Monday, December 25, 2023

God's LIVING Children BEAR the Testimony of Christ, ENGRAVED upon walls of SOUL.

 The LIVING Words OF God, Truth, Engraved by Spirit upon walls of,Father's Hand WRITTEN WITH INK OF Spirit, IS Truth, His Truth IN us.  The Living a Life of Truth unto the Glory of God.

Nothing but the Spirit Written InN Spirit, CAN Sign the REBIRTH Certificate of Life.  To Know THE Truth that Raises dead souls TO Walk in Union with Christ, AS His Body.  A Flesh, only flesh that IS ACCEPTABLE UNTO God His Presence.  Christ Flesh, Flesh that DON'T Shrink, pull back from OBEDIENCE. Stop sitting in unbelief in God's Work Power, stop being gathered with the partially obedient, dead, AND RUN IN Christ's Exercising Spirit the Perfect Path of Obedience for GENUINE Children of God. We Walk upon Legs Perfect, unbroken. Perfect Bones of Obedience we His Body BEING Raise in time WITH, BEHIND Him our Head.  Time is a temporary thing, tool Used by God to Save His Children, Seed mixed in with devil's seed.   The RACE held IN TIME of darkness and trouble, a Race RUN IN Obedience unto the END of allotted time.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Evil imagination that denies Reality Existence.

 The soul separated from gGod and captive overpowered and manipulated to defy God His 1 House Rule OF Law, the Law OF Obedience unto Spirit of Truth.  The Reborn SOUL back under the Wings,. Protection of Spirit AND FED BY Spirit the Thoughts of God.  The Mind of the Spirit Transforms, Roots the SOUL IN God his Father.

Captive unto darkness, the mind of darkness UNTIL the Flame Burns INTO Fire,  The Shine from WITHN THAT Reveals the Path TO Home.  From being fed the thoughts of wickedness, Restored to the Mouth of Truth, Good, Right Thoughts.  The Spirit the Reboot OF God.  The disabled sou, Enabled by the Presence of Spirit, God.  The Presence of God, the Source of Perpetual Obedience to Christ.  We the Body of Christ rely, lean upon God for Discernment.  Held by God's Presence, Power within absolute, unwavering Obedience.

Written words, memorized words can not Replace the Life of Living Truth within the SOUL  To know what is right is not the SAME AS Doing Right, Obedience by FAITH.

The SPIRITUAL Reboot COMPLETED BY the Power of God.Be

God DELETING ALL DARKNESS, source of evil.  My human souls invested in the thoughts and spirit of darkness, NOW BANKRUPT of EVERLASTING Riches, Life, I NOW Give SOUL UNTO Life Lived unto God.  The Children of God INVEST their time left, UNTO God, Spirit, His Thoughts.  Devotion to God BY Spirit within.

His Children with Dormant Seed, ASK AND Receive Spirit, Rain.  ACTIVATION of Seed within.  To Live by Realization of His Presence, the Will, Thoughts, Love of God for His Kingdom of His Presence.  His Children His Dwelling Place.

By Faith, His Presence, we Hear, Believe and SURRENDER IN CONFESSION, Truth, WE TURN TO Life and Live IN OBEDIENCE UNTIL death of flesh departs the soul  Partial obedience is not the Sacrifice Of THE Body of Christ.  Christ IN flesh CONFORMED  flesh UNTO Obedience.  The Father, God in fallen flesh CONFORMED the flesh TO God, Righteousness. Life.  And the flesh with life of sin, spirit of AIR in the blood, spirit of temporary AIR that flesh of death breaths, IS FREED from death, the spirit of disobedience, AIR.  The Body of Christ PREPARED FOR REBORN OBEDIENT SOULS.

By Faith we Live, Walk, Speak, Serve.

Forsaking, leaving behind, ALL other thought BUT His Thoughts, TRUTH.

 A REBORN, LIVING SOUL that Walks IN Union of ONE Spirit, ONE Mind, ONE Thought, God's.  To Live the Life OF Peace with God.  NOT ONE thought of darkness, unbelief, doubt IN Truth, THE POWER of Truth.  From living in a temporary life of darkness WITH darkness, delusional, a life filled with NIGHTmares.   WHEN flesh COMES TO the Realization of God BY Science, but not by Spirit of Faith.  God Save His Children in Science BY His Spirit GATHER them into the Body of Reality.

Thy Will SHALL BE DONE.  IN the world of death's dust , after the NIGHT time of dust is over, Raise YOUR dead IN the Body of Christ, to Follow AFTER Him.  The Life lived NOW in Obedience of Faith, and the Life NOW Lived in the Kingdom of Reality.

The HUMAN mind of flesh, and thoughts of flesh ARE NOT God's Thoughts of Christ His Body, NEW Flesh.

 HOW LONG will the children of flesh and AIR, temporary air, life, live not for God Creator, His Will for His Glory and STOP LIVING FOR flesh and darkness the human life, human way of BEING.  The flesh of woMAN become the home, residence of Evil.  The flesh Created by God for His Glory, Love, that NOW serves vanity and shames Him.

God IS Humbleness and is AGAINST pride, disobedience IN flesh.  Come to Him Obedience on your knees, ye that LOVE Obedience shall be Saved from disobedience, death.

The Redemption of LOST time, lost in darkness, serving darkness, RESTORED to the Reborn.

The REBORN, INVEST their allotted time left TO God His Presence.  NOW and through door of death that OPENS the Door of Life unto His Children COME HOME.  The Body a UNION OF OBEDIENT SOULS.

There is a PARTIAL OBEDIENCE offered in delusion by flesh. God our Father DEMANDS Christ and NOTHING BUT His Spirit and Seed within Children REBORN OF Truth, Living Word.  BE FOUND Worthy to Receive the Immortal Flesh of Perfection.  The Spirit of God the SPIRITUAL Detector that keeps out that which is REBORN of the Spirit of OBEDIENT Flesh.

You can not deceive God and enter any other way THAN Christ His Way.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Body of VIGINAL souls Promised TO Christ, HAVE Eyes ONLY FOR Him.

 They who Love the Son OF Obedience, hate disobedience.  They REJECT darkness and CLING TO Light.   Salvation of SOULS.  Souls Alive by Spirit FOR PERPETUAL Union with Truth.  This a Holy Union WHEE NO DARKNESS, presence of darkness IS ALLOWED to exist.  The Removal, Preparation for Holy Union, is the casting out ALL that is not God His Spirit of Truth.  The BRIDE REBORN OF OBEDIENCE, Receives the Garment of Christ, Holy Flesh.  The SOUL and Flesh BECOME ONE in the Kingdom of OBEDIENCE.  Where Light Dwells there is not even a speak of disobedience.  For even disobedience and wrath are tools, against disobedient flesh and dead souls. Separated from Life in the womb of darkness.

CAST OUT OF Obedience by disobedience, the god that dwells in house of flesh, abides as darkness, WHERE Light MUST dwell by Faith IN God Restored.  The Return of Light TO cast out darkness, and PERPETUALLY abide by Faith IN His House of MANY Rooms, for MANY LIVING SOULS.  ONLY the Living Children that Return by Truth can ENTER AND Dwell FOEVER.

The Wrath of God, unleashed to TURN His Children BACK Home TO Him His PRESENCE.  IN death of soul we behold darkness, and IN darkness we able to See Light, Way, OUT of darkness. The MORTAL body of flesh WAS TAKEN CAPTIVE to the mouth of darkness IN flesh.  The Plan, Way to MAKE a Perfect Man out of imperfect substance, Rebirth by Faith IN Obedience of Christ in fallen flesh of weakness.

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Joy of His Presence and the Walk IN, THROUGH TIME, HOLDING the Hand of my Father.

 At first seemed strange to HAVE the Presence, but NOW it would be stranger without Him.  When He IS with you, no stranger, no spirit, shall SEPARATE the Reborn SOUL FROM Him His Presence.

I had to EXPERIENCE TO Understand.

Truth IN me IS TAKING me Home to OUR Father OUR Home.

God is not bound by time, by darkness, by flesh, God the Substance of Life.

Examine your SELF, for the ANTI-Truth THAT falls into the mouth of no Way TO Return.

 You the OLD dead soul, void of Spirit, Truth, are being separated from Life, separated from God by dying flesh its desires.  Come Clean, CONFESS the deceit, the evil spirit thought life that RULES you.  Truth Saves the Children of Truth, NOT liars that pretend to know and follow God in Obedeince.

God Knows ALL human SECRET thoughts of flesh.  God GIVES, Reveals His Inaudible Thoughts of Him His Mind, unto Reborn OF Spirit.  Spirit of Life Speaks TO His Spirit-born SOULS.

Do not come to God BEARING your own human thoughts that are not His Thoughts, Christ.  The Reborn soul, VIRGINAL  NEW Soul must COME Home with Christ, His Seed, His Life within.  No BRIDE bearing the thoughts of darkness, death the enemy of Life, shall EVER ENTER into the Kingdom of Fullness, Bright Light.

God.  Spiritual Eyes that Know, See EVERYTHING.  Holy X-Ray Eyes of Power.

ALL have been born spiritually dead. Dead souls born of disobedient flesh.

 HUMAN children OF flesh, sin natured flesh, ARE sin natured SOULS.  The SOUL IS DEAD void of Spirit, Life, and the BODY OF flesh TEMPORARY life of breathing AIR, spirit of the world.  The Truth ACCORDING TO God, Spirit, cannot be UNDERTOOD with HUMAN spirit of AIR, in flesh of death.

The dead soul and the WRITTEN words shall not Guide, Lift UNTO, INTO Heaven.  The Spirit of Christ, Truth must ENTER AND ABIDE within SOUL.  The Very Breath of God, His Spirit, Presence in His Reborn Children of Faith.   The Reborn of Faith in, into, the Body of the LIVING.

God, Spirit, Father, Teacher and His Word that SAVES, delvers the SOUL BACK TO Life FROM THE DEAD.  Those sill asleep in the womb of slumber in darkness.  UNLESS IN Christ, Matured BY Christ they will NEVER awaken and ENTER THE Kingdom that IS God, Spirit and Thought.

TAKE HOLD OF Life in His Sprit and IN His Thoughts.  Walk as ONE in Peace with God.

The DEAD have no Consciouness of His Presence, Spirit. REALITY. Dead souls asleep in the womb of darkness.

 UNCONSCIOUS OF God, slumbering souls void of Life, shall not depart darkness into Light.  The dead KNOW BY the WRITTEN law that they deserve death for disobedience, but WITHOUT Faith they sall die OUTSIDE, NEVER TO ENTER the Kingdom, Arms, of God, Alive.  DOA, in darkness, not IN Light.

THE Verdict.  People, dead souls in temporary flesh, DESERVE TO DIE by unbelief. they ARE the children of UNBELIEF not the Reborn Children of His Spirit OF Obedience.

Pride.  Exalted, praised by dying flesh or to ALWAYS Obey, Love God?  The children of flesh are deceived by spirits in flesh. Separated FROM God.  ROMANS 3, if listening to a HUMAN being human, KNOW that ALL children of flesh ARE NATURAL BORN LIARS.

To BE Right, the REBORN MUST ALWAYS Spirit the Truth, Thoughts of God, His Words.  God IS PERFECT Jude, Judgment, Right Judgment.  God IS PERFECT.  It is flesh, its spirit of imperfection that IS the hypocrite, a liar BY human nature.  Therefore ALL human beings are sinners, disobedient BY spirit of disobedience, their nature by birth, ALL must BECOME, NEW creatures, SOULS Reborn BY, OF Faith into the SPIRITUAL Family of God.

The mind void of Spirit IS DEAD. Worships, obeys HUMAN desires.

God, Spirit, IS LOVE.  Spirit of Love, IS OBEDIENCE UNTO God.  God PRESERVES the Body of Christ, His BELIEVERS in Him.

INSTEAD OF Worshipping God IN OBEDIENCE, Love, the children of flesh worship THEIR flesh its desires.  They serve the fallen flesh of darkness.  The FALL OF Adam AND his body, flesh, poisoned unto dying, separated from God, Truth, ETERNAL Life.  They worship IMAGES OF the fallen mind giving themselves to TEMPORRY things and not to Immortal, Eternal, Reality that IS God.  God IS NOW.  Now IS God, HERE within the Body of Christ, Head. LIVING IN HOLY Union.  A Union BLESSED by our Father.

God my PERPETUAL Praise, Praise of He WHO Loves and Sacrificed Christ to Raise me from the dead.  ONCE I WAS a DEAD MORTAL soul, ruled, bowing to the darkness within, BUT NOW by Faith, NOW, this SOUL Raised by Life, Truth, EXIST IN the Body of Christ.
a Body that Lives by Christ the Head.

To bear evil seed of evil mind INTO existence.

 We ARE the Body, Bride of Christ, FOR Him His Seed, Fruit.  To BEAR the Holy Thought OF Love into EXISTENCE in the timeS of darkness.

WITHOUT the Light of Truth, the HUMAN mind is the mind of darkness.  EMPTY minds filled with NONSENCE.  The soul in union with mind of darkness, bears evil human thoughts into EXISTENCE.  The thoughts of death are NOT the Thoughts of Christ, Head IN UNION WITH we the LIVING Body OF Life.  The SWEET Breath OF Spirit and the Lips of Head Serving God.  The Body and Spirit are ONE. The Father IS THE Diving Mind, Source of Truth, His Thoughts, His LIVING Word.

The HUMAN spirit, breath of AIR in the DEAD are temporary life IN flesh.  The sting, poison of serpent IN the BLOOD of flesh.  As Father Told flesh, eat not of the poisoned fruit offered not BY God.  If it is not God His Truth, it is falsehood, liar, destroyer.

