Preparing the Bride, removes every spot, tear, mark, stain IN, UPON the SOUL.  The Presentation of a NEW, REBORN PERFECT soul for Christ's Body.  Perfect Bride for Perfect Groom.  Happy, Holy EVER after United by God. The unbreakable Union, the Will of God.

Sweet Lord cannot stop Thinking about Her, She cannot stop Thinking about Him. The dream of darkness has BECOME Day of Joy and Love OF Light.

God the ONLY Holy Obsession, Acceptable to God.  Yeah.  I JUST WOKE UP, looked in the Mirror and Saw the condition I am IN without Him.  To BECOME the Perfect Reflection of the soul IN OBEDIENCE to the Man, Head, Chosen FOR her by Father.

Broken, yes.  BUT God Repairs, Restores the one Chosen before darkness stole the heart of flesh.

Drop the apple of deceit, confess, and Ask for Christ the Truth, ANTI-venom and Live.

The Chosen, Virgin Bride, the King and the serpent caught in attempt to destroy the Bride, Her UNION.

You Received the Invite and instructions of ATTIRE. COME CLEANSED, Spotless in the Perfect Garment of Christ.  Who holds back, pulls back, shrinks back, turn back from being PRESENT with the King but the disobedient souls, the unclean, in an old garment.  Getting naked before God? Removal of anything that is BETWEEN the soul and Him. There is no use of PRETENSE in His Presence.  Has He not Given the Helper to PREPARE YOU TO BE PLEASING Him?

The Bride and Spirit, Eunuch in charge of preparing Her with Counsel, PREPARED BY Understanding the Man for whom She IS Chosen.  The Perfect Union of SOULS as ONE, soul SMITTEN BY Love . The Love of Obedience that removes the attempts of disobedience, envy, wicked desires seeking the Position of Power on the Throne of Kingdom.  Trying to take hold the Virgin, to claim to be King.

BE ON GUARD, PERPETUALLY for the serpent never ceases to take what belongs ONLY TO God.

The Invitation HAS BEEN Sent in the Spirit, the Blood of Jesus.  The CHAINS of darkness HAVE BEEN Removed by Power of the Light, Truth, Love.  Those who Know Him COME BEFORE the Door is closed.     QUICKLY they Come if they ARE IN Reality His.  Their is Perfect Love, Perfect Obedience, PERFECT HONORING God as God.    The children of Godless flesh simply have NO Faith IN Him.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

BY FAITH IN Him His Word, His Spirit, POWER, true REBORN believers as Helped, Taught HOW TO Walk in Spirit not flesh.

It IS the Will of God the Father that ALL His Children Walk, Live, BE according to Him His Spirit.

That which WAS flesh and human spirit, IS NOW BEING REMADE in His Image, Christ.  As the Father and Spirit, SO the Son and Body of Son.   

I SURRENDIER, NOW, and EVER NOW to You Father.  You ARE God. I am just a receiver of Love.  Help me give unto others the Love you HAVE Given me.  The Love, Mercy, Forgiveness as You freely have Given me.  My Holy Obsession.  My Desire. My HIDDEN Treasure in my heart and mind.  My SOUL REJOICES in Your Presence.  The Reverence for Christ, His Presence, in the heart of my SOUL.  The Body DEAD and Raised with Christ, Head, TO Live IN Obedience unto God

IN His Body BY Faith, BELIEVING God, that I HAVE BEEN Raised Alive from the DEAD disobedient souls, to Walk declaring the Love, THE Power, of God His Will, Presence to a land bound in darkness.  We SHALL DECLARE the VICTORY, SHINE FORTH the Good NEWS.  Yes there IS Power in the Blood of my Lamb. He gave Himself for me to Live.  WHAT?  Will I not leave my OLD life, loves, flesh FOR Him, GO TO Him IN Faith?  I do not lie.  He IS the ONLY ONE I Love, and I Serve Him His Body.  NO other flesh exists for me but the Flesh of Christ.

The VIRGIN Bride. REBORN, Transformed by Faith from disobedient unto Obedient Bride FOREVER His.

 Living SOUL For Living Soul.  Spirit for Spirit.  Purification? Clean, Freed?  NOW that your Obedience TO the Truth, HAS Purified you and you ARE COME TO a SINCERE Love for other believers, your heart EARNEST BECAUSE you HAVE BEEN REBORN of IMMORTAL Father, you NOW ARE by Faith IMMORTAL SOULS, Children of God, Brethren of Christ.

