Tuesday, April 30, 2024

God Loves the ADDICT THAT Confesses and ASKS FOR Help. God HATES the addiction to sin.

 The MOMENT, Glorious Confession of self TO God, I am afraid of Becoming a Self I have not Known.  Saving souls not crushing souls to dust.   To Love God IS to Love your self and others.  The Obedience of Love, Love of Obedience, IS Saving, Helping me TO CROSS OUT OF darkness and Live NOW the Life of Christ that CROOSES FROM death TO PERPETUAL Life.

WHAT do you Believe, Understand, Know, NOW Experience BY Spirit the Way of God?  HOW DOES God DO This?  All the Work of God, Gift of Rebirth.

QUENCH NOT, by resistance, DISOBEDIENCE, the Spirit of Obedience.  Disobedince removes Obedience of Life, QUICKENED IN the soul.  Pretense can not BE sustained, Reality IS Reality. WHAT IS Like the Substance of God BUT the VERY SUBSTANCE God IN His Children, Reborn of Spirit His Substance. The Children Recognize THEIR Father, BECAUS the Father DWELLS IN this world THROUGH the Body of Christ.  They refuse to listen, follow any other Spirit but God their Father.

BECOMING a House of Prayer, His Spirit within PERPETUALLY Giving Thoughts of God.

 QUENCH NOT, stop not the Flowing of Thoughts of God, Spirit.  A soul can not Thin Good and evil at the SAME TIME, MOMENT, NOW.  Think God, Spirit or think flesh, the thoughts, desires of Godless flesh.  This THE Life of Love Christ Poured out INTO Believers that Receive BY Spirit, Faith within.

The Perfect Love that IS God, Spirit, His Presence in Chosen Vessel.  We ARE NOW BY Faith souls Chosen to BE FILLED UNTO OVERFLOWING BY His Spirit.

Jesus HAS BECOME the Life of Perfection, Right Thoughts, TRUE Life OURS just by Believing, Asking IN Faith, Receive.  To Walk the world of darkness SHINING the Love, Presence, Power into the eyes of darkness.  Those who Understand by Spirit, Ask by Spirit and Receive by Spirit within them.  The Mystery of Love on earth, FAR BETTER than the mystery of lust of disobedience.  Lord Reach, Speak into darkness, the Light of Truth.  SHINE, in the Mist, BEHOLD the Rainbow OF Peace.  AFTER, AFTER war, Peace Comes for His Bride, His Kingdom on earth.  Gone flesh that wars, Resists the Coming of His Presence OVER the earth. BY Christ, IN Christ we Live beyond time of darh.

The children born of Adam's spirit human disobedience, MUST BE Reborm of Obedience.

 OUR Obedience IS OF God, Spirit, Presence, OURS BY Faith.  Our disobedience is of the human spirit our separation unto unbelief by our human thoughts, and acts, works of disobedience unto God Spirit. Learning OBEDIENCE by Surrender, BEING Led BY Spirit  not flesh its thoughts of selfishness.  Surrender TO Truth, Spirit, IS OUR OBEDIENCE UNTO...BEING Perfect by the Substance, God His Thoughts of Goodness.  We Learn by SUFFERING for thinking, doing our OWN thoughts of HUMAN spirit.  We Learn WHAT IS Good, Pleases God.  Tasting WITH Understanding the Will of God.  That BORN OF Spirit WANTS WHAT God, Spirit WANTS.  To TURN FROM pride, will fullness UNTO Humbleness, Spirit OFER TO Thos Understanding and ASKIN IN Faith of Understanding.

Christ PUT ON disobedient, pride filled, flesh of man CONFORMED BY, UNTO darkness? Love for His Bride LOST IN TIMES OF DARKNESS. ENTERED INTO human flesh OF BONDAGE, TO BY Spirit, POWER, SURRENDER TO Crucifixion to Remove the OLD blood of AIR from Bride and Raise Her bled out, Raised by Breath, Spirit, Breath of God.  STOP thinking by human mind AND Cry out for the Mind of Spirit, Truth that SAVES His Children, Flesh BY Faith.  The Rebirh as Spirits of God His Presence, that EXISTS BEYOND TIME as Reality.

Pray ALWAYS, IN the Spirit OF OBEDIENCE. Obedience Receives FROM God.

 Christ At ALL Times, Thought Go d's Thoughts.  We ARE the Body OF Christ.  BEING Trained, Prepared for the Kingdom of PERPETUAL Obedience.  Put ON Christ Your Armor FROM GOD.  The VERY Thoughts OF God, your Sword of TRUTH for Removing ALL THAT IS not God.  The Bride IS His Body, His Obedient Flesh OF Obedient BONES.  THE MYSTERY OF Union with Christ, TRUTH. BECOME BY FAITH, ONE Inseparable Head and Body, United by the MiND, POWER OF God.