ENTIRE flesh, humanity POISONED UNTO death by one disobedience, UNBELIEF.

WHY do you NEED God, Spirit? ROMANS 1.

 God IS Life, Life that GIVES Life to human souls.  Human soul DEAD WITHOUT Spirit.  Dead souls IN DYING flesh.  God's Mercy, He Eternity grants to dead souls a TEMPORARY TIME to Seek God, Life, Truth, Love AND Live not die.  The Godless soul a SOURCE OF PAIN to his own soul and others.

We ARE the Body of Christ, Truth.  We live according to Spirit of Life, Truth WITHIN the Body.  God, Utmost Power, IS SAVING His Body of BELIEVERS.  OUR Father of ETERNAL Power, His Divine PRESENSE/Divine Nature, Lives IN us and Works through the Body of Christ, His Good Will.

Invisible God, CLEARLY Seen in His Children, His Likeness in LIVING SOULS and dying flesh.  Waiting for us the NEW Flesh of Christ for His Body of Believers.  ONE we shed our human "snake" skin.

Humanity, the walking dead IN flesh no longer have EXCUSE for disobedience BUT UNBELIEF.  Believers are lying hypocrites, give FALSE witness AGAINST God.  They are within the spiritual reflection of their father the devil of darkness.

Wolves among the Flock of God.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Truth. Spirit needs not help from children of flesh, pretending to Serve God. God Spoke to Moses, His prophets, BY Spirit.

 The Brightness of COMING Day, Calls ALL His REBORN INTO the Spirit AS ONE Body.  Reborn OF Him His Spirit, Calling our Names to COME FORWARD AND Live Blessed.

Go inside and sit at the Feet of His Presence.  BE STILL and Listen, His Mouth, Word, Breath will Guide you Home.  Seek the Shepherd His Presence, DO NOTHING BUT WHAT IS True in the Name of the Lord, RETURN Ye Sheep TO His House IN Peace.

The SOULS in His Body ARE BOWED DOWN to His Presence.  The SOUL TOUCHED, Speaks by Tongue of our EXCELLENT King.  Broken my soul IN the mouth of dragon, asleep in the cave of darkness, covered by the shadow of death.  I had forgotten my Father, but He Remembered me.  CHAINED Grace of Truth, CAME AND Released me. A flame was Lit by God and Fanned into Fire of Light, and this lamp once held in the hand of darkness HAS BEEN TAKEN BACK BY Light.  The Prince, Son of Glory has Restored me to the King OF Glory.  The King of Glory HAS CHOSEN FOR me THIS INHERITANCE.  God IS GONE  UP with a Shout, A SOUND OF His trumpet IN His Hand.  My God is the Father of Abraham.  And I am OF the Body of Abraham, Christ in me, me IN Christ. ONE Blessed Place TO BE.  I no longer hear voices, I Hear but ONE Voice, Calling me.

This Light, Fire, Presence SWALLOWS darkness. CAN you imagine that?  I Believe it.

The ruler shall do ACCORDING TO HIS OWN WILL, EDIFY himself, FLESH, MAGNIFY his human flesh.

 The ruler of flesh, men, shall EXALT him his self, flesh AGAINST God, Spirit.  He shall prosper THEN FALL.   That determined by God will BE, accomplished.  The ruler shall nor regard God as his fathers before him, nor will he desire women but his own flesh, likeness.  He will not desire God's provision fe-male flesh. He will LIFT him self above all, any god. He shall honor THE god of forces, a god unknown by his fathers, gods that reward with gold, silver, precious stones AND things pleasenat, pleasing to flesh. He shall RULE by these OVER MANY AND DIVIDE the land FOR GAIN.  The kings OF TIME shall COME TOGETHER, a WHIRLWIND with great forces in number.  He enter, pass over, enter, overflow countries.  He OF darkness shall go from many lands of many strange gods, at the time of END, he shall enter into the glorious land of many countries.  The land of PRIDE shall not Escape his hand, he shall hve the power of Force, troops,  The children of flesh and darkness SHALL NOT Escape. He shall PLANT his palace BETWEEN the seas of the glorious holy mountain and COME TO HIS End without any to help him.   The ruler of darkness in an over MANY for A time.

A time OF TROUBLE a time that NEVER WAS. SINCE time there was a nation in existence.  The Rebirth PAINS, at the time flesh people shall BE Delivered.  ALL that ARE Written in the Livin Book.  The Book of the Living, WRITTEN, ENGRAVES in the Walls of His Heart and Mind.

The LIVING SOULS in the Body of Christ.  He Knows us by Name, His Name. His Body.  The stars of Light in the Night of darkness, Shine Brightneoss, the EVER Shining Awakened unto Everlasting Life, they Stars in the NIGHT, TURN, LEAD MANY TO Righteousness. To SIT at His Feet.

BEFORE the END OF TIME.  Many COME TO Him shall BE Purified AND TESTED.  The wicked shall DO WICKEDNESS without Understanding.  BUT the Wise VIRGIN SOULs, His Bride Shall Live BY Understanding.  With Spirit THE Sacrifice of Christ, to be found upon, within the LIVING SOULS.  Daily Sacrifice unto God.  Come NOW and be still at His Feet, Alive and Prepared to DEPART WITH Him in His Spirit, Chriot for the children of Faith.  BE READY TO GO, CROSS OVER INTO the Kingdom Land of the Living.

For the dead IN TIME, it seems THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF TIME.  BUT TO the Living, His Presence IS WITH IN them EVEN NOW.

Stay Ready, Dressed, Clean.  Examined, Tested for TRUE Love.  He wants not the sacrifice OF blood of beasts, He demands the Sacrifice of the Body of Christ.  The Sacrifice of Body UNTO God, Spirit, Truth, Life.  We are not TEMPORARY vessels of blood and AIR.  We are THE Bride of Spirit, Holy Breath of Holy Life.

The Blink, the eye of flesh closed in death, the Eye OF Body OPEN in the Body NOW with Him, Eternity, outside of time.

 T he Lord SANCTIFIES His Body, right before the eyes of enemies, disobedience, death, deceit.

NOW.  NOW is ALWAYS the TIME to Seek the Lord His Presence. The Spirit of Christ will NEVER ALLOW a lion to swallow His Child, Head NOR Body.  COME NOW to Christ, the Sacrifice of the Lamb, RECEIVE FROM His Hand, Presence, YOUR Potion of Christ FROM Him OUR Father.

The Table of God, WHERE Christ is Seated with His Body.  Truth and nothing but His Truth, God's Thought, Truth upon His Table.

The Godless, heathen are held captive to their human, sin nature, disobedience unto death.  The souls dead by human thought poison.

Father SHINE Your Presence, Light, upon this nation of darkness, Restore THIS NATION OF darkness Back TO Light.  Draw out of darkness Your Lost people, TURN ON THE Light, Shine of Day.

Swallow the remnant of darkness, the shadows of darkness by Your Light, Presence.  RESTORE Your Lost BACK TO You.

IN my state of darkness. IN me, I SUDDENLY Saw the Blinding Light of Brightness, Coming of Day. i

 I was so EMPTY, so Hungry, SO THIRSTY.  Love His Spirit HELD me and Fed, Filled me until SATISFIED WITH NOTHING BUT Him His Presence.

He, Heard me crying in the darkness, and He CAME TO Save me.  Love Rules in and over me.  There is not any other place than NOW with Him I desire to BE.

Still, Waiting FOR Him to Speak, GIVE DAILY Bread and Wine to me from His Hand.

The land of where flesh lives without God, they defile the land by their OWN way, spirits, by their thoughts and THEIR actions.  The children of an unclean spirit, unclean flesh.  Those He desires He will SPRINKLE WITH Clean Water, Spirit and they SHALL BE Clean without their unclean spirit, by His Spirit they WILL TURN, COME TO Him that Calls them.

The Hand of God, His Presence, by His Spirit, He will GatheAr, LIFT into the Kingdom of God.  A Children GOVERNED BY God His Spirit of TRUTH.

The Sword of Truth, takes us away from the mouths of hungry, angry lions.

The Mercy of God upon seed not His. Temporary life, doing time, doing good and not evil, EASY time, instead of HARD time.

 The Goodness of God, to flesh is temporary time life, and the Reward of Living Christ is, Release from prison of time.  Going Home after Restoration TO God the OBEDIENCE DUE Him as God.  The Kingdom of God's Presence IS OURS, IHERITANCE OF His Body of Children. 

Genesis, Cain, ALL, YOU have to do, is OBEY Love and THEN BE Accepted by God as His.  How Kind is Love to the children of flesh and AIR in their blood.

God is the Father of the Body of Life, the LIVING SOULS, that cast off their flesh and RETURN IN, BY His Spirit of Christ.  TOO HARD, IMPOSSIBLE FOR those without Spirit to Help, Life, and CARRY THEM IN to the Kingdom of God's Presence.

The hypocrites, offer PARTIAL obedience, NOT Christ His Spirit OBEDIENCE, TO God.  Like their father, they his seed, his spirit in flesh, PRETEND, MASQUERADE, DECEIVE.  Lie to their dead souls and others.  Liars that do not Know God nor Known AS His.  The churches of the antichrist.  They seek teachers that tell, teach them WHAT they the dead WANT TO hear.  They listen and do not Have the Spirit, Life, Power, TO OBEY, DO AS God Says.  They follow a WRITTEN Word FOR the dead, bind, deaf, crippled souls, that have NO Way to COME TO Him His Feet.

Woe to the shepherd that are wolves in disguise, that are not Shepherds of Truth. They speak the thoughts that put a soul back even deeper into slumber of death.  The Lamb of God our Shepherd CALLS His Seep TO Him and they Follow Him, NO OTHER.  The false shepherds gather sheep to devour, take and USE them for what they want, desire.  Like pharaoh they with force, cruelty ask them to do the impossible.  God IS Setting His Sheep free from their mouths that serve darkness.

Look to Rome.  It being Revealed by the Light that Rome IS FALLEN TO the darkness.  See the nakedness of the MANY denominations of a different doctrine than Christ, Truth of His Spir

The WASTE lands. The WILDERNESS OUTSIDE His Kingdom.

 The children of flesh and human spirit ARE GIVEN TO the beasts, that DEVOUR the flesh.  They even DEVOUR each other BY THEIR MOUTHS.  Know that the Lord shall make DESOLATE a land, people of abomination, disobedience.

Come. NOW.  And sit at His Feet. Sit IN STILLNSS OF Faith, Listen, Hear by Spirit and Receive of Him.  The human souls, born of flesh, they hear BUT hear not IN Faith, nor do they turn from disobedience TO You, Spirit of Faith.  THEIR thoughts, words, teachings are NOT Yours Spirit, the Hypocrites like their father speak partial truths as Truth.   Those told Your Words of Truth, SAY they will TURN from flesh TO Spirit.  Their mouths SAY the WRITTEN words of Truth BUT they do not DO by Spirit of Love, Truth, POWER OF Obedience.  THEIR lips of flesh SAY they will BUT the spirit OF COVETOUSNESS turns their hearts from Love, to self-ishness, disobedience.  Ruled by desie for THINGS, that dwell as god in them, UPON Your Throne.

ONLY God's Words, Thoughts IN Christ our Head, ARE Good. Stop thinking evil thoughts of fallen flesh.

 The spirit of temptation, his suggestions, are deadly poison.  PLEASE stop walking in the thoughts of disobedience.  Let the dead souls walking in temporary dying flesh, FALL at His Feet in surrender, AND ASK, Pray, PLEED in Faith with God TO SEND Help TO you.  The Spirit the ONLY Way BACK TO God.  Those who BELIEVE, ASK, those WITH Faith Receive the Rain that Raised the DORMANT Seed of God.  The enemy, disobedience, has MINGLED, MIXED his seed of darkness WITH the Seed of God.

Patient God of Love HAS ALLOWED time-before Harvest.  The seeds of time are mixed with His Seed in flesh of Adam.  PRAY FOR Flood of Light and the Rains that Raise the Wheat unto Light, Separation from the weeds of human life.

Time IS for, Waking up IN Faith, Rising and Serving Eternal Day, NOW without END.  Spending your time, hour of darkness, IN darkness, OR RUNNING TO the Presence of Light.  The SOUL HYNOTIZED BY the things that dying flesh desires, wasting time.  The SOUL dead void of Spirit, Breath does not Understand that it IS DEAD.  It is the flesh of darkness that deceives, makes the soul think it is alive. Well the devil is partial truth, deceiving the soul that partial obedience IS THE SAME as the Obedience of Christ in His HUMAN flesh.  HURRY the door of time is closing.  Time to NOW EXIST with Head as His Body RAISED FROMT the dead flesh walking the earth.

When the Lord SAYS in a BLINK of the Eye, IT IS.  

WHAT IS THIS tat God HAS DONE, IS DOING toTHIS soul? Imprint? Engraved Christ, Written by Spirit, Lazer of Light?

 God can not BE Received, Believed IN, but BY His Spirit ALONE.  The SURRENDER that Saves, sets free the soul.   I a SOUL that has Escaped from darkness by the indwelling of Light, Escaped TO WARN Others.   He COMES in the Morning hours of darkness, and FEEDS me the DAILY Truth I need.

The SPIRITUAL Children of Abraham's Faith, we ARE THE Body of Faith.  God's not by HUMAN spirit, HUMAN flesh, BUT OF Christ, His Spirit, His Flesh without disobedience, human spirit of AIR, we ARE the Body of Christ not by flesh but BY Spirit.