Reborn and GROWING, MATURING IN Christ. NOW HONOR our Father, rid your soul of evil, lying, hypocrisy, jealousy, insulting language.  BELIEVE.  AND BECOME, BE Perfect as OUR Father IS Perfect.   We come to a  Stone, Rock of Truth, ENGRAVED BY God, Spirit.  A Living Stone, A Life of Truth, the Foundation of the House of God.

UNBELIEVERS.  Those who HAVE heard but reject WRITTEN Invitation TO Truth, these unbelievers do not Know the VALUE OF Christ His Spirit.  They STUMBLE OVER the Rock AND FALL.  Fell? BECAUSE they stumbled UNTO falling against the Rock.  Children of FLESH do not believe THE Word that WAS God's Will FOR them.

Beloved, SPEAK to the Rock, strike not the Rock.  Speak Lord, WE ARE Listening. Speak.

INEVITABLE Will of God. That people obey and enter Kingdom of the Obedient as Divine Souls BY Faith.

 The Kingdom, Home of the LIVING SOULS.  The OLD soul crucified BY Faith and REBORN NEW, having the Spirit of Obedience, Life.  NONE OF FLESH AND HUMAN SPIRIT, DISOBEDIENCE, thall EVER ENTER, Abide there.

IN LOVE WITH sin, disobedience, darkness, the HUMAN flesh clings to human spirit, temporary life.  MANY, ALL CALLED BY servants to COME to His Invitation.   HUMAN self-reliance is not relying only on God and His Truth.

 The Spiritually Awakened soul, REBORN, Breathes, Thinks, MOVES by the Spirit. From elementa.l babe unto MATURE Christ. Prepared by Spirit to Ascend out of this world, realm of partial, light and darkness. Merciful God, HAS GIVEN TO us, TIME to Return from human spirit of disobedience TO exist Governed, Ruled by His Spirit, Presence.  The broken connection to God, Reconnected by Christ, Spirit.

:The Spirit Children of God, Hear, and Speak, Mind to Mind, the Thought Life, Language of Love.  We Speak Truth our Father, according to our Father, 2Tim 3:16-17 WITHOUT ERROR AS Taught by God our Father, our Counselor, Teacher, LOVER OF OUR SOULS.  Believing must become Knowing. We NOW ARE His and He IS OUR God and Father.  The Body of Christ OFFERS Obedience without disobedience.  Our offering of Love UNTO God.

Father fulfill Thy Will for Your Children, do not allow us to be SHA PED by evil desires of human spirit and flesh.  Deliver us from evil one, CONFORM us to Christ His Likeness, MAY we BE the Body of the Lamb that is SPOTLESS Perfect, a Sacrifice of Obedience unto death of OLD soul and human nature. Holy Father, You HAVE Called us TO Live Obedient Lives of Goodness.  You Sacrificed Christ, Poured out His Spirit into Hand-Chosen, Made FOR Him.  We REBORN, NEW vessels, to receive, BELIEVE THROUGH Him, Spirit and Truth, WE  ARE Fixed ON God.

God BY His Spirit, POWER,LOVE HAS CONFORMED us the Body TO the Obedience of Christ. This Body Thinks, Speaks, DOES according to our Divine Head, Christ.


The SOUL Prepared to ASCEND FROM time, HAPPY that SOUL found IN OBEDIENCE.

 The wife of lott, so loved the world of flesh and darkness, was not Prepared to depart.  Looking back you can fall into a pit, rip, fall.  TURNED TO SALT.  To be used to , warn, preserve that is Saved.

The FULLNESS OF Day-time.  WHEN no darkness remains.  Light of Light BECOMES ONE Light.  Darkness cease to exist in Presence of Light.  How happy His Servant found Shining the Light in darkness, happy the OBEDIENT workers of His House.

The lamps OF Faith, HAVE Oil, are vessels filled with PERPETUAL Oil.  they STAND AT the Door, Shine the Way IN to those seeking to enter BY Door.  Christ the Flame of Life, Fire, Fanned into Brightness in the Night.  The tree that does not have, produce fruit WHEN God EXPECTS fruit shall dry up for lack of THIRST, Rain., l

They forbid Christ, Truth in THEIR temple, when He came ba, ck, they ASKED Him by WHAT RIGHT was He Teaching, Doing?  His Authority is not from HUMAN beings, flesh BUT FROM God, Spirit.