The LIVING Church of Reality, NOT a church OF hypocrisy, Pretense, lip service without Power to Live the LIFE OF Christ as His Body. ONCE in a church a woman leanes over saying she was not going to give tithe AS they with her turned to See me tithe.  I Looked at them who had invited me to visit with them this church, WHY would not reward their PERFORMANCE.  I had been slowly Waking up. Realizing God Reality no actor FOR hire for money.  They performed and I PAID my due them.  God Saves me from secret inner circles of fleshy churches.  ONCE God Speaks AN YOU HEAR Him it is IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP Listening.  He IS God. Your thought ARE flesh UNLESS God ENTER and TAKE POSSESSION OF His House, the Room RESTORED TO His Likeness, Reflection of He the Father, the Owner.  WHAT Pleases Him NOW Pleases me.

In the very NOW moment Chosen FOR me by God, I Awakened TO HIS Voice, Yes, Lore I Hear You.

God is always DOING WHAT HE Wants.

And Samuel? It IS NOT you, IT IS Me they replace with flesh to rule, have dominion over them.

 Easy to imitate, reflect flesh and blood, IMPOSSIBLE TO Reflect God without Spirit.  BE Careful TO DO what IS Right unto God.  Live Right before men of flesh AND Spirit of God.  The Body must Perfectly Reflect Christ His Thoughts AS HIS Bride.  THE LORD IS our Glory, His PRESENCE.

God IS ZEALOUS, AND His Servant Zealous BY Presence OF Spirit. We LONG FOR OUR Presentation as Virgin SOULS IN His Bride, His Body.  UNLESS YOU receive a different spirit, seed THAN Christ and you BECOME corrupted, lured, enticed away FROM TRUTH of God's Presence.  As long as THIS world of human imagination EXISTS, CLING TO Christ for temptation of flesh NEVER CEASES TO re-enter his house, property that opens to receive him.  JUST perpetually Say NO, THE ONLY Way in out of Time.  NO to Sin , IS Spirit Saving US.  Divine Nature always Says NO.  UNLESS UNBELIEVER of human nature of disobedience.  We ARE the Obedient Body of Christ RULED BY the Mind of God, Holiness.

That Faith, the Begining, Rebirth, Finish IN FAith TO CROSS OVER TO Reward.

 A Life, A Garment, a Perpetual Eternal Reality, OURS Carried OVER BY Wings of Spirit of His Presence.  We ARE NOTHING. God IS EVERYTHING Good, Right, Holy.  Their god, source of their disobedience, human spirit BECOME stranger to me IN Christ.  The Body Devotes its Self to the Saints within Body.  Christ OUR Head, Devotes us the Will of God.  The PERPETUAL Thoughts of God are SAVING from temporary thoughts of evil.

God our Father, Christ the Head FLOWING IN UNION, the VERY Thoughts of Life, from Spirit to our Spirit. Allowed to See the Storehouse of God His Mind.  Riches beyond the flesh of TIME.  There is NO Rest, PEACE OF MIND WITH God until you DO what God Commands TO you.  ANY spirit, any thought, any life OTHER THAN GOD, SHALL BE CUT OFF, REMOVED WITH TIME, THE Door, ONLY Way to ENTER, CLOSED FOREVER.

God Knows His LOST separated by UNBELIEF from the Body of Reality. IF you BELONG TO HIM, He shall use every tool His TO TURN you BACK TO Him.  I want to Live Pleasing Him not flesh of disobedience.  Father DISCIPLINES, Turns His Children back from the open, pit, grave, mouth of darkness, the tongue drawing them into death of nonexistence outside the Mind of God.  WHEN HE Thinks of me, THEN I Think of Him. The wonder of God Hearing and Listening to my Spirit as my Spirit Listens, Receives His Thoughts of His VERY PRESENCE, God in me. NOW I HAVE Known, EXPERIENCED Love, I AM the Daughter Given, Received, Given to Bridegroom. There IS NOTHING WORTH  the, BUT God, Genuine Life OF Reality. Christ Crucified, Removed the spirit of air, the blood of disobedience to Raise us Alive without blood of disobedience.