Christ my Lord, God, Guide, BY His Spirit, VERY BREATH of God this SOUL NOW Lives Christ.  The Body of Christ does not RESIST, REFUSE, DENY the Crucifixion of Body with Head.  What God HAS DONE.  The Living a Life of Obedience as the Body of Christ. Eternally NOW, His, FOREVER His. By His Kiss, Breath of Union, We Live, Know, Serve Him.  We serve no godless flesh, sons of darkness masquerading, pretending, deceiving.  We the Body of Life, SERVE our Head.

The Father SHALL Gather His LOST Sheep into the Body, Flock of Christ. Him we Listen to, Folllow, He the ONLY Way Home.

Children of flesh and human soul: TURN NOW from sin of disobedience, UNTO Spirit of Obedience and Live not die.

 The WRITTEN Word of God MUST BE Read in the Spirit of the Author.  God has MADE IT so that HUMAN, fallen disobedient lovers of self desires, will NEVER enter the Kingdom of Obedience, Peace with God.  God is Spirit NOT flesh.  The flesh of Christ, human flesh its blood of AIR, disobedience bled out, WAS Raised A Sinless Flesh FOR us the Reborn of Spirit.

HUMAN children of flesh and AIR blood, IF they TURN FROM their way, human spirit, and OBEY God, THEN they WILL Live not die.  The Power to TURN FROM sin, disobedience, IS AVAILABLE IN Christ His Body.  We the LIVING SOULS, Reborn of Father's Will, We ARE the Body of Christ, His Servants in this world, realm of darkness, FOR a

-time.  Planted by God, before the enemy mixed his seed, in the times of darkness in, on the earth.  With the Pouring out of Rain, We Rise into the Light, Waiting for our hour of Night to pass AND BE LIFTED, HARVESTED out of time, the dead, Ascending by Spirit TO the Door of Father's House.  Eternal Day Watching, WAITING for His LIVING Children, SOULS.

Watched by God His Presence,   The TIME of temporary light, moon, in darkness is slowly being closed.   The soul void of Faith, Life, shall be captive, hell bound in the grace, pit of NO Return.  IF the righteous soul TURN BACK FROM God TO disobedience, that soul shall SURELY DIE.

Restore the Pledge, GIVE UNTO God the SOUL all, mind and heart TO God.  Receive, become ONE WITH Christ His Spirit and LIVE not die.  Walk in the Steps OF the Law, LIVING Law, Christ.

By Faith IN Him, the Power of God, Spirit, Live NOW IN Him and REMAIN IN Spirit.  The Reborn Live IN Spirit BY Spirit of Christ NOW unto Eternal Life, HOME.  Father IS WAITING, Watching Helping.  Will AND DOES Save His Reborn from death, IF Abiding in Christ the Holy Ark BY Faith.

His Body CLINGS TO Him OUR Head, He DELIVERS His Body TO Father.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Souls Chosen, Prepared by Spirit to BE ONE WITH Him in the NIGHT times of darkness. The Body of SOULS BELONG TO Him.

 The PERPETUAL Fountain of Living Waters Poured into the Vessel, Body of Christ.  The VERY Thoughts of God the Thoughts Given to us BY our Head.

The GROWING INTENSITY OF Expectation of the Coming of NOW about to BE Revealed.

The SOUL WANTS TO Walk PERPETUALLY but this OLD garment is tired and needs rest.

God Bless ALL that ASK, TO BE Grafted into the Tree of Life.  The Gift of the Season. Chriat.

WHY so fear-full ye OF little, no, FAITH. Any Faith IS Great, Greater than fear that hides in flesh.

 Come to Me with out fear, IN Union of Love WITH Me.  O Son of God, LAY Your Head upon this Body of SOULS, Rest.   Let others bury the dead of flesh, I WANT TO GO, BE, WITH You.  A great wind of darkness STIRS up the waves of darkness.  They FILL the AIR ways with their noise.  Father FIX the souls in Christ, upon You ONLY You, that we listen not, nor TURN TO watch the waves, winds.  Father FIX our SOULS UPON Christ, our Way into the Presence of Love.  Think the Thoughts of Love, Goodness, Mercy on the Way, STEPS OF His Door.  The Door OPENS UNTO the Children of God.  CLOSED TO the substance, the souls not OF God.

I WAS DEAD.  IN CHAINS of Darkness, weak without Help.  But the Spirit TOUCHED me and I am Healed by His Presence to Rise and Walk GLORIFYING God.  JUST THE TOUCH OF His Garment, Flesh and I am Healed.  The Living REBORN INTO the Body, Garment of Christ.  Healed IN TIME TO Walk with Him into Eternal Home of SAINTS.

BEHOLD, THE Lord SENDS His Messengers which Reveal, Prepare, Show THE Way to BEHOLD Him Face to face.  There will be no children of darkness PLAYING, RUNNING IN pretense, IN His Garden of Restoration.  Children are known by, recognized BY spirit.  What IS within the vessel, comes out of vessel.  Father the Body of Christ THANKS You who HAVE HIDDEN from the fruit of the seed of darkness.  BE ONE WITH the Tree of Christ, be Crucified and Alive or BE DEAD.

Casting, throwing out ALL devils, children of darkness, forbidden a seat at Your Table of Truth.

We the Body Crucified with Christ, our Head.  We ARE the Seed of the Fruit fallen to the ground. Rain, Rain NOW.  Raise us from the dead, Alive.

Christ TO the flesh of devils. Ye ARE devils LIKE YOUR father, his likeness you are.

 The invitation to depart the body of death by obedience and ENTER BY Faith Body of Obedience.

The fallen art of self deception.  UNABLE TO See, Recognize, Know THE HUMAN spirit of AIR, life in the SOUL is not God hut death.   The Devil LOVES his flesh to be weighed down with busy-ness. NEVER Still IN Peace of His Presence.   Modern TIME of distraction, focus on MANY OTHER things than God.  Deceit the thought that is not God's, in the place of God.

And the MODERN church of flesh not Spirit, that swallows up the time allotted to Seek and Live IN Peace with God, and not misled into the mouth that swallows the dead souls into absolute nonexistence.

God IS Reality.  Life.  Love. The Life of Service, DELIVERING FRESH Bread to the dying in darkness.

Christ died FOR YOU TO ENTER His Body of Faith and Live IN Faith a Good Spiritual Thought-Life UNTO Him.   The human self must be removed from the soul that the SOUL MAY Live and not die in, with darkness of nonexistence, OUTSIDE Reality.

Every day that the Lord PERMITS, I will Speak, Call, Stand SHOUTING THE Good News of Truth IN Reality.

it IS the spirit of human madness, fear that Separates them from Love.

Fear of Presence of God, is the human spirit of self-love, self serving spirit, the SELF-ish life, keeps the dead soul from SURRENDERING to the Living Law, Spirit that ERACES the soul, spirit, life OF DARKNESS.

Ezekiel.   A world of madmen driven by winds of self destruction.   Paul CALLED a mad man while Testifying Truth.  This is not the Kingdom of Peace, Father Speak your Kingdom of PERPETUAL Peace INTO EXISTENCE. We Pray, Come, NOW.

Pour the Wine, Pass the Bread.  We LOVE Sitting AT Your Table of Thought.

The children of darkness ROAR, let them fall to the ground their strength poured out.  Pour OUT MORE of Your Spirit , Greater than the wine in the mouths of bitterness.   Truth pull down THEM walls.

O spirit of wicked disobedience, thy children in chains of death shall die. Open your Mouth and WARN of THEIR way, spirit.

 The Servant of Love WARNS the unbelieving disobedient.  For to not WARN is disobedience, IN Faith I Warn and DELIVER my SOUL unto God as Servant of Salvation, Preservation, of others, the Deliverance of my OWN SOUL by Obedience.  Pride, fear of fallen man flesh, shall not CAUSE me to be a stumbling block, hindrance to the dead, blind, deaf souls asleep in a house set on fire by darkness, its fire of destruction.

Send Rain, Help, for Your houses filled, blinded by darkness.  Send Light and Rescue back Home to You WAITING, WATCHING for THEIR RE-turn.

Give NOW what IS DUE Him as God.  NOT partial obedience of flesh, but the Obedience of Christ NOW ours BY Faith.  

BY fear, panic, struggle a SOUL DROWNS in waters of darkness.  BY Faith, IN Love, we FLOAT until He REMOVES US BY His Hand, from the earth INTO the Heavens.  We SOULS NOW Live the Life of Obedience, NOW and UNTIL Called Home.

My FORMER HUMAN spirit, deceived my dead soul, by desires of flesh, thoughts of flesh, deceit.

 Christ has Removed, Broken the OLD yoke of flesh from me.  The yoke of darkness REMOVED by the PRINCE OF Love.  I would not exchange, trade the Yoke of God His Presence for any thing in, of this world of darkness.  Love has Pierced the heart of darkness, bled out, the old life and Filled me with Thoughts of Love.  The Kiss of Truth, the Lips and Breath of God RESTORE UNTO God, Life.

God.  A Whirlwind of Bright Fire the Center the Color of Amber.  The Chariot of Restoration. That Transforms, Changes the dead soul, ABSORBS the SOUL INTO Fire of Light.  The Wings FAN EVAN Brighter, the SOUL separated Perpetually unto Light.  There is no darkness in existence in the Head, Body, Kingdom of Life.  There is ONLY One Voice, ONE Doctrine, Thought and that IS Christ. His Spirit, the Breath that KEEPS the SOUL in His Body ALIVE.  The Head and Body BREATH AS ONE.  ONE Man, the Thone of God, God Seated as God of His Throne.  ONLY the Spirit of God EXISTS in Reality.

Come let us Serve Him IN the Obedience of His Spirit.  Prepare to CAST all crowns at His Feet.

WHEN IN Babylon, Speak THIS Truth FROM God, His Words, Spoken AGAINST Babylon.

 The Sword of God, the Truth in the Mouth of God, IS RETURNING, to cut, pierce REMOVE all that is of darkness, man flesh of beast, GONE OUT OF EXISTENCE perpetually by DECREE.  The END TO reading BY fallen flesh, NOW a LIVING Truth, Spoken, ENRAVED in the Head of Body that leads always to God His Presence.  The LAZER, Sword of Light. Truth our NEW Life we NOW Live.

Has not DEATH SWALLOWED UP enough dead souls in flesh? Slaves of darkness their children, slaves killed before their eyes. Generation of dust void of Living Water, RETURNED TO DUST.  From dust to dust is flesh.  From Light unto Light is the Body of Living Souls.

The SHINE, Life of God's Presence NOW OURS, VICTORY.

Who cries out perpetually like the Reborn of Spirit, for the Milk of Heaven, BONES TO Stand and not fall?

 The NEW INFANT Held in the Arms of God, Calmed by His NOW Presence.  Those SOULS OF His Substance Born FOR Freedom from disobedience, UNTO Obedience to God, the Spirit, Father, MIND in Christ our Head.  A LIVING Truth flowing Freely from Soul to Soul  Spirit to Spirit.

The Mystery, the PUZZLE, Riddle can not be Known without Spirit of Revelation.   God Reveals Him Self to His Children. SOULS Reborn of the Mind of God, Children of Bride-Groom.  Bride and Groom United by Father AS ONE. The SUCCESS, VICTORY OF Planned Parenthood.  Father and His Truth, ONE and the Son and Bride ONE United by Father.  ALL the souls REBORN into the Family by Spirit.

Called into EXISTENCE, Reality, to Serve God NOW in His Kingdom.  God a Kingdom of Spirit removing the OLD human spirit of kingdom of darkness, RESTORING His Will as God.

With Christ the Sword, Tongue, WORD of God we SLAY the dragon dead within flesh, mind, heart, soul.

The dragon ceases to EXIST IN THE FULLNESS, Presence of Light.

The lion of darkness roars, the serpent poisons, IN this dream of NIGHT outside Reality.  Wake up its time to sit at His Table of Thought, Rise and Serve Him.  The Son IS RISEN unto Eternal Day. Stop listening to your own thoughts in coma, Believe and therefore Live Christ NOW. NOW. NOW.

WHEN He Comes, He IS the Reward.  Eternal Riches.

Moab in Heshbon. The Lord is against Moab. Spoiled, Confused, Stunned.

 They have DEVISED evil, to cut of the nation FROM Becoming.  MadnesAs in flesh, madmen, rebels that shall POSSESS, have NO Peace, Chased by pursuing sword.  FLEE destruction TURN TO Safety.  Flee the wilderness, where you have trusted in YOUR works, thoughts, spirit.  Flee NOW the captivity of the SPOILER.  Cursed is the soul deceiver that PRETENDS TO serve the Lord cursed the sword NOT OF Him, His Spirit, Breath, Life.  The TASTE OF BITTERNESS, the aroma of death.

ALL kingdoms of darkness IN flesh shall cease to EXIST, but the Kingdom of God IS PERPETUAL.

Time. To SET UP the Standard, Christ, AGAINST the spirit of Babylon.  There IS a great Sound of battle, Spirit against spirit in realm of flesh and blood.  God has set a snare, TEST for Babylon the soul of darkness.  The flesh driven by darkness IS dead IN TIME.  The Body of Christ Ascended with Head INTO Eternity.  WAKE UP ye dead souls in flesh.  The LIVING SOULS in His BODY, NOW, Awaken with Him IN the Kingdom of Light, once the temporary NIGHT IS OVER.  b

BE FOUND IN Christ the ARK, His Body, where there is NO DEAD SOUL, JUST THE Living.

Begin a Walk in the Morning with Christ, Truth CLEARS THE Head, and Walks the WHOLE time, WITH you.

 From beginning to the END of Night, The Risen Son REMAINS, darkness BE GONE!  His LITTLE Children, REBORN Believe Him BECAUSE He IS our Father  Our LONG Walk Home, our Return WITH the Light within us, Shining, Reveaing the ONLY Way back to Goodness OUR Home.