Souls.  Spiritually dead souls give themselves like whores to disobedience.  Spiritual whores, dead to Righteousness, SEPARATED, DIVORCED FROM Holiness, exchange serving God for serving the devil in flesh.  The desires of flesh are not the Desires of Spirit.

Know God, THEN you Know the Mind of God WHEN Invited to NOW Come.  COME DRESSED APPROPRIATELY for the Occasion.   God PROVIDED a WRITTEN INVITTION, EVEN Instruction of Apparel.   God WASHES, God PROVIDES Garment.  Just come without, leave sin outside the Door.

Teachers that READ the written law TO others, while they disobey the Spiritual Law, Christ. THE LAST Teacher SENT by Father.

 ALL you need is the ONE True Teacher, Spirit of Christ, the LIVING Law IN Christ, Head and Body.  God has DONE THIS.  BUT flesh stands in the POSITION that is Reserved for God ONLY, the Father Teaching His Children.

The Body Serves the Head.  The Head RULES, GOVERNS His Body of. SERVANTS.  The Word of God COMMANDS, the Breath, the Spirit an INAUDIBLE Voice to flesh and blood.  The REBORN soul, quickened in womb of darkness, night, Hears and Sees THE Light THROUGH the veil of skin.  ONLY the Fruit of His Seed, Tree, shall be Planted, Stand, in the Garde  n of Light without darkness.

Perpetual Day, gone the night BEFOR Day.  Christ HAS Finished His Work for our sakes, Let us NOW Rise Alive in the Body and AS ONE Declare the Work of God, whether listeners be flesh or be Spirit, we MUST OBEY, Speak the Truth.  Language of the Kingdom. Every SOUL Born OF Christ, Speaks THE Truth without darkness.

God to them is but a dream of night, NOT OUR Reality.

Christ came TO? Redeem? MANY, not ALL.  Serve OTHERS, the Body of Christ and Head.  Slaves of Truth, Love, Faith.   The suffering of His Body, in Serving God.   A House of MANY rooms.  The House of PRAYER, at all times, always unto God.   The PERPETUAL Bond of Love.  His Children their Eyes FIXED ON Him they Love.  ASK IN Faith, and do not DELETE with doubt of unbelief.

The NECESSARY Mind, Womb of Faith that believes and receives.  To SAY NO but HAVE A CHANGE OF MIND.  From thinking according to HUMAN spirit UNTO Mind of God, Spirit.  The SOUL in CONTSTANT Communication, Sending Thoughts, Receiving Thoughts.  PRODUSING the Fruits of Christ, by Seed Rooted in SOUL by Living Waters, Rain and Light.

PAY ATTENTION.  The NIGHT times are almost gone.  Get Washed, Changed, Dressed in Christ His Flesh and BE SeatED at Father's Table of Good Thought.

The dead soul in dying flesh MUST BECOME a Living Body of LIVING souls, Dressed in NEW Flesh of Christ.  Living Flesh FOR Living SOULS to Stand with Christ BEFORE God as ONE.

Crucified to OLD human life, spirit and Alive, NEW Spiritual Life.t

The REBORN soul IN Love.  Can't STOPE Thinking about Him.

There is ONLY ONE that IS Good. OUR Father and His Seed.

 The Kingdom BELONGS TO those who COME, WHEN Called TO Him.  Some SAY yes but do not, TOO BUSY self-serving.  Some SAY not NOW, but later get up and DO AS.

PREPARE to ENTER.  THE very narrow, hard, difficult Way, Spirit PREPARES the Soul for ENTRANCE.  REMOVE ANY thing of flesh that HINDERS, separates soul from PERFECT Obedience.  The harsh Reality, self-examination with the Eye of God.  The HUMBLING of the soul IN CONFESSING that which holds captive in darkness.  And God Truth LOVES the Confession of His LOST in darkness, their TRUE Confession, the Receiving the Balm, the Love, the Light, the Substance that Saves the dead soul fro.m death IN, WITH disobedient flesh.

The Spirit of Perfection, enters, dwells, Transforms, CONFORMS the SOUL TO Likeness of God. God THE Spirit, THE Power, the Father of REBORN OBEDIENT SOULS.  God Giving Him Self as a Gift.