I Know the temptation to fall asleep again with spirit of disobedience. BUT those who do not RISE and Serve Reality, Shall NEVER ENTER BY Obedience the House of His Presence. Like little Samuel GIVEN TO Serve, IF you Hear the Master IN TIME of NIGHT, GET UP and ASK if He is Calling you.  And IF God IS CALLING you He Him Self will Tell YOU, WHAT TO Do,

As the earth shaketh with the Rising of the dead IN Christ, WITH Christ? His BONES.

 We ARE His Body of Chosen, departing this world Alive by Faith.  I NEVER hear the thunder, see the strike, power of the bolt striking target, without Thinking of God.  I cannot hear the shaking, the quakes, the pits opening in the ground, without Thinking of God.   These things must happen.  You?  BE READY at a moments notice, blink of Eye, Prepared TO Go WITH HIM OUR Life.

The GREAT TRIAL, Test of affliction, but Reveals our Faith our Joy of Freedom as the Body of Christ.  The dead souls go unto their father, spirit, presence of death within, BUT the Body of Christ BELONGS TO Christ and our Father Eternity.  Children of Body REFRESH the Children, the Flesh with Drink of Living Waters.

IN England the neighbors Called the MIST of Rain, SPIT.  A VERY FINE Mist not like being drenched with down pour of rain.  Helps me Understand there was no rain IN the OLD Eden before fall.  EVERYTHING IN this world?  There is NO Place here LIKE HOME. Ready to give up the tent of flesh for a PERMANENT Room in the House of God His Presence.  Christ God's Government on earth, Serving God no other thought, government of men.  We ain't staying behind with the dust of death, We Rise UNITED TO Christ OUR Head.  IN Him EVERY THOUGHT Gods'.  We JUST DELIVER His Thoughts, Invitation to those Seeking to Come.  We See by Head, We Live NOW by Spirit. Obedience unbelievers doubt exists.  The children of UNBELIEF.  WHAT God IS, HAS DONE, IS Marvelous to our SOULS.

We by flesh birth are dead souls carried in temporary bodies of death.

 ONLYY BY Spirit, the Presence of God, ARE we Alive, Enabled to Seek and Find Truth OF Life.  The Life of Christ, His Body WAS Crucified with Head.  Faith in God, Spirit, the Mind, Thoughts of God, Raises, Keeps us Standing in Christ, Path of Obedience unto His Feet.  Christ ENTERED TIME TO  Reveal the ONLY WAY back TO God.  Perfect Sweetness of Holy Fruit without bitterness.  We the Fruit of Christ, His Body of Believers RETORED TO Perfection.

We are the Seed of Seed, the Spirit of Spirit, the Life of Life.  Fruits of SUMMER Rain and Brightness. Hand Chosen for the Mouth of God.

Repentance? PERPETUAL, PERSISTNT, CONSTANT Sorrow that IS God's Gift to us.  God's SORROW caused by sin, NOW OUR Sorrow over sin, disobedience unto God.  Sorrow Felt by the Presence of God in Body of Life.  The sorrow of disobedience Removed only by Spirit of Obedience. Spirit takes us FROM death unto Him His Presence Life.

WHEN Spirit COMES, TRANSFORMS, Changes from dead unto Life of the Living, we can not stop Declaring WHAT Faith IN God His Power, Truth, has done and always NOW doing as we RELY, Lean upon Him His Presence for Obedience IN TIME THROUGH TIME into the Perpetual EVER NOW Reality of God.

The Truth asks nothing of His Body that He HAS NOT DONE FOR us, the IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT Help, Spirit of God His Presence, OURS BY Faith.  Let no flesh of religion ROB you of Spirit, Life of Christ.  Naked of disobedience, Purified, Cleansed, Restored NEW TO Truth, the Flesh of Christ His Obedience our Reward UNTO SOULS that ENTER BY Obedience, NAKED of disobedience, TAKE Hold the Garment of Faith, Waiting beyond the imaginations of flesh and TIME, OURS By Will of God, Truth, alone.

The children of flesh, infected with human spirit, human thoughts, abandon God, Truth.

 The mind of HUMAN flesh is CORRUPTED by spirit, thoughts of darkness, poisoned by substance of darkness, unbelief, THEIR father of fallen flesh.  Fallen unto doubt of unbelief UNTO their death of both soul and flesh IN TIME, UNLESS BY FAITH RECEIVE the Anti-venom OF Truth.   Father TAKE US Captive TO Your Mind, Your Truth, Thoughts OF LIFE.  Separate us from the many religions, spirit of fallen flesh, UNITE us AS ONE IN Christ, as the Body of Truth.