The Great Flood of Light that Lifts us up out of darkness.  The Reborn SOULS IN the Body, Ark of Christ.  Safe above the waters of destruction.  The Spirit VERY Breath of God, Saves the Body of Christ, the Breath of Head Saves.

You HUMBLE, HAVE Faith to BOW AND ASK for REAL Food of Reality?  JUST ASK and by Faith Receive the WHOLE Loaf of Bread.  NEVER BE HUNGRY AGAIN. For His Presence, His Food, His Wine, His Table of Good Thought, Truth.

BY Spirit we See, Read, Understand and BECOME the Likeness, Body of Christ.

 Human children.  IN HUMAN spirit, conformed to partial obedience.   The Reborn, Spirit filled souls, Obedient BY Spirit.  God their Father of Bride and Bridegroom, DWELLS in His Living SOULS.

Father, Teacher, ENGRAVES His Truth by His Spirit, Written by the Finger of God within the SOUL its walls.  Walls of Mind, of Heart, Christ in us. We THE SPIRITUAL House of MANY Rooms.  We ARE the Body of God's Carpenter, Son.  Builder of Kingdom COME. NOW.

I Hear Him, and He HEARS me.  Head and Body ARE BECOME ONE Ruled by Thoughts, Mind of God.

It IS impossible to EMBRACE, Receive the Truth, the Seed of Life WITHOUT the Help, Presence of Spirit.  God, Spirit, Father of His LIVING Children REBORN OF Faith IN Christ.  Spirit IS ALL IN ALL His Children.  Christ and His Body, Bride.  EXISTING IN Reality, His Mind, and BECOME EXISTENT by His Will.   Surrender of the Body unto Truth, Head, Seed, a Thought-Life, OURS by surrender to God.

Forsake the mind, thoughts of flesh BY Union WITH Truth, NOW today, tomorrow and EV

ER NOW.  We BEAR THE Fruit, Truth of God His Mind.

Walk this Day NOW and DAY AFTER NOW, always in NOW, God, Reality.

The Written Word on the table, fills me with DESIRE to put it IN my mouth and bite, swallow.  Spirit Says I can STOP the impulse NOW He Feeds SPIRITUAL Truth, Bread IS, IN this SOUL.  NOW is this SOUL Satisfied with the Perpetual Presence of Bread and Wine.  Mine NOW my SOUL IS Seated at His Table perpetually NOW His.

Do not ask me to a church taught by flesh, human spirit of misinterpretation, ye devils of darkness, THIS Body, Bride, Her Head, Mind BELONGS To Father His Son, Christ.  Father Save the Bride from the mouths of liars, deceivers, pretenders, THIEVES, that seek to Rob Christ of His Body, Bride.

In the Blink of His Eye. Reborn from dead soul into Living soul. Released in time TO Live NOW by Spirit Christ.

 Spiritual beings.  Experiencing by Faith in God, the Life of Obedience Jesus Christ, His Body.

When the Bride IS Prepared to Receive Truth, the Body Receives.  MANY SOULS Sharing ONE Body OF Faith.  Give me Christ OR I am TWICE dead, cease to EXIST IN the Mind of Reality, God.

The hypocritical worship we offer by flesh is as vomit.  Father Forgive and RaNise us up Alive IN Christ.  The Breath of your Mouth, Your Living Word of Lips FILL US to NOW Walk in Union with Truth, the Steps, Thoughts of Truth.  God's Truth is not the truth of partial obedience.  THAT is the devil. The darkness, the shadow that seeks to swallow dead soul and dying flesh AS ONE.

A NEW Day, Eternal, Spiritual, NOW EXISTS.  Shed the skin of snake and Rise a Living SOUL Dressed IN Flesh of Christ.   Prepared for Bride by Father.

The JOY of the Bride, Receiving Seed and BEARING the Thoughts of God, Mind of His Seed.

 No Christmas shall be LIKE this Christmas SPENT WIT God, the Mind and Christ Truth.   The Kiss of Truth, Union, that REMOVES the AIR of temporary breath, with the Breath, Spirit.

Lord allow me to Give as You have Gifted me.  Father Give Your Spirit to ALL Your Children, Gather us into ONE Body, Christ's.   You ARE the Father of WONDER, Spirit of Amazement.

Light of Brilliance, Power, Work, PIERCE the darkness with Christ, Light up the whole world, CHANGED BY Lights that Shining, remove the darkness in the world.  The Kingdom of darkness BECOME the Kingdom of Light.

I am as a child seated on the floor, Watching the Christ-mas Lights on Tree being TURNED ON.

We ARE the Body of Christ. Bride GIVEN TO Christ. NOW. Live according to Head, Thoughts of God's Mind IN Christ,

FROM the Sender, TO HIS Body WITH, Love,

The LIVING SOULS yet in the physical flesh, ARE SOULS THAT SERVE God His Head, Christ.  God the Mind, Womb, Creator OF ALL SUBSTANCE, is IN Christ, Head of We Body, Servant in this PHYSICAL realm.

God THE Mind, Womb, Speaks THOUGHTS within Christ our Head, God Speaks TO us THROUGH Chrit our Head.  Spirit in us Speaks to Christ IN UNION WITH SOUL.  Spirit Speaks TO Spirit.

TO LIVING SOULS, His Children who ARE REBORN of Spirit, not flesh, CAN, DO Hear Him His Thoughts through Christ the Head of the Body of the Reborn.

People void of Spirit are dead souls walking the earth in, by FLESH.  This the MERCY OF God to ALL Creation.  Human flesh exists IN TIME.  TEMPORARY TIME.  The Reborn OF Christ, His Body, IS Raised OUT OF TIME, is NOW Eternal Flesh without evil human spirit, AIR in the blood.

We His Body Shall Ascend from this world of AIR, AS Body that Breaths Spiri t.

SORRY Elon.  The ONLY Rocket IS THE Man  Jesus Christ, His Body with Head, Safe in the SPIRITUAL Ark. Returning to God, NOT IN TIME, but in Spirit, Eternity.

NOW.  From NOW here unto NOW WITH Head.

Spirit is the Key to EVERYTHING God. Spirit Speaks, Teaches, REVEALS Thoughts of God to the Spirit in the Reborn.   The Mind of God full of Riches, A Safe, that cannot be broken into by a thief, robber, enemy.

Christ's disciples Watched the Body of  Christ Ascend with Him, Head, INTO the ETERNAL Home.  The Bride with the Bridegroom, ONE, Seated with THEIR Father.

Father there is NONE LIKE you but Christ the Man, and His Bride of Children.  Speak to those submitting themselves to Truth. Your HIDDEN Truth.  I KISS the Feet of Christ, Head AND Body.

WHAT You alone HAVE DONE UNTO this soul, unbelievable to Godless, Faithless flesh.  I SURRENDER NOW and ALWAYS, NOW in Your Presence.  Lord You ARE Seen, Recognized in the darkest, LAST darkness of hell on earth.   The EXPLOSIVE Power of God, AIMED AT all that is not Spirit, REMOVED from physical existence.  From the Sender to His Body, with Love.

REMEMBER TO  CELEBRATE Christ without the yeast, bread of malice.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Dead souls void of Spirit, Life, walk in dying flesh. The lips of flesh, the gates of hell.

 They are the shadows of death, the doors that open and close to the dead, temporary shadows of darkness.  These know NOT THE Way of the Light, WHERE, HOW, WHY Light DWELLS: IN the Minds, Hearts of Christ's Body, IN Christ the Head of His Body.  We ARE the Body of Christ.

The darkness dwells, lives, moves the human flesh void of Spirit.  The dead soul lives by temporary AIR, breath, spirit of the world.  The body fall to the ground, BOTH body and soul are dead together.  There is a Place, Light dwells, and a place where darkness dwells, in the dead, the dying, souls separated from God.  We ARE the Body of Christ Alive by Presence, Breath of God, Spirit.

The NORTH Wind, and Snow, MOUNTAIN Waters,. COOL REFRESHING Water in times of battle and war.   Waves stilled that the Body can CROSS OVER.  The Source.  The W.OMB ice comes forth from.  Winter TIME when the things of the Deep are Hidden, The Waters come from North, HIDDEN IN A Stone.  Speak to the Stone do not strike.  The Light Shine, the Waters melt, Refresh.  From Mountain Top down to the valley.

WHO BUT God CAN, DOES Give Spirit of Understanding to the Hearts, His vessels.  Who Floods the hardened soil, dust into a Field of God His Presence.  Without Him we are but prey for hungry devouring lions.  By His Mouth, Breath we Live.  By the mouth of the lions of darkness, we die, cease to exist back into nonexistence.

The Seed and His Body, FULLNESS in time, about to BRING FORTH Christ His Presence into the last hours of NIGHT.

 A Light Brought Forth BY God His Will.  A Lamp of Light, a Flame, a Wind, a BODY, THAT Crucified IN Union, ONENESS OF Faith, This Christ in us, DESIRES TO SET THE whole world of darkness AFlame.

Christ, God's Truth, the native Language of Father and Children.  Father MAKE, LET my THOUGHTS, OF Your Spirit OF Christ, BE PLEASING UNTO You.  Joy.  JOY.  He THE Vessel of LIVING Waters, my Head that constantly OVERFLOWS this soul unto OVERFLOWING.  Holy, Holy Obsession, Conception of God, Christ in me, Light SWALLOWING UP darkness, Saving me.

The Spirit of God, Truth and God's Seed HAVE REMADE me, Holy Breath MAKES ME Alive.  Separated me from the dead who think they are alive but are dying flesh NOT Christ Flesh Body of SOULS.

He BLESSES me with the Precious, the Wealth of Life, His Presence BOES md to the Feet of Christ.  Reality Reveals Him Self to His Children asleep in time of darkness.  Revelation of Truth by the Spirit of Truth.   WAKE UP AND SHOUT with Joy, the Lord IS WITH His Children.  NOW SHOUT and bring down the walls of darkness.

Desire not the NIGHT, hours of darkness, the dead sleep in.  Desire the Day, the Presence NOW of the Lord.  Time IS FOR?  Standing STILL and CONSIDER Him His Works, Power, Kindness.

WHAT can children of men, flesh, human spirit SAY TO Him, BECAUSE THEIR thoughts ARE NOT His Truch Conception.  The flesh thinks, REASONS BY darkness And darkness is Swallowed by the Light.  SO human flesh of death, AIR, FEARS Him.  BUT REBORN Children OF Spirit, Breath, Live FOR Him His Pleasure, Joy.  WE LOVE Him, ADORE His Word of His Mouth and Spirit.

Who but the children of darkness, deceit, misunderstanding, MISCONCEPTION,S OF error, WOULD DARE speak lies in the PERPETUALLY Present God.  El Roi.

ALL the Lights IN darkness, Night-time, His Stars SANG AS ONE, and the Children of Light Shouted as ONE Voice of Joy. God has SET a BOUNDARY, a line which pride, its waves cannot cross over.

From the seed of wickedness IS THE Light Withheld.  The arm of wickedness IS BROKEN BY the Hand, Will of the Lord.

Father shall I BE LIKE Adam, making excuses for UNBELIEF and falling to the voice of temptation, not You Voice, Truth?

 My Redeemer Lives, Your Healing Living Truth GUIDES and protects this REBORN SOUL.

We WERE AND ARE NOW, by Faith, Reborn SOULS IN THE Body of Christ.  We Live, We HEAR by Christ, YOUR Thoughts of You Your Spirit and by Faith, Your Spirit, we NOW Live the Life of Christ, the Life OBEDIENCE WITHOUT any disobedience.

Father, Good Father, ALL Knowing, ALL Powerful, ONLY True God, Command and BRING FORTH Your Children of Holy Seed, Christ by YOUR HAND into Thy PERPETUAL Presence.  Restore the Reborn TO Head, By His Presence, Spirit, WE Rise as ONE, Walk in Obedience, OBEY AS ONE Body of Love for God.

Forgive me the things done UNDER the yoke of disobedience.  Forgive where I HAVE CAUSED others to LOSE THEIR life my thoughts, actions of flesh.

Make me Strong IN Truth, Love, Devotion.  Enable me to CONFESS my weakness, by human spirits of flesh.  Make me OF Christ, Home-bond, not HIDING LIKE Adam in darkness.  UNDRESSED, ASHAMED, GUILTY OF Separation from the Word, Thought, SPIRIT OF Your  Mind and Mouth.

There is a spirit of confusion, misinterpretation, deceit, in man a shadow of darkness.  The evil self of flesh separated from God, Light.  BUT IN Christ there is no darkness, no shadow of death.  Christ GIVES His Body Understanding, Reality, Truth, Light.  Peace WITH God, Present, and Peace with others.  There is a human spirit that enslaves to human will, desires.  The soul dead in death, chains of death, SEPARATED FROM Life, God, REALITY.

The being INSPIRED BY Spirit to Think, Speak, DO Truth.  The Power of being INSPIRED, Moved, TRANSFORMED BY God, THE INSPIRATION, Source, Spirit THAT GIVES Understanding.  Same Substance of God, the SAME Sustance of the Reborn to BE Transformed into ONE Body of Life.