This Holy Substance wants to ABIDE in us.  We Abide IN Faith, by Faith in His SPIRITUAL Likeness, Spirit RULIJNG, CONFORMING, Transforming us from darkness to Light, from dead TO Living, from disobedience in Obedience.   From children of deceit, malice, unbelief, darkness into IN Reality the Children of His Seed, Christ.   Generation of Goodness that NEVER dies, PERPETUALLY Lives

God the Presence, the Light, HELPING you Stand and NEVER fall again.

Who shall die but the unbelieving child of darkness, that has NO Light of Faith IN him to remove the presence of darkness.  Rely on, lean on, trust your HUMAN self, spirit and be LOST ETERNALLY.  Led in circles in the dry wilderness, eaten by lions.

Mission impossible.  ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE with the Help, Presence of God.  WHAT is impossible for FLESH, Spirit makes Possible FOR you.  A human spirit in flesh, shall led the dead soul into the pit of NO Return.  Christ His Spirit, our Father IN Him IN us, They IN us ARE our Eternal Life in the NEW Age.

IF you ARE Mine and you crucify human self and flesh, FOR My Sake?  IN Christ, His Body, ALL ARE Seated at My Table.  Where Head IS, THERE with Him shall be His Body.  Seated as ONE.

We thought according to human spirit, earthly AIR, temporary life.  BUT NOW we Think the VERY SAME Thoughts, Living Word of God.  The Spirit the PEN of Sinless Blood, ENGRAVES Christ, Fullness of Mind, Thoughts of God Belong to the Children of His Seed.

The Throne of the NEW Age.  PERPETUAL, EVERLASTING without END.  Christ His Presence, His Spirit FREES us from captivity to human flesh and human spirit.

Einstein.  The soul that lives in two places at once.  In the temporary world of death and the Soul REBORN, IN Eternity.  The MANY Worlds of God.  Some visible SOME INVISIBLE.  As many of you that have Eyes to See, Pray the Head Keep you FIXED on God.

The Shimmering, the GLOW of Fire in His lamps, MEZEMERISES the Awakened soul.  To say He is Beautiful is saying too little.   The human brain of flesh simply can not conceive, bring Him into Existence, MATURE Christ, INTO Reality Existence.  The SOUL with Help can Bear and BRING FORTH the VERY Fruit of God.  The Fruit of Spirit IN us, through us, Glorifying God OUR Father.  Let us imitate God, not men.

Standing around, suddenly Hired to work His Field?

 Times of hunger.  ALL Paid THE Same, the Reward of Finishing IN Christ, the Work of OUR Father.  After the Seed, then comes the Rain, and WHEN MATURE, Comes, IS the Harvest INTO the Storehouse of God.  The Spirit, the Presence of Christ our Reward.  Perpetual Life, Christ our PERPTEUAL Bread and Living Waters that TRANSFORM IN HIS VESSELS at His Table.  God's Table OF Thought, PERPETUAL Thought by Inheritance.  The SAINTS ARE DEAD until by Faith IN Christ, His Resurrected Body, Garment CREATED for the Reborn as their own.  We are the Body of MANY COLORS.

The Holy Ghost ain't no Theory, He is the VERY Breath of God.  Life Breathed into us, the Life Lived by Christ, His Spirit sent into the bled out, lifeless flesh of Jesus.  Human spirit of AIR, breathed by the TEMPORARY flesh of darkness, dwells in the dying flesh that encases the DEAD SOUL void of God, Spirit, Life.

The AIR breathed by human flesh is not the Breath, Spirit within the Reborn.  Fles Conformed UNTO Holy Spirit.  Spirit IS the Life in, of a Saint, Reborn Obedient SOUL.  With EVERY Breath, with EVERY Thought, we Live, ACT as God IN US demands if those who Love Him.  Love Him His Presence?  WAKE UP ye dead in unbelief of darkness.  WAKE UP, Walk IN, WITH the Light, HIS Presence.

TRUTH.  WITH His Help you will NEVER fall DOWN again.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

CLING TO God not man-made things.

 His Body WORKS FOR Christ and His Father, Spirit.  Love, desire any other thing, spirit, MORE THAN God, Holy Love, Holy Desires, THAN we are not WORTHY OF Him, Life of Goodness  Love THIS world of flesh, OR Love Him More.  To stand on the border, between two loves, you will NEVER MOVE across the border, boundary of time and Live.  The DOUBLE-MINDED children of flesh, stuck in realm of the dead. The Single-minded REBORN SOULS that Think ONLY OF Him.

The wilderness of time, the many beasts seeking to devour whosoever they MAY -with- Permission to.   The boldness of wolves hidden in, by darkness, seek sheep without THE Shepherd of the Living, HAVE NO Protection, NO Helper.

John the prisoner of offended flesh, HEARD ABOUT the Works OF Christ, to ASK IF. Christ is the ONE Sent by God, OR should they keep on looking?  Answer: the Things you Hear and See, Recognize as God the Source of the blind Seeing, the deaf, Hearing, the lame, Walking.  The DEAD Rising, Awake, Walking by the Power of God His Presence, His Will.  Blessed the one who is not OFFENDED BY Me.

Starving to death. Starving for Truth? Have a seat at the Table OF Truth.

 God wants to BE Your Teacher, ONLY Teacher, God, Helper.  Run.  Run HARD. Fall, but get back up, do not lose Sight of Him THAT ENTERS and you Follow the Head.

Let no one, nothing ever separate you from THE Head THAT Loves His Body OF FAITHFULNESS.  Filled with, Giving Birth to the VERY Thougts of Truth IN the Power of Spirit, ACTION.

WHERE would we go WITHOUT Him, WHAT shall we do WITHOUT Him, His Presence?  We exist but a moment in time, NOW, AFTER time we cease to exist, we ARE LOST in time without Him.

The Chariot of Ascending souls.  The Boey BOUND TO Him in ONENESS.  Found in the Kingdom, Land of PERPETUAL Light.

The land, the kingdom of TIME, many times of darkness, many gererations of evil, children of FLESH.  Christ OUR END OF WANDERING ALONE, alive within TIME, dead outside Eternity. 

The fabric of time, the flesh of time, garment that veil of darkness that conceals the Vision of Truth, His Beauty from flesh.  The Kiss of Life that removes the veil of death.  And Soul with His Soul BREATHS, LIVES, MOVES AS ONE.  We cannot Live without His Spirit, Breath in us.

God the End of tunnel of darkness, EXIT in Christ.

 Hear Him and NEVER STOP Listening to the  , Thoughts of God His Presence.

The SOUL Lives WHERE the Spirit IS, HAS His Being.   The Kingdom of Mind Readers.  If you Hear Me NOW, and See, Recognize Me NOW, then WHY do you obey the thoughts of human darkness?   Reborn Soul in the Body of Christ, ruled by Christ, or still a dead soul in womb, flesh, of darkness, unable to CONFORM TO Christ, Truth WITHIN you?

Jesus :  BE darkness or BE Light, be evil or BE Good.  Do not be caught on the border line, a hypocrite, WAVERING SOUL.  Like a Christmas bulb flickering, unstable, IN BETWEEN.   Ask for Help.  There IS Power in the Truth, Word of God's Mouth.  The HUMAN soul born of sin natured flesh IS DEAD in a temporary body, womb of darkness.  The Body of Christ, the Body of Truth, the Seed of Tree of Life, and THEIR Fruits of Spirit, must SEVERE from the past life of death and never return. The Body NEVER LOOKS BACK BUT Walks AS ONE with Christ.  EVER PRESENT NOW. ANLAYS NOW, the Life of Holy Union with Christ our Head.  HIS Bride NEVER takes her Eyes OFF Him.

Hell?  Separation from God, They God.  A dead soul in a dying body of flesh, state of continual temptation, alive TO temptation, dead to God who tempts no one.  The life lived in hell, hell IS never Waking up in the Light.

The Spirit, Breath IN our Reborn SOULS is not the air of human blood.

 The Lamb, His Body, His Spirit RAISES TO Walk in Obedience, without any darkness, disobedience whatsoever.

You cannot, will not ever Know, Understand as long as you spend yout TIME thinking with the HUMAN spirit, the thoughts of the HUMAN mind.  The spirit of error DWELLS IN the human blood of human life.

Luminous stars of Light, souls in darkness.  Word Play.  Know the Rules of Life BEFORE, NOT after.  The point of this, IS Pursuit of Happiness.

God Created in His Image, Likeness; two AS ONE, put flesh on man. INFECTED by poison of enemy, death took flesh as his abode.  The Garden-snake, his speaking a mixture of truth with falsehood.  Partial truth, partial obedience, is not Christ our Cure.