The Vessel filled to FULLNESS with Wine, Christ, Fruit of God, Growing, Swelling to OVERFLOWING, Christ, Life, Substance.  I REJECT any man of flesh his wisdom, his thoughts, ONLY the Thoughts of His Spirit do I CLING TO, Conceive.  The seeds, thoughts of weeds their lips I will not accept.  I am in Love with the Son of God, the ONLY Man is He who Loves me.  Adam and Eve, TWO AS ONE.  Jesus the Christ RESTORED TO His Body, AS ONE.  The human mind, womb capable of temporary word, but not OBEDIENCE.  The HUMAN mind and HUMAN spirit cannot PRODUCE Christ, The Seed of Love, Eternity.  Not without EXPANSION, Help of Spirit in charge of the Bride.  It takes THE HEAD to DRAW OUT His Body from darkness.  Christ the OLD BECOME New by the Will, Power, Presence of God.

The SOUND OF Rain, AFTER the Sound of His Thunder, Voice.

 Wait.  WAIT.  Sit, STILL at His Feet, of His Body. AND BE Fed.  The dead souls, children of darkness, REIST, Fight, REBEL, Speak about Him THEY do not Know, He is a Stranger, a Spirit they do not Know.  They REJECT, Refuse to believe IN Him His Presence, Light.  Their WAY is chosen by them, takes them even further away from Truth.  The OLD written truth, servants OF flesh, TWIST, DEFORM into what flesh wants AS True.  The Lord disdains such deceivers, tongues of false doctrines: wolves He would not put with His Dogs, Guards of His Flock. The DOGS allowed UNDER His Table with His Children.   Faithful to Him, TRAINED BY Him, they LOVE the Master and His House-HOLD.

Separated from Truth, Spirit, God, Shepherd of Truth, DRIVEN by wolves, packs, groups of wolves, farther from Truth, Spirit that SAVES SOULS from death.

JOB 30.Whose are these driven by darkness, who Headless separated from Mind of God? These TEMPORARY SHADOWS OF DEATH, GONE IN THE Fullness of Light.  These who SPEAK WITH Spit in my Face.   Dogs of disobedience that masquerade, pretend to be LOYAL dogs of Shepherd.  The Shepherd's dog GATHERS LOST back to Light, His Presence.

His Root IS SPREAD. The Fruits filled with Living Waters, BEING Harvested from darkness to His Table.

 The Seed, the Thought that BECOMES LIKE God, Life in the Seed.  Grown, matured, Prepared, shall be Harvested from the garden, the INBETWEEN, the Line DRAWN BY Hand, the BOUNDARY side for the dead, His Side, the Living.   ON the Side, Position of OBEDIENCE, where no seed, weed, dead thing CAN cross over.  The DEAD SOULS remain with their grave IN the dust they come from.

The LIVING SOULS belong to Body of Christ.  Head is the Power, the Will, Truth by which we are CARRIED OVER INTO the Kingdom of LIVING SOULS, Saints.  The children of disobedience cannot ENTER, CROSS OVER without Him His Help, PRESENCE to Save.

Peace.  Peace CAME DOWN to TAKE the LOST, HIS Lost, BACK TO Him.

The children of flesh are the SUBSTANCE OF THEIR father, the body of death, IS LIKE death, the head of the serpent.  His Poison, spread by AIR WAVES, their lips, mouths, SERVE death not Life.

Looking for God in ALL THE WRONG places.  Begin?  Begin IN Spirit and SUDDENLY the SOUL FINDS Life from the dead.

I See, Recognise, the INVISIBLE God, IN His Body UNDER Him the Mind of Head.

 Truth of God His Presence, TOO HARD, IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAR, SWALLOW without Living Waters. TO Help you DIGEST AND BECOME ONE with Truth.  We ARE the Body, the Substance of His Substance, SPIRITUALLY Reborn souls BEING Raised AS His SAINTS.

What IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR Godless, Helpless flesh of darkness, IS MADE Possible BY God our Father the Brightness of Light.

The RELIGOUS spirit of AIR, THEIR mouths breath, IS NOT THE VERY, Breath of God, Spirit, Life Raising the dead soul in unbelief, INTO a LIVING SOUL REBORN OF Faith.  Temporary air, breath of flesh IS NOT the Eternal Breath of Eternal Spirit, God.  THE REBORN souls WERE dead IN deceit, by mouth of deceit, NOW, IN He OUR NOW Forever, we NOW Live.  The Body of Life, Christ, HOLY  ARK the Living Children are GATERED INTO.

The SOULS Chosen FOR Rebirth, Faith IN Him.   The children of flesh GATHER TOGETHER by spirit of deceit, pride, human spirit into TEMPORARY structures made by hands, work of flesh.  The Temple of God, Christ His Body, the GENUINE BODY OF His Carpenter, His Plan BY Design, we are Raised to Stand, Live, EXIST upon the Foundation of Rock.

Wake up sleepy heads.  The FLOOD OF DARKNESS, UNCLEAN SOULS AND UNCLEAN spirits are Rising but not OVER the Rock UNDER the Feet of His Body, Bones.

SUCH LOVE, BEAUTY, the soul can not bear separation from. Even into death and OUT, Head FIXES OUR Eyes on God.

 A spiritual wilderness filled with wolves, foxes, vultures.  MANY mouths but there is ONLY ONE Mouth of God.  ONLY ONE Way Safe, that Saves from the mouths of devils in disguise.   There is but ONW Rock, Place provided for the LIVING SOUL to Stand and not fall, or drown in the flood of DARKNESS ACROSS THE EARTH.

The Body of LIVING SOULS CLING TO Head, Lifted, FLOATING Safe above the flooding waters of unrighteous flesh.  They Understand NOT, nor Know WHY they think, speaks, DO the things they do.  Christ died FOR His LOST IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, darkness of NIGHT without Light.  

Stormy people and their winds that seek to put fear IN heart WHERE Love, Peace, TRUST IN OR God His Presence SHOULD BE.   The ONLY Way of Safety IS THE SOUL IN His Body, TRUSTING, LEANING, RELYING ON God, the Mind INF Christ OUR Head.

Your hour of darkness, NIGHT, time IS OVER IF you ENTER the Light Receive the Light, ABIDE with Him. Presence.

 The Flame of Fire and Wind ARE HERE UPON THE EARTH, in time.  When He Head DRWS His Body UP AFTER Him, BE FOUND IN His Body, Alive not dead.

The children of the devil, darkness, killed the temporary flesh, but RELEASED the Living SOUL, filled with Life.  Life POURED OUT FOR the Sheep THRISTYING FOR Water of Life.  OUR Birth, His Pain and JOY to Deliver us into the Kingdom as REBORN OF Faith in Truth.

LOST in darkness, deceived by flesh of disobedience, slave of disobedience. OUR Shepherd CAME TO Gather us, Separate us BY His Tongue, Sword of Power.  Do not fear death, embrace death that separates the LIVING SOULS from the body of flesh.  The SOULS in Him His Body, THEIR Ark, their Door, THEIR Way back to the Father, Life, THROUGH death.  We are not the dead.  We ARE the Reborn to Hear, Recognize, the Good Word of Truth, Hearing we Rise and FOLLOW our Bright Morning Star Risen up in darkness, SHINING the Path of Thought and Spirit that BRINGS US Home again to THE Source, Beginning of EVERYTHING Good.

The Star IS SHINING, SO Brightlly in my darkness, Showing, Guiding me back to Home.

 He Tells me that I am His, and He the Guide Sent to BRING me BACH Home.  Start, Source of EVERYTHING from Beginning UNTO THE End.

The Morning Star, FIXED WITHIN THIS soul BECOME A COMPAS in the Hand of God.  NO MORE WANDERING LOST in the darkness of TIME.  The Voice of Thoughts, INAUDIBLE to dying flesh of death, HAS RISEN UP WITHN my SOUL, Rain pouring INTO me, A SPIRUTAL Flood from God.  The Bath, CLEASING AND Drink

They Called Him the Son of God a devil, OF darkness, come to TAKE their followers away from THEN. He Said, He ALWAYS did according to His Father, and THEY were the devils OF disobedience.   Christ SENT DOWN TO Gather His Father's LOST Sheep from the MOUTHS, WOLVES OF DARKNESS.  COME IN Peace, Garnering by Truth God

's LOST Sheep.  Calling us to COME TO Him AND Follow Him the Living Word of God, TRUTH.

The wolves of pretense, fakery, disguise, PLOTTED against Truth to REMOVE Him.  They could NOT OVERCOME, Stop, close His mouth, but they COULS Crucify Him.

The FLESH of Christ, the seed of darkness MINGLED, MIXED among the seed of Adam, Created by God FOR God His Will.  LISTENED TO deceit PRETENDING TO BE true.  The thought, seed, fruit of POISON that killed, SEPARATED Eve from God.  Adam CHOSE Eve, dead flesh to believe, Adam TURNED FROM God to his OWN flesh, mouth of flesh.   Choosing bride of death to follow after her.

ALL flesh STOLEN, TAKEN, DECEIVED, children of deception and flesh union, MUST BY Faith BECOME NEW Believers, Followers of Truth.  Drawn by, Led by Truth Home to Holy Father.

Those who LOVE their darkness, sin, disobedience, RESIST, REFUSE to BE Separated by the Light.

Friday, December 15, 2023

To Whom does He Give, Who Receives His SUBSTANCE? Those who LOVE, Desire Me, I Fill.

 Proverbs.  Christ LEADS in the Way, Path of Righteousness, the Body, Bride that Loves, Follows Him.  TO His Body He GIVES His Substance.  BE Filled with the Precious Presence of Life, Living Seed, THOUGHTS OF Life. That ARE Life Him Self.

Christ, Seed of Womb of Light and Rain, HAS BROUGHT FORTH His OWN Bride, REBORN  of OBEDIENT Flesh and Spirit of Obedience.  Believe and Receive a Holy Thought Life TO LIVE in the PERPETUAL Now of His Substance.  Obedience begets Obedeince.  Truth begets Truth.

NOW I Understand Martha her condition, irritation towards Mary.  Mary conformed to Spirit, and Sat at the Feet OF Living Word.  Everything His Lips Offered, she WAS Positioned to Receive.  Irritated flesh resenting a SOUL RESTING IN His Presence.  The Martha-s MUST DO AS COMPELLED and Mary-s Sit AT His Feet until Told, Sent with His Will by His Will.

Fear is the beginning of flesh, until Desire for Him becomes LOVE.

My Father His Spirit, His Will FOR me, Establishes my SOUL in Body, Christ His Feet WITH the Light.

 To KEEP, Safe the SOUL from ALL other thoughts NOT His Truth from taking SOUL captive again led away FROM God.  ONCE surrendered, Resting in the Power of His Presence, I A,M Saved.  Obedience, the Spirit of Christ Obedience IN His Body, IS Mine a Reborn SOUL OF His Body.

To God His Word GOES to Him ALL Thanks His.  The Declaration of Truth, His Presence the Power, the Will, the God of Love RECEIVES ALL.  The Presence of LOVE in my SOUL, He the Source of surrender to Love,  Him, AND OTHERS.  Serving the Body of Christ.

The feet of the body of flesh, her feet go DOWN into NONE EXISTENCE in Reality.  The Presence of Truth, Love OF Truth, THAT Keeps the SOUL IN Union of ONENESS with God

Can flesh take fire of darkness into the heart, house, soul and not BE BURNED INTO NONE EXISTENCE?   NOTHING can Satisfy the REBORN HUGRY SOUL but the Presence of Spirit Source of Truth, SOUL Food.  REBORN of the Spirit of Truth, Fed by the Spirit, the Milk of Heaven.  There is a time to crawl, sit at His Feet and BE LIFTED, HELS UP, TAUGHT HOW TO Walk, Holding His Hand, Leaning, depending on God, Love.

The Voice of Truth Calls forth from messenger TO children of flesh, WHEN will you lean upon Spirit for Understanding and not flesh and blood of the DEAD that do not Know Life.  BE a Heart OF Umderstaing.  THE Spirit in the Body of Christ, our Understanding our NATIVE Tongue, Thoughts of God.  Spirit Speaks to REBORN OF Spirit, GIVES God'S Thoughts to us BY Christ His Spirit.     

To POSSESS Christ as Head, to Follow His Thoughts of Truth that KEEP Safe the Reborn.

 The Path of the Shining Light, Path of Christ, OBEDIENCE.  ALL the children of flesh and human spirit HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO DEATH, THE DEAD void of Life, BELONG TO death.  Let the LIVING CRY OUT WHEN Hearing God and Good Father WILL Save them.

The wicked Know NOT that they stumble, fall, are hindered by own human spirit, AIR. Temporary spirit of AIR must by Faith BECOME Breath of Eternal Life Provided to Raise His Body of Faith FROM death unto Life with God.  Keep the Eyes of LIVING SOUL Fixed upon Christ, Living Truth in, on Walls of SOUL, mind and heart.  WHEN in Love ALL the soul CAN, desires to Think ABOUT IS Him.

The congregation of flesh for flesh, the giving self secretly to evil, deceived by own spirit of deceit, pride, envy, drowning in unrighteousness, darkness.  Dead in resistance, rebellion, love of temporary life of Godless skin.

Wake up.  The Wondrous, Ravishing Presence of God IS Come NOW for His Bride.  He in time of my darkness, Came, TOOK HOLD, Lifted me out of the flood of darkness and Resuscitated my SOUL back to Life.

Glorify Your Self, Presence.  Again Father.  Again.  You are the Father this soul ALWAYS WANTED.

The Change IN me, IS Saved by God, the Hand, Finger of God.

 I CONFESS the power of sin, source of my disobedience, and I DECLARE the Power of Obedience, His Presence that NOW, He PERPETUAL NOW, is Saving, Transporting by Spirit BACK TO Reality.

His Body, Bride, of SAME Father, SUBSTANCE, Holiness Walks HELD by Spirit, Thoughts, Mind of God IN Path of Delivery.

Prepared by God to SURRENDER your thoughts, Replaced by His Thoughts?  Desire of your SOUL to Live the Life of Christ, Life of ONENESS WITH Father?  Prepare or NEVER Know God, Spirit, Life, Reality at all.  BE HUMBLE, HAVE Faith, ASK.  The Lord OPENS His Door, His House to His Children Returning Home to Live IN Presence of Eternal Light.

IN Peace, no fear of wrath.  The Christ Life OF Now, MADE Possible by Spirit of POWER, Truth, EMBEDDED upon, within the walls of mind and heart, a Living Law, THOUGHT, Voice we Listen to and OBEY by His Presence within.  God the Power, the Way ONLY Way to Live the Life of Christ while in temporary flesh of time.  To BE FOUND IN Him our Perfect Union TO God WHEN Light Swallows the darkness of time by the Light of His Presence.

Able to Recognize Truth BECAUSE You Know Him as He Knows, Recognizes you as His.

Clearance from Above to ENTER, Reality. To REMAIN unto Eternal Day OF NOW.

 Access TO Hidden Thoughts, Secrets TOLD TO REBORN souls.   Things unexplainable, unreceivable to children of flesh and darkness.  The God Given Right TO Access the Unknown. Mind, Original Source of ALL things God and ALL things flesh.

God has made it IMPOSSIBLE for Godless flesh to depart darkness without His Presence, Guidance.

From slaves, children of Adam's disobedient flesh, fallen souls IN the body of Adame, NOW the Body of Christ Raised WITH Him a BLOODLESS, Body VOID OF DISOBEDIENCE. Prepared for the souls REBORN OF Faith.  The old spirit darkness, REPLACE, REMOVED BY Light.  We NOW are the Body of Life, REBORN OF Truth, Seed and Living Waters.  Living Children conceived by Light in flesh of darkness and TRANSFORMED BY God into Living Children departing the womb of darkness Alive into His Arms, Presence, Love.  We are the Children REBORN OF Faith IN Christ.

AS He GAVE His SOUL-Life TO us, we NOW Give Him the Life we Live NOW, BACK TO Him.  The Father of OBEDIENT SOULS, Watches as we RETURN TO Him, Life.  The Power of Chrit, Truth in His SOUL, UNITES US with Life of Love.  The Body Awakened, all Parts Serve God.

LOST in darkness without Light, that Light ENTER Restore SOUL TO God, Thought-Life, that IS OUR Separation from darkness, and his body of death.

Separated from the MANY times, hours of darkness, unto the Light.  God IS the Victory, the Power of Love overwhelms the darkness and takes Captive TO Light.  Without God His Presence we Know NOT what Love IS and is not.

RESIDUE. Evidence of tresspassing IN darkness of NIGHT. Crime of disobedience. Unbelief in the Presence of God.

 Give me Light or I shall die twice in darkness.  Entering darkness without Light and departing darkness still without Light of Day.  LOST in-the-TIME-OF darkness, NIGHT.

The dead can't Hear Him, Understand, Recognize, Know Him.  The CURSE of being children of flesh chained to the mouth of hell.  Lord, WHERE thee IS NO Faith, GIVEN Your Children Faith to COME HOME.   The Presence of Light always Brighter, Seen in deepest slumber in time outside of Christ His Body of Faith.

The wicked, dead SOULS in dying flesh, tempoary flesh, ARE born dead to God and die, fall disconnected from Tree of Life.   The tree of death, crucifixion BECAME Tree of Life, Resurrection.

Temporary tree of temporary life.  The winds that shake, cast down fruits to the ground.  Life will not let His Fruits die captive to darkness.  Eternal Seed, Eternal Rain, and we BECOME A Tree bearing the Fruits of Christ.  

God Saves.  His WRATH REMOVES every soul filled with pride. wrath serves God, then RETURNS, IS Sallowed by Light INTO Light.  Wrath cease to EXIST, when IN Presence of Love.

The flood of darkness covering the world, shall be Removed by Power of Light in His MANY lamps taken from darkness to Serve Him.

 Our Future IS Brightness, Presence OF God REMOVING THE darkness with His Whisper.  God with, IN His Children NOW passing through the darkness, wrath that swallows enemies of Light.

God is only a Thought away from you.  God Sees, Knows, Saves from every pit, mouth of death that wants to separate you from the Mouth of Truth.  Listen to Him, He LOVES you.

Who can Ascend?  He May that HAS Clean Hands, Pure Heart, The SOUL at Home in the Body of Christ.  They who GIVE their whole SOUL, min and heart TO God, Spirit and Living Word, Truth. God, Goodness AND Mercy KEEP me unto Him.  The Children Generation of Light Seek the Face of Head.  His Body seeks the Head, the Mind in Head.  The Seed, Thoughts of God.

Living the Good Life, GENRATED BY Goodness.  OPEN UNTO Him His Presence.  The King of Glory.  Open Eyes, Ears, Mouth, REJOICE. Body of Christ, REJOICE.

Eternity IN you is the end of serving time IN darkness.  We ARE the Seed LOST unto darkness, mixed in with seed of deah, for A TIME of darkness.  The Rain Goes WHEE, WEHN God Sends His Rain. To QUICKEN INTO Life.  Awaken and ROOT Truth in the soul  Gather me with Wheat not with seed of darkness, sinners, servants of darkness.

I desire to be Wheat, crushed into Feed THE Lord's Awalened Body.   Bread of Love without any malice.   The Sweetness of Living Waters  Rooted by Spirit into Well OF God.

Body Reflection of Christ, Head, AND Head Reflection of Mind within.

The Strong Man is RUNNING A Race. The Law of God IS PERFECT, CONVERTING the SOUL, He IS Enlightment of SOUL.

 He Keeps, PRESERVES His Soul, Servant from evil darkness BY Christ Light WITHIN.  Light my Freedom from darkness.   The DARKNESS, Wrath SERVES God, swallows the disobedient into nonexistence.  EVERYTHING Serves God, His Purpose, Plan.  Even disobedience sepaates, children of darkness from the Light God's Presence.   The Bride, Prepared, Brought in the SPIRITUAL Chariot To the Father's House.  SHALL RUN WITH Christ into OUR Father 

Truth a NEVER CEASING Feast Prepared for the Children of God.  According to His OWN Heart, Desires, He FULFILLS His Will FOR us.  The Lord SAVES His Anointed, BY His Right Hand.  Fallen, we WERE without Light and NOW, NOW we ARE Risen, Saved to Stand UPRIGHT.  The Honor of Serving God, as the Body of Christ. that does not serve disobedience, ONLY God.  Our Strenth is His Presence, His Powre by His Power we OBEY.   Trust in the Lord with WHOLE SOUL, mind and heart and you will not be MOVED BY any thing BUT God.

I Serve God, Obedience Goodness, He Will not ALLOW me to be moved, BY His Power we OBEY, EXALT Him His NAME.  Praise the Power of Holiness, His Presence, Spirit that SAVES, Raises His dead in flesh Alive in Body of Christ.

Christ: DO you?  Understand?  WHAT I have DONE, FOR you?  We who UNDERSTAND, Know, ARE bowed at His Feet above the dust.  With tears of sorrow TURNED INTO Joy we Wash and Kiss His Feet until His Body Rises, Walks no more in dust.

Alone in the darkness? A lion LURKS in the darkness, seeking those void OF Light.

 Set the Lord, His Presence IN you, Leading you IN Light?  BY Faith, believing God.  God FIVES Him Self, Living Soul TO His Children REBORN OF His Spirit, not to dead lost souls born in flesh filled with darkness.   The Light VISITS me IN the Night of TIME.  MANY HOURS OF time before Dawn, Light Rises and consumes removes all darkness of time from EXISTENCE.

The Lord my Eternal Portion, He MAINTAINS my Portion.  He Teaches me in the NIGHT seasons, of time.  It IS God, Spirit of PERFECTION, that Lives in my SOUL. Conforming my SOUL unto Him His Self, Likeness.  The Blessing of being MANY in ONE Perfect Christ, His Body, Temple OF God.

By God, Spirit, Presence, I am Transformed, Changed from lamp of darkness used by death to gather the dead INTO a lamp of Light HELD IN Father's Hand, TO SHINE and DRAW the Living to the Light in darkness.  To SERVE God, BOWED BEFORE Him, not to darkness in flesh.  BUT IN Spirit we Live, Serve God.   Christ IN His Body, Working for God our Father.

It is God, Goodness, Perfection, that IS doing this FOR me, THIS Life I NOW Live IN time.  Unto END of time, time ceases to exist.  I Will Listen and DO what He Tells me to DO.   

Can you Hear what I Hear? Time to WAKE UP? NOW or never.

 He Reveals to the SOUL, WHAT MUST BE Removed. Resist not the Spirit. His Voice is INAUDIBLE TO flesh and blood, BUT Heard by His Children, Spiritual Children.

God left VISIBLE SCRIPTURE, Written by Truth. Spirit Hears Spirit. BY Spirit we Hear, Receive the Thoughts of Truth, Christ IN us.  Christ the Head of His Body.  Living souls s till yet in earthly flesh, we are being Taught the Way to depart this serpent skin and remaining ALIVE we Receive the Body of Resurrection to enter into the SPIRITUAL Kingdom OF God.  ONE People, ONE Flesh, ONE Father, Spirit.  Having the SAME Thoughts, Life Prepared for us BY God.

Ready or not for separation from realm of dead, death and Rise IN His Body?  Truth NOW IS.  Life NOW is HERE.  PRACTISE in Sprit MAKES Perfect. THEN Graduation from TIME.

Reborn TO Think ABOUT Him ALL the time unto NOW forever NOW.  Mercy HAS LIFTED me from the lips of death, GATES OF death, TO the Lips, Gates, ENTRANCE TO Life.  I Rejoice, Praise GOD my Salvation.  The disobedient dead souls sink down STUCK by THEIR OWN thoughts, own human spirit.

COME TO God NAKED, a SOUL without flesh, garment of disobedient flesh and COME IN Spirit, Invitation and He Will Wash, Cleanse Perfectly and Dress, COVER you With His Flesh.  Two BECOME ONE by the Power of God.

If you don't Know Him NOW, will you EVER Recognize Him AT ALL?  We ARE the Perfected Children of Holy Perfect Father of Truth.

3:48. Yes I Hear You. The human blood connection. and Turning back to Godless devil dust,. Moved by evil winds of time.

 Blood ties and bondage.  Boud by blood must become united BY Spirit. The spirit of AIR, temporary breath, the life of darkness, temporary blindness, deaf, must t by Faith BECOME BY Faith Renewed, Changed into Spirit, VERY Breath of God, Breathed in Life Everlasting Life.

The temporary flesh that lives by temporary breaths of AIR wears the many masks of deceit. PRETENSE.  Spirit is not as flesh, able to be deceived.  It can be hidden from people what, whose we ARE, but God can't be deceived.  He Knows what lies beneath the surface of skin. The darkness that lurks, seeking a moment to swallow and hold under, keep separated from Life, Breath, God.

God Lives, Gives Life, Breath, to the BLESSED SOUL, His Substance and the Living Serve their Father.  Answer Him.  3:48 A.M.  God NEVER sleeps, NEVER tires.  Always Ready TO TALK.,

Deceit and the damage he does.  Pretense.  God IS the O NLY free Will existing.  His Spirit IS Freedom that IS CALLING Her Children, His Children HOME.  HUMAN will is will of darkness that destroys, Divine Will Saves His Children.  The Spirit comes from God to bring back souls slaves by union of darkness and AIR in decaying flesh.  WHY pain, suffering allowed unto flesh, IS TO TURN the SOUL in flesh BACK TO God, Peace and Love.

The DEAD soul, asleep in darkness, Hears, Awakens and can not fall back asleep.  God, Spirit, Power of Love, turns, draws, brings the LOST in darkness BACK TO Him.  God IS NOT the past nor the future.  God IS NOW.  Ever-Present Consciousness of God.  NOW and PERPETUAL Now Awake by the Presence of Light, by Voice Calling, time to COME HOME.

No one but Christ, Spirit and Truth, God Lives THIS Way in His Children.  He Thinks, Speaks, and We Hear, Rise and Serve Him.  NOW?  NOW.  BE STILL and Listen, Watch.  The flesh does as flesh desires, thinks.    Body, Flesh of Christ IS NOW Raised to Serve God and no other.  The bloodless Flesh of Christ is READY, ONCE this soul is FULLY dead to darkness, the voice, spirit of temptation in this dying of dying flesh.  BY Faith I AM Reborn, by Faith I am Freed, by Spirit of Faith I BELIEVE I am Crucified dead to darkness and darkness to me.  The darkness is a stranger, not my Friend.  Passing the TEST OF time, SUDDENLY I Remember and will NEVER FORGET Him, the BEGINNING of everything.  The Power of the GREAT Physician to Raise His dead, separate from death.  NOW I Serve Life, Eternal, not temporary time, darkness.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The soul KEPT AWAKE by Brightness of His Presence. The Fullness of Light that the darkness can not cast out. This Light swallows the darkness into nonexistence.

Safe IN the Presence of Light, where darkness can not exist.  Peace in the mind and heart of a REBORN soul.   Walking with, BEING EXRCISED by the Spirit, to Walk in the VERY Steps, Thoughts of Christ.

The smell of disobedience, a house set on fire with desires of disobedience, Needs Rain, and Carpenter of Restoration to Remove the smoke, sin stained walls WITH Love and Power, Living Waters.  TORN DOWN TO, THE OLD foundation of WRITTEN words and the NEW Foundation of Christ, NEW Foundation.  The REBORN SOUL CAN Stand on and not fall down.