Read the labels Written by, according to God, is the fruit Good or poisoned.  The past is past.  What remains is NOW.  ALWAYS NOW God's unto the END OF time.

ARE you disconnected from Reality, Truth, LOST in disconnection?  God is but one Call away, waiting to Help you.

God the Revealer, Creator of FLESH, Father of Living SOULS, Body of Christ.

 Revelation of Truth BY Truth.  Reality Says: you flesh think you ARE alive, But I Tell you that you ARE dead, even while body of AIR lives.  You MUST BECOME a LIVING SOUL in the Body of Christ.  Death cannot SWALLOW a SOUL Obedient to Life.  Reality Check, God the ONLY Reality, the ONLY Life of Existence that is not a passing dream of darkness.

The CURE.  A Holy Support System.  A Holy Rebirth BY Faith IN God.   Christ His Body WAS DEAD in darkness, asleep, UNQUICKENED, substance of flesh is not Substance of God.  Awakened by Faith unto the Presence of Brightness, I flee the spirit of temptation, I crucify every thought NOT God's Thought.  This the ONLY Life I have Known NOW and wrestle with darkness I will until Father Calls me out of this world given to darkness TO Reveal the Power, the Presence, of Love Listening for His dead souls in flesh FOR His Help to RETURN Home.

We ARE God's Work, His Master-piece, Held in His Hand of Power.

 We ARE the Body, of Living SOULS, Created to die unto flesh and Live according to the Obedient Flesh of Christ.   Dead souls born of human spirit in union with flesh.  We exist only as long as the dying body of death exists in this world below His Feet.

The children of flesh are born diso bedient, unable to remain obedient without Christ His Spirit of Obedience, His Father's Presence.   Walking with a LIMP. flesh unable to Stand without falling, pulled by darkness back into the DUST of earth.  Truth, the Power of Truth TO Restore what IS LOST.

The Truth, to Speak NOTHINH BUT the Truth, Living Word of Spirit.  The Father, the Spirit, the Thoughts that ARE God's.  Speak O soul according to the Truth WITHIN you.  Speak AS God SO Helps you to Speak.

The SOUL Reborn of Life must Live in Consciousness of His Presence.  The dead soul born of flesh in time, OUTSIDE the Walls, House of Eternity, asleep in strange dreams, temporary imaginations that exist only by flesh and AIR.   DEAD souls asleep in the womb of darkness, flesh.  NOTHING born of fallen flesh separated from God, Life, Reality, shall enter without the Mark, the Key, the Spirit of Christ.  

The unfaithful flesh shall die OUTSIDE, begging to be Allowed entrance.  This God's Plan from the Beginning.  ONLY the Bride, the Virgin SOULS, ONE Body of many rooms, cells, Shall Christ THE Truth, THE Way, His Spirit in Resurrected Flesh, God the Power, the Mind, the Spirit, THE Fire that Saves from the fire of destruction.

Ever watched fire fighters take control of burning trees?  Fire from outside SWALLOWS the fire within.

There IS Fate, the fate of ALL sin-natured flesh, there is NO such thing as COINCIDENCE.

 There are actions of flesh and Actions of Spirit.   Standing LOST without Guide to cross Safely through the wilderness of time.  Under the Protection, the Power of God? OR alone about to fall into the mouth of the lion of darkness?

IN Christ His Body BY Faith, the SOUL Rooted in by Spirit, IS  NEVER alone, never lost with the Presence of Spirit.   ONCE you Know, God Knows, and there is no shrinking back from the Light of Life.

ONCE you Know THE Truth, there can be NO DISOBEDEIN CE OF the dead Godless, Lifeless, DEAD SOUL.  The Presence, the ENTRANCE of Truth, Life, Raises the SOUL, Opens Eyes of ReBORN Soul TO See as Christ our Head  .  To BEAR the Thoughts of His Spirit,  Holy Spirit and God the Father ARE ONE, Adam was 2 IN one FLESH, SO NOW ARE we His Body with Head become TWO IN One.  Eve TAKEN from Adam his flesh and bone, as a bride for him.

ONCE Truth is Known, Holy Union, the souls can receive no ungodly seed, thought which with water of UNRIGHTEOUSNESS brings forth evil actions.  Christ a Seed of Truth PLANTED within the Circumcised soul, both mind and heart.  Watered and Grown BY the Spirit, we ARE Holy Fruits of His Tree, His Seed of Righteous Fruit.  It is not BY flesh we OBEY our Father, it is the Power of Truth AND Spirit that CONFORMS us TO Reality, Genuine Life of Love, a Live Lived in Service to God.