The robber, the forger of human doctrines, MUST BY Faith BE REMOVED, and Restored to Owner for Restoration, Worthy for Occupation of the King of fkings.  IN Him His Body we are more than flesh and blood, We ARE His Body, Temple of Faith. The Life We NOW Live IS Life IN UNION WITH Christ, Head.  This is no ordinary human thought, belief, God IS Truth, Thought, Life, Happiness.
What else is there to think, speak, do IN time, DOING TIME until We ARE the SPIRUTAL Reflection of Christ, PERPARED BY Spirit to ENTER the Kingdom of Life, Peace with God, Holy Union.
The ONLY Soul ABLE TO Live there with Him, IS THE OBEDIENT SOUL, dead to world of darkness, in Love with Light.  The Way HIDDEN WITHIN WRITTEN Scriptures, MUST BECOME BY Faith the Living Truth from Spirit in a SOUL REBORN OF Life, OUT OF death into Life.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Hidden in THE SECRET Place, from the children of flesh and darkness.

 IN Him His Presence, His Body we are saved from the PRIDE OF men, flesh.  Concealed from the tongues of flesh, strife.  He PRESERVES and REWARDS His Obedient Children.

There is A TIME, in darkness that the Light can be found.  NOW while TIME exists outside Eternity, NOW IS the time TO Seek and Find He who IS the Hiding Place of His Children.  God IS THE Spirit, the Mind, the Thought, TRUTH, that REVEALS , SHOWS TO us the Way to Go,  Guided by he Eye of God.

Do not RESUST as one that HAS NO Understanding.  The Lord's Mercy encompasses. The SOUL that TRUSTS, relies on Him.  The Lord HAS Delivered this SOUL from death, though my flesh shall die, be removed from my dead soul.  He FEEDS my SOUL in the midst of SPIRUTUAL FAMINE.  God is my VERY PRESENT Help.  I BOAST IN the Lord who Humbles my SOUL.  I REJOICE IN Him, Rejoice I bear His Name, Mark of His Body.

The Lord His Promise to His Servant, Head and Body, to Give A Light, a Way for Children of His Servant.

 Christ IS King, Head of His Body.  Are you IN the Body OF Christ, or still lost, serving the flesh of darkness?  Are we NOT the King's Children?

Crucified dead, WITH Christ BY Faith?  THEN Live as His Body, as MANY lamps of Light.  The Body Doe ACCORDING TO Head, Mind, what IS Good, Walks IN Truth, Spirit, with a Perfect Heart.   Spiritual Eunuchs that Dwell IN the House of the Lord.   Spirit begets Spirit.  The Resurrection Flesh, the House of MANY ROOMS.  Filled with SOULS.

The flesh is temporary disobedience, always resisting, rejecting, refusing to BOW unto the Lord.  The OLD flesh, house of flesh shall return to dust, but the Body, House of th Lord His Presence shall NEVER die.  Eternal Life, PERPETUAL God IS Life.

Passing through the fires of time that not of God, lost in the fires OF time.  IN Christ we Live and NEVER die depart the flesh Alive.  We ARE His Body, His Bride, we Bear His Name, His Fruits unto our Father.  By the Spirit of Christ, our LIVING Law, we Uphold, obey the WRITTEN law of Moses.

The OLD law removed by the Coming of the NEW Law, Way GIVEN us.  BY Love we Obey Him not by fear, fear comes of disobedience.  The Lord PRESERVES His saints, ALL the Obedient.  He IS the Strength in His Chosen, He is Fearlessness in them that LOVE, ADORE, OBEY Him.

The Lord God HAS LAID UP, Stored His Goodness for those who believe, trust, rely, look to Him.  The Lord HAS HIDDEN His SAINTS from the children of men, flesh and blood, AIR.

EVERYTHING IS God's, COMES FROM God, ON LOAN from God. Give unto God His Portion for Loan.

 Do not be the CAUSE, source of, disobedience , example of disobedience and not Obedient unto God.  The sons of Eli, disobeyed, dishonored God.  God is not a man, but a Spirit, who will Save you from God?

Spirit, Truth, God?  God IS Obedience.  His Spirit YOURS BY Faith.  GOD wanted to to SLAY Eli's sons, they ignored dis not listen, obey their father's warning.  NOW God's Children ARE OF Spirit, Live Spirit Life.   Eli's were not God's but children of darkness, disobedience.   And little Samuel a child Chosen by God, Heard God, LISTENED TO God, Served, Obeyed God.

It is BY Spirit, Presence of God, that His Children OBEY, Serve Him no other god.   The taking, using what belongs to God FOR human self.  The honoring your flesh instead of humbling your flesh beneath God His Presence.   To Love, Honor, and OBEY God.  A House OF Light that Walketh IN the Presence of Ligt, no step out of the Light INTO darkness.

Young Samuel Chosen by God, Raised by God TO DO ALL within the Heart of God and IN His Mind.  God's House, Temple, Built upon a SURE Founation, Anointed BY God to Walk, abide in His Mind, His Thoughts, Spirit.  Speak Lord for Your Body, Children ARE Listening.  By THE Word, the Lord REVEALS Himself to those Listening.  Those UNDER Head, that Hear Him Speaking to His Body of the LIVING.

In the DARKEST hour of the Night, the Brightness of the Light can be Seen.  IN STILLNESS OF mind, His Voice, His Thoughts can be Heard.

Facing Philistines without God.

Smitten BECAUSE you BEAR enemy thoughts.  BECAUSE we bear enemy thoughts, seeds that become evil deeds, fruits of flesh.   ALL of God His Mind, ALL His Thoughts, ARE IN Christ OUR Head, We His Body ARE Saved from enemy by Truth within, upon the Walls of His Body, His Temple.  Written in Blood upon Walls of Temple

The Spirit, the VERY Breath, Presence of God IN His Temple, Body, CASTS OUT disobedience.  Where there IS Spirit of Obedience, POWER TO DO His Will, there is found NO DISOBEDIENCE at all.  Who can DELIVER LIKE God does.  There exists nothing that can take, KEEP FROM God WHAT IS His.  So Children of Spirit, POWER, Stand, REMAIN IN Christ, Holy Armor AND Fight without FALLING DOWN.  By His Presence, Power, Love, we Stand without falling, prisoner of darkness again.

The Lord Sends His Spirit, Life OF Breath into the SOUL, and THAT SOUL it by Head Hears and REPONDS TO God His Spirit-of-Truth, Lord, I Hear You, I AM Listening.  Speak.  What in the AIR, or ON earth, CAN SEPARATE His Children FROM God?  To Know, have Revealed the Thoughts of God to the Child REBORN OF THE Body of Christ.  Perceiving that INVISIBLE to men of flesh and corrupted blood.  Hearing the INAUDIBLE Thoughts by Spirit.  Christ the Head, Mind, Ears, Mouth of His Body.  Serving Christ Head and Body BY the Power, Presence of Spirit.

Giving unto God, the WHOLE SOUL, MIND and Heart to DO His Will and no other spirit, will, thought THAN God.  This is the Daily Sacrifice Demanded, Commanded of God.  The Offering of Christ in His Body, Glorifying God.  Dead, SLAIN is the disobedient soul that dwells in the body of darkness, unbelief.   Revelations.  YOU-think that you are alive but you ARD DEAD without thec Breath of Life.   The children of dust, clay vessels filled with unclean water are broken, left outside the Gates of  Kingdom OF Perfection.  

Pay Attention.  God HAS SET limited TIME for flesh and blood, His Flesh, His Souls in His Flesh NEVER DIE.  We ARE the Resurrected Body, the Work of OUR Father.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Kissing the Lips of Christ, Receiving the Breath of Christ, would these lips kiss any other than Life?

 The time of life, temporary life is short, DECREASED BECAUSE OF darkness.  The corrupt AIR in the dead soul cannot Live without Help, Life.

He Saved me from the congregation of death, the mouth of wickedness masquerading as a Servant of God His Word.  The self-deceived that go from dead congregation unto dead congregation of the deed, SEEKING Life AMONG THE dead souls and dying flesh.  The Living ARE Mine, belong to My Father who SENT Me to Gather unto Him Truth.

The wandering sheep in darkness, LOST without the Spirit of Light SHINING the Path, Way HOME.

Those in darkness will NEVER FIND the TRUTH WITHOUT His Spirit. His Spirit the ONLY Way.

Giving up, surrendering the ghost of darkness in Faith, a surender to Holy Ghost unto Life of Brightness.

 The wicked surrender unto death, not Life.  They shall not Escape death after being shadows of darkness.

The wicked so not Know Reality at all.  They MOCK those who Rely on Presence of God, who CALL by Faith. Those AT His Door, the WAY into His House.  The Key of Truth in their mouths, Breath of God in their SOULS.  They laugh, mock, deny WHAT they do not Understand.  The ghost of flesh is not the Ghost, Breath in the Body of Christ.

Their OWN thoughts TESTIFY against them, their evil desires of flesh, condemn them. The soul is dead without Spirit.  The garment of flesh OLD, torn, soiled.  Their OWN HUMAN spirit shall testify against them.  Condemn the ALREADY DEAD, Lifeless Soul?  The Second death of the flesh, the soul without a home to live in this world of darkness.

The Rich Substance of Life in Christ, NOW ours, the Body of Christ.  The spirit of temporary life, AIR shall depart the body and be buried unto DUST again.    We are the Green Branches GRAFTED INTO THE Tree of Life.  It is the Life of His Seed; His Spirit PRODUCES our Fruit unto God.

INVESTING ALL the time of Reborn, unto Christ, the GREATEST Return of Life.

The beginning WAS small but the End was greatly increased.

The body of darkness, shall come to NOTHING, CEASE TO exist.  A house of stones not a House of MANY Living Hearts.  Do not reason with human words of human spirit, to Reason with God.

We Love our Father therefore we OBEY Him.  We do not fear his Presence, we Love and CLING TO Him.  The soul, filled with evil thoughts, evil desires, doers of evil works, TREMBLE NOW IN fear of Him, BOW into Him, and Live NOW in Peace.  Put down the weapons of darkness, flesh, desires of flesh, thoughts of flesh.  Live NOW before the Door of Peace is closed and NO Way TO Return without Christ, IN His Armor.  WE ARE the Body of Christ, PERPETUALLY NOW.

There is NO fear in those who obey, love, Him, for there is no darkness at all within His lamps OF Light.

NOT I but Christ His Spirit in this soul, always, Says NO to Sin FOR me.

 The Christ-Life of Love IS GIVEN, FOUND IN, whomsoever God Chooses.  The SOUL and Christ BEOME ONE.

HUMAN teachers of flesh, teach their OWN thoughts, conceptions as God's.  There EXISTS ONLY One Teacher, God, Father of ALL the Living REBORN OF Spirit of Truth.

AS I have Believed, Received of God SO I BECOME a Reflection Living soul of His Soul and Spirit, Seed.   ALL that is REQUIRED is that the EMPTY SOUL, ASK BY Faith, for Faith in Truth.  God NEVER Hides FROM His Children, lost in darkness SEEKING His Way Home.

There is a Water, a Rain, a Cleansing by Snow come down from the NORTH.  TRUE NORTH.  God Hears His Children of His Body and Head, He Hears and REPLIES TO the Living.

The waves of darkness become as frozen under the Feet of Christ.  His Body WITH Him can Walk ABOVE the waters of earth. His Body FLOATS with Breath not AIR.

Monday, December 4, 2023

Adam man of flesh. Poisoned by deceit pride, Part 2 a Oedient SOUL of Soul, Father BORN. Spirit the Power, Obedience, Spirit in the Blood not Air.

 The Breath, Life of IMMORTALITY. PURE Light, Power CONFORMED the flesh of Adam TO Spirit of Obedience, Life of Power.  The flesh DIES but the REBORN SOUL of  the Father His Word, Truth, THE Body of Christ, Truth, IS Resurrected as ONE Man, Body and Head.

The INFECTION OF deceit IS REMOVED BY The Living Truth, Serum of God's Mouth.


As I believe Him BY Faith so I will BE with Him WHERE He NOW IS, by Faith minus any doubt whatsoever that comes from the tiny speck of  darkness.  NOW is the Truth in us His Body GREATER than the speak.  Christ in His Body, His Spirit IS the VERY Blood of a Holy Holy Fleh.

THAT WHICH flesh and sinful blood, disobedience, does not Know, can and WILL Kill, REMOVE them FROM existence in this world and the COMING World of Life.

Christ Body Speaks Truth and GATHERS WITH Him from the fields of tempoary times,

 We are the DORRMANT Seed hidden in the Beginning in Adam, his OWN human spirit, self-thoughts, AIR, flesh breaths DECEIVED Adam, the flesh at turned not to God, but from God HIS PRESENCE in the Garden of God His Presence.  BECOME the garden of hell, garden of the serpent, deceit, his fruits of his mouth. The man of flesh in union with woman poisoned flesh, ONE BITE, one serum of poison, killed both souls but not the flesh taken hostage.  Generation after generation, the flesh of BOTH evil and good seed.  The weak flesh unable to tell the difference between Truth and Deceit.

Christ the Holy Serum of Truth, Christ the ANTIDOTE to death.  Christ the Light in you IS the death of deceit.

On our knees we BOW before Christ, out faces in the DUST.  Humble us, CHANGE us. Save us from our evil human selves, souls. 

The NOW moment Known ONLY BY God OUR Father.  You believe?  THEN you ARE Prepared?  TRUE SONS AND DAUGHTERS, His Body IS ALWAYS Prepared for NOW, and NOW, AND NOW UNTIL  Called Home with Head, shall His Body NOW Ruled by FROM WITHIN IS His Bride.

A World of Spirit not a world of dust.  The Revealation removes, TAKES the breath of flesh AWAY.

NOT SORRY that I cannot STOP Thinking WITH Him OF Him. He makes a SOUL BEAUTIFUL.  JUST a Blessed SOUL, THAT MUST Mirror, REFLECT Him Eternally.

His Presence, Reflection IS THE BLESSING from God.

EXPEIENCE the Power, Presennce of Christ's Spirit, Father IN THE Reborn?

 Talking, Walking, Guiding, WARNING DRAWING you SOUL out of darkness.  The Seed IN you DORMANT.  The SEED, weeds PLANTED in body of unrighteous waters, is being sifted out BY God, His Spirit REMAINS.  WAS His BEFORE, NOW, PERPETUALLY Chosen to remain.

Seed of Christ, Immortal Life or enemy put to death for disobedience, UNBELIEF.  Where there is NO Spirit, THERE, is unbelief, weakness, blindness, human wisdom of deceit, A SOUL LOST unto d arkness by UTTER DARKNESS void of Light.  Not  the SPARK that CAN Transform the DRY SOUL into a Lamp of Brightness.

The Spark that ignites the dry soul and the Wings of Love that FAN.  Pride OF deceit, IN you KEE[S YOU CHAINED to him.   DENIAL of Truth that BREAKS THE Chains of the believer.  Rejecting the Key, the Spirit of Christ, the Way Home, the Door IS CLOSED.  There EXISTS NO OTHER Way but Jesus the Christ, Word, Truth of God's Mouth, by which a SOUL CAN Live and not die in darkness outside the Door between darkness and Light.

God Welcomes the Body of Chrisi with Him their Head.  REVEALS what is PREPARED FOR them.  He is Ready, He is Prepared TO Receive the Body PREPARED TO ENTER BY Truth.

The HARVEST of the Body of Wheat INTO His Barn, STORAGE House.

 You MUST HAVE SAME Spirit, a Seed, and Flesh without Sin to ENTER Alive by OBEDIENCE and Live in the KINGDOM Prepared for His SAINTS.   No darkness, devil in dead soul shall ever LIVE there with the Light.

There is not even on e soul, CELL of disobedience IN His Body of Obedience.  The Body of the Spirit.and Word.  Christ is Truth, Reality of Reality.  Substance of Substance. Life within the obedient Boody.  BY Faith BE the PERFECT Body UNDER Perfect Head.  ONLY Good Thoughts of Love in the Head WHERE Spiitual Mind God dwells.

The SOULS OF PERFECT Obedience, ONE Perfect Body with Perfect Head with Mind.

The children of pride, resist, reject, fight, WAS against the Truth.  The HUMAN spirit of unbelief, pretense, deceit, KEEPS them separated from God.

Get ride of pride?  First Step, Right thoughts  God IS Truth, Right ALL the time, and we struggle, to declare we are wrong. The GREATEST SURRENDER OFLL, IS TO the Truth on your knees. ASKING Him to Speak, TELL you WHAT TO DO, PLEASE Him.

The Journey on your knees before God is a mere blink of the Eye.  There is no TIME, NO DARKNESS, IN His Kingdom.  JUST Eternity, ETERNAL Spirit, Life and the Body of His Seed, Holy Flesh.  REBORN to BEAR Holy Thoughts ALL Eternity.


This IS my Journey through night, many hours of darkness, BACK TO Home, Light.

 Christ IN God, WITH God, OF God, the Word of Spirit, mouth, womb of Spirit, Source of ALL things.  Father TURNED ON His Light, Christ, IN me, and He SHINES forth the Chosen Path FOR me to REETURN TO Father who WAITS, WATCHING AS I Return to Him, my SPIRITUAL Home.  Beginning.

Christ the God BREATHED Word of Spirit, He IS the Blessing from God, SENT into both mind and heart of Living Soul.  Alive from the dead that think they are alive?  The REBORN ARE ALIVE, the children in darkness without Light, flesh is deceived, thinks it is alive, deceived by temporary spirit of temporary life.

The unholy spirit of deceit, IS AIR of flesh, NOT THE Breath OF THE Living God, Source of TRUE Life.  The Children, NEW souls ARE Alive, LIVING SOULS, that shall REMAIN after the dead, Godless souls CEASE TO EXIST in Time.   Time?  The time-of=darkness, many times of night LOST in darkness, BUT Christ is ONE Day, ONE Hour of ETERNAL Light of Day.  With God, the Word, Breath of EXISTENCE.  Darkness deceiver of the world of darkness, children of darkness, Feared, resented, TRIED TO Kill, remover the Ligh of Light.  Death of Flesh but not death of PERFECT SOUL within.  The jealousy of darkness, that SWALLOWED the Tested, Sinless flesh of Christ,  The wisdom of ,in flesh IS DARKNESS.  AND darkness BY Light died, not Christ, Alive by Light when flesh, spirit of flesh committed SUICIDE.   There is NO Trutb, NO Understanding in darkess.

Christ completed His Work FOR our Father.  His Mission. Christ THE Truth, Revealation, LIVING Message of Truth in temporatyy body of death.  Light ENTERED THE darkness, its flesh, kingdom, and Hell of darkness CEASED TO EXIST.  IF you BELIEVE God His Word of Faith.  If you BELIEVE BY Faith, you ARE BECOME a Believer REBORN OF Truth, Brethren in His Body.  His FROM the BEFINNING, BEFORE darkness MIXED his seed of darkness among the Seed of Living God.  ONLY By PRESENCE OF Spirit, Rain does the Seed of Christ ROOT, return to God the Living Soul of ALL Living Souls Raised by Christ, hidden IN Christ.  The Holy Generation of ONE, Body, ONE Spirit, HOME.

Holy Father OF Love.  The Substance of Love.  The Spirit of Love.  You wait for Your Children, You LEAVE Your Light on ALL NIGHT until PERPETUAL Day IF Risen,ABOVE, WITHIN His Body.  PATIENT Father,, Beloved Father, KEEP Your Light on THROUGH the last hour, time of darkness.  The Last with the FIRST, the Body SEES you at the END OF TUNNEL OF DARKNESS, WOMB, WAITING FOR THE Body of Chriat IN UNION WITH Head.  The Pain, the enemy, Christ HAS Saved us from. Light RECEIVES us, His SAINTS filled with Living Truth.  We BELONG TO Father, Spirit and Son.  THE ONE AND ONLY God, Reality.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

The SOUL IN 2 DIMENSIONS, in TIME THE Rebon SOUL in dying flesh BUT at SAME time NOW, in His Body..

 The GODLESS flesh sees NOTHING but according to flesh an blood.  Blessed are the Children of Flesh AND Spirit.   We are the Body of Resurrection.  We are the OBEDIENT SOULS Ruled by Truth, Truth in Dominion over dying flesh.

There is NO TIME FOR UNBELIEF OR DISPUTES OF flesh.  IF you CAN Hear your Name, His Call, RISE AND COME QUICKLY UNTO Him.  The Spirit and Word CALL His BODY THAT BEARS His Name, and She Rises, Immediately SERVES Him IN Love.

The dead do not Know that they ARE SPIRITUALLY dead.  Their life of flsh they live is according to the desires of evil spirit hiding in the flesh.  Filled with hate, deceit, envy, bitterness, angry pride, they are QUICK TO anger and SLOW to BE Peace.

They do not Know WHY they are miserable dead souls, they can not abide with Happy SOUL Alive in the Body of Love.  Your smile the source of bitter bile risen in their throats.  Their joy is removing rhe smile from the heart, the mind of SOUL.  Pride can not bear, stand the Presence of Light in others.

Christ Knows, Sees EVERY thought, emotion, win RISEN UP Ruling the SOUL.  As the Head Sees, SO His Body also in surrender to Him.

A Bath in the tears, waters of Repentance and NEW Garment put on, Before Standing in His Presence.  Christ IN OUR SOUL and dying flesh, LIVES Life of Christ FOR us, here and THERE also.  The dead are the body of dead souls, the body of Adam.   We are the Living  Alive in the Body of Christ. we LOST IN Adam, RETORED IN Christ.

Rejoice.  The Spirit of Christ Has Raised His Flesh, Body Alive from the dead.  OUR God the God of Many dimensions.

The Seed of God, His Holy Word Planted in the VIRGIN SOUL, shall bring forth Holy Fruits. AFTER the Rain Comes down.

 Deep are the Roots of Love.  The Spirit PERFECTS the souls of His Substance.  Sinless Blood? The Life IN us IS THE Spirit, Breath of God.  Not the human spirit, AIR, in the blood of dying flesh.

The Father and His Son HAVE PURCHASED, BROUGHT INTO EXISTENCE a BRAND NEW Garment made by God His Will, His Power, His Way.  A Garment this Bride will NEVER TAKE OFF.  The Plan of God, A PERFECT Union of Flesh with Spirit.

No thought of darkness, the mouth of flesh, better not say this Man don't Love His Soul in His Body. The Spirit of Christ SAYS SO, DO NOT blaspheme the Spirit.

I used to think about what to eat, think, wear, do. Consumed with thoughts of flesh. BUT NOW Christ THE Truth, My Beloved Thought of Spirit in me.

 Spirit of Fire, KEEPS DARKNESS, the thoughts of darkness away from my soul given unto God, Spirit. I Think of Light His Presence and the darkness flees away.  My flesh slumbers, but He is my Dream, I Wake and He IS WITH Me, Reality of God.  WHERE WOULD I GO, WHAT CAN I DO that You ill NOW BE WITH Me Watching, Waiting to Save this soul from the evil self that wants back in to live and have his being, existence?

God SAVES.  The question of God IS?  DO you, WANT TO BE SAVED, separated from the evil you love?  Yes Lord, SAVE B--be from my own evil spirit.  Give me the Mind, the Spirit of God, His VERY Presence and I SHALL BE Saved by God His Presence.

Spring.  Time to CLEAN house, throw things out. Keep the ONE NECESSARY Thing.

To Walk NOW IN Christ and be Raised Part OF His Body.

 IF there was NO PAIN from disobedience, HOW WOULD the soul take hold, cling to Obedience that DWELL IN THE Body OF Faith.  We ARE His Obedient  Body, Head is NOW Raising from the generation of dead.  From dead to Generation of Life.  God's NEWS ALWAYS IS Truth, no sentence, thought of doubt. Father Him Self Teaches, Tells us HOW TO Walk without falling.  He is ALWAYS near, will not ALLOW a pit, a mouth of darkness to drag us back into darkness.

My parents, flesh lived and died in their portion of time.  It is EASIER TO Walk alone Leaning, Relying of God and not be tempted to listen to, lean on flesh and blood,  THIS SOUL cannot sleep in darkness with NO Light on.  The PRESENCE, THE Power, the Rest in, upon His INVISIBLE Presence.  In Union of Spirit, WE KNOW WHAT He IS Thinking WHEN He Thinks, Speaks to US. THIS SOUL BOUND IN RAPTURE REFUSES to be in darkness, with thoughts of darkness.

The things OF THIS world interest me no more.  SAME old SAME Old.  NOTHING NEW under the temporary light of earth.  ONLY God PERPETUALLY Eternal REMAINS.

We are that Body Crucified WITH thief, that ACCEPTED THE Invitation of LIVING Word, Truth.

 You Read the WRITTEN Invitation and flesh rushes to speak the toughts of DYING flesh, God;sp Thoughts, His Meaning LOST IN translation of darkness.

When God SENDS Spirit to Help Soul to Cleans, Purify, BE Spotless, Humle in OF Spirit, WHEN God HAS DONE, al His Salvation, who DARES to come with spots, stains, torn garment before Him?  The SOUL IN LOVE with self, spirit of sin, life of darkness, allowing the spirit of doubt to exist, hinder the soul, separate from Love, that SOUL is ALREADY DEAD Void of Spirit had NO Power to deny, Say NO to disobedience the OLD ROOT OF THE OLD life of DEAD souls in dying flesh.

The Mark of His Presence, UNION with SOUL is the Spirit, Ring of Truth.  He HERE NOW, Life in me the REBORN SOUl in the womb, night of darkness.  He comforts, sooths, Prepares me to Receive the NEW Garment, Body of Life PREPARED for His MATRUE SOULS to put on in Day Light.

The Holy Eunuch, Refiner's Soap in His Hand, Tells, Teaches me HOW TO PLEASE God and Son of Humbleness.  Who wants to please serve human flesh, desires, death WHEN the Living Serve, Obey, Worship at the Feet of His Body.  The Feet that Finished His Race of Obedience and dies FOR us our disobedience.

Stop warring with flesh and human spirit, surrender unto God and Fight the Good Fight of Light. The WAR is over, Christ OUR Peace with God IS COME.

 Let the Hammer, the Sword, the Lazor of Light CHANGE, Save, Restore to Light that which belongs to the Brightness of Heaven.  His Body BEARS His Name, His Spirit MARK.  The Ring of Love a Ring any Bride, SOUL, WOULT DIE FOR.

No one shall ACCUSE this soul of being darkness that HIDES the Truth from Temporary OR Eternal.  The foolish, ignorant soul that listens to the voice of darkness IN fear, God Help that soul.  He will Search, SEEK UNTIL SHE COMES IN SUBMSION a LOST COIN BACK IN THE Hand from which she fell.

O SOUL do not die IN bondage to darkness, ASK FOR Help to Wake UP. He GIVES His Understanding, Spirit to whomsoever He HAS Chosen to GIVE Life to.  

LIKE Nicodemus, climb up to see Him hidden by flesh, He Sees you SEEKING, and He CALLS you by Name.  COME TO Him QUICKLY.  Soul and God REJOICE TOGETHER AS ONE Body.  The Lord IS COMING TO YOUR house TODAY.