Monday, November 20, 2023

The Rock of the Mountain. Purchased FOR Him, Planted in Him.

This Life of Christ I NOW Live is by the Presence, Power, Spirit of God IN Christ His Body.  LAND OF WONDER, Life without death.  Where the soul Sees, Hears, Lives, BREATHES Life of Love.

Ye that the Lord HAS LED, Crossed OVER from dead unto Living souls, REJOICE, SING UNTO the Lord of His GLORIOUS Triumph, Victory.  Our God HAS Opened a Well, Fountain of Sweet Water, from, of Him we Drink.  IF you CAN BY Faith Hear, THEN LISTEN TO Him His Spirit, Presence, ALWAYS.  Do WHAT is Right, OBEY Him not partially like hypocrites CHOOSING their obedience by flesh. DO ALL leave nothing UNDONE.  HEAR and DO ALL His Commands as the Body of Christ.  Do not separate from the Body of Christ, do not disobey Head, the Mind within Head.  And be CUT OTT left behind in, with darkness in death of flesh.

The Virgin Body, Bride Created for Christ, the Groom.

 The SINLESS Bones of His Body, His Bride.  Bride having but ONE Spirit. ONE Father, ONE Truth, Seed Producing Holy Fruits unto God.  The body of sin-natured flesh bled out dead, NO temporary blood life of AIR.  A  i of Life, Alive unto God,  A Body of many living souls as ONE.   The Day of PRPETUAL Life of Light now Shining.  The Flame from lamp unto lamp.  Transformed by Oil and Flame into Holy Lamps of Light in the Hand of God, SEEKING, CALLING His Children to COME out of darkness.

God Spirit and Soul ARE ONE.  The SPIRITUAL Likeness of God. Spirit and Truth.  God Created man in his Likeness, TWO AS ONE.  Man and WOman ONE.  Male and Female as ONE.  The Image, Likeness of God.  The Seed and Water, GIVEN TO His Field.  But an enemy MIXED his seed with Seed.  Weeds and Wheat grown in the TIMES OF many harvests.   But God is not blind, powerless, unable to Save His Wheat, to SEPARATE His Wheat by Rain and Light from the darkness of the ground.

A man's TEMPORARY spirit of AIR deceives, leads thew dead soul even farther from the Light of Truth.  To lie dormant until rotted back into dust.

Holy Father of Love, in the time of utmost darkness, Godlessness, Speak, Raise the dead, GLORIFY Your Power of Presence.  Shine, set Ablaze this world with Light.  Reborn of the Matrix, Womb of God, we RETURN TO you by Christ our Door, Way back into the Kingdom of the Living.

Flesh loves darkness. Flesh REJECTS the Light.  Such Power, such Light, I See NOTHING BUT the Light.  The Chariot of Fire IS COMING for His Bride thqt Clings to Truth and refuses to be separated.

Eve.  The bride of flesh and darkness has BEEN RESTORED UNTO His Light. She Yearns, Burns, Belongs to Him.  NO other.

Lord, Walk with, Talk with, Guide, Teach, REVEAL TO Your Body THE Way. The tree of partial obedience, its fruit, seed?

There MUST BE darkness so that LOST SOULS are ABLE TO See the Light of His Presence.  Christ the Holy Fruit of Seed of Tree of Life. Perfect Fruit OF Light and Waters, Rooted into the Kingdom of God.  We fall not to the earth as dead flesh, but are Raised in the Hand of Owner, Workers unto the Table of the Lord, Right Thought.  Right Mind.   There is no serpent of guile, no darkness, no doubt, no unbeliever allowed to sit AT His Table with the Children REBORN OF Christ His Body.

The tree of hypocrisy.  Vipers that say but do not Know, DO the Truth according to Spirit.  The human spirit that partially obeys, feeding upon the fruit, the seed of disobedience.  The Tree of Light, Life, Hope, the tree of darkness, death, poison, and the tree planted in between Life and death.  Divided into times of darkness and the Eternal Light.  The soul is hindered BY FLESH and AIR, instruments of destructive winds.  ONLY the Reborn SOUL Circumcised by Father, BY Faith IN Him only is the soul ENABLED TO See, Hear, DO as Commanded to BE-AND-DO. a

God FORGIVES SO His Children ALSO MUST.  Be Perfect, Love, and DECLARE His Power, His Reign over both darkness and Light.  The darkness Serves His Purpose.   A living soul with breath of AIR is not the Divine Soul filled with VERY Breath, Presence of God His Spirit.  HUMAN breath of AIR is temporary until the SOUL BECOMES Reborn, Livin g soul filled to fullness of Spirit of Life.

Two souls crucified with Christ.  ONE BELIEVED and one died REJECTING God IN Christ.  One a child of darkness, blind, deaf, lost.  The other Chosen BY God to Believe AND BE WITH Christ after death of flesh.  God CAUSES TO sleep and God can Raise Awake as He Choses to.
Jesus LOOKED and Saw, there WAS Faith RISING IN him.  WHERE there is Faith, THERE, IS Life in a GRATEUL heart.   He SENT His Son to PREPARE the Restoration of Garden of Truth, but FIRST the Son REMOVED the serpent from His Father's Garden.

Father, Speak and the SOUL SHALL Work Thy Will,  by Your Presence, Light, Faith, Spirit. Time to de-weed the garden that Wheat abounds unhindered.  Do Thy Will. Speak and Bring into Existence what does not NOW Exist.   Sweet Fruit of Yous Seed, Your Root, Your House.  Open O Matrix, Receive NOW Your Children.   Tears of pain, suffering, BECOME Rejoicing for a Man, Head and Body ARE Born unto the Holy Father.   The DEAD SLUMBER ON, but the Living Rise and do the Will of Father.  The Fullness of Day, the Son HAS Risen.  The dead see, know, nothing but darkness that holdes them in the chains of unbelief.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sacrifice the temporary human life UNTO the Lord

 By Faith WHERE Light exists, let there be no darkness.  ONCE you Know Him, you cannot forget Him.  Come LET us GIVE OURSELVES TO the Lord.

Go, DO as I Say, BEAUSE I Am WITH you. Prepare to EXIT this place. EXODUS 4.

 The REMEMBERING God PERPETUALLY BY His Presence. His Spirit of Love OVERPOWERS this soul, puts me on my knees.   The WASTELAND, the mind given to unbelief, darkness, death is good for nothing but surrender to God. The things of darkness but temporary dreams of flesh.  Cease to exist in the Light of His Presence.

I Make, CAUSE the deaf, the blind, the mute, and I Make them to Hear, See, Spe ak.  Man born of flesh is dead void of Spirit.  Crippled without Spirit to Help. I WILL BE with, IN your mouth and TEACH you WHAT TO Say.  And your brethren when they meet you, WHEN they See you, they shall be glad, rejoice IN their heart.

Ready or not, the time IS NOW, to EMBRACE the Truth, Word of God's Mouth. And be still and allow the Spirit to Talk.  The Wind and the Flame, set this heart Ablaze.  Who is alone WHEN God is Present?

The Spirit Rules where there is NO RESISTANCE TO Truth.

The Mystery OF God. The Breath, the Spirit, THE POWER, the Will of God, Put on human flesh and Walked.

 God-Breathed Word OF Truth, the ONLY Soul of Soul, Spirit of Spirit, put on the body of deceit, death, unbelief AND DONFORMED that flesh unto Obedience, and THEN, THEN He BLED OUT the blood of disobedience, temporary AIR AND God Raised THAT Body Conformed to Holy Spirit, that Body IS US. The Bloodless Flesh without Sin, NOW our NEW Flesh our Reward.  The Body of the Obedient, Reborn of Spirit, not flesh and blood, We are the LIVING SOULS Stored in the House of God.  The Body of Christ.  We ARE the Children of His Seed and Spirit.  THIS IS NONSENSE, MADNESS TO human beings with NO Spirit of Understanding in them.

The Written Truth an instrument of many notes, keys, that BECOME a LIVING Truth Engraved in the mind and heart of a REBORN soul.  Got a Song, His Melody in my heart.

I Seen the Physician, He WROTE the Prescription, He Himself the CURE for human spirit of death in me.   NOW He Says, IF I believe THEN Rise and Walk Christ IN Faith.

God HAS MADE this NOW my time TO Walk in Union with Him my Lord, God, King.  God Bless you, God BREATH in You, God Raise you Alive to Walk.  Glorify God PERPETUALLY, Praise His Name.  There is no evil in the Light, Goodness, His Presence. NONE AT ALL.