Religions, the dividing of souls unto mouths of flesh, farther from Spirit of Obedience, Love of God.  I Say it again Christ is a Life God Gives to His LOST Children, captives for disobedience of darkness, the Hammer, the Rock, Spirit BREAKER OF chains of deceit.  Oh flesh loves TO run to flesh to hear the thoughts of flesh, sit at the feet of hypocrites, blind, deaf TO Truth.  Father our Spirit, Life of Holiness, LET the Lion of Judah, Let Him Rise within the Children of Truth.  ENOUGH!  NO MORE TIME to spend, wasting time on, with darkness.  Shine, Shine, Gather Your LOST in darkness unto YOU Spirit, THE PRESENCE of Life in LOVE WITH THEIR Holiness within that Separated HIS CHILDREN from disobedience, the life of darkness.  BE STILL and Hear, HIS BONES OF Love Rising to Stand PERPERUALLY Driving the darkness, birds of prey FROM HIS Body by Presence of God.  God IS Saving the Body of Christ, GENUINE Children of Faith. 

NONE Live but By the Will of God His Presence. IS there any thought, any thing of THIS world of flesh that you will not SURRENDER TO God?  We DIE in resistance, We Live BY Surrender.

Live Christ BY Faith, Spirit. ANY disobedience, speck is evidence against us as unbelievers.

 Give GLORY TO God BECAUSE God IS OUR Obedience TO Truth.  The Father and His Son CAN NOT BE separated from Each Other, ONE.  The BOND OF Love, Union of Father, Son and Bride, Daughter of Spirit.  The CORD of Life the Reborn is CONNECTED TO Life BY.  We ARE being Grown in the Mind, God in fallen flesh.  We SHALL EXIT this world of darkness, Perfect in the Spirit, LIKENESS OF God.  We ARE the Body hidden beneath the flesh and blood of TIME. Waiting our Turn, the Removal of this serpent skin.  Like SOME PERFECTLY Obedient Substance with Wings to BREAK THROUGH THAT WHICH HAS US earth bound to TIME.  The BIRTH of a Butterfly, starts as a crime scene, but ENDS IN BEAUTY in the garden.  EVERYTHING Reveals God. IF you HAVE Eyes to See.

God GIVES GENEROUSLY to His Children in need.  EXAMINE your self  BY Truth of God His Presence.  ARE you Ready, Prepared TO Go IN UNION of Faith WITH Him, NOW?  ONLY God IS Real, Reality.  The things of THIS world, flesh of TIME, dissolve, ONLY God, Reality Remains with the Reborn Children of Christ His Body.  SO resistant to Reality the children of the serpent flesh.  God makes His Children Rich, SPIRITUALY Rich enough to SHARE with others.  

The church of the antichrist seek not for Power of His Presence, TRUE Riches, they seek MORE money for POWER over others.   SURE you need money for flesh to purchase the food FOR flesh, BUT IS NOT the soul MORE IMPORATAND then flesh and blood?  First Things First, THEN the other things necessary IN TIME.

HOW STUPID ARE those who Measure according to themselves flesh and blood.  Judgment accordig to HUMAN standards.  Wake up, Receive Knowledge, Spirit, your thoughts lead to death and poverty. MEASURE your SELF TO God not fallen flesh.  Christ the kingdom, the Limits we MUST Live, ABIDE and THEN Rise.   Christ the Measure of God, Set FOR us BY God. Glorify God His Presence by Obedience, BOAST IN God not flesh, Declare WHAT God HAS DONE for His LOST in TIMEs of darkness.  By the Will of God, Spirit, there NOW IS no garden snake, no darkness , shadow under His Tree, JUST Brightness IN His Garden Mind.  The serpent and the darkness GONE. NOTHING BUT the Body and Head CAN ENTER, ABIDE, Live IN Reality with God.

As a soul believeth or NOT, so THAT soul IS OR IS NOT.  God Knows His Children love Riddles, Secrets, Gifts.

Any soul in union with thought of corruption SHALL NEVER ENTER BACK INTO the Mind, Garden, House of God.  Holy Lips, HOLY Mind, Holy Thoughts PERPETUAL Prsence, God Saving Bride, Daughter through Head.  We ARE the Body, the Garden of God His Spirit.  

His BODY BRINGS, GIVES GLORY TO Christ Her Head. Not the shame of disobedience.

 The Bride, Body of Love, begets NO other BUT Truth, THE Thought of Power THAT Changes ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO God His PERFECT Will.   Darkness exists, lives within the unbeliever.  The SOUL TAKEN CAPTIVE IN, TO darkness, without Fath dies of unbelief.  There is not even a SHADOW thought of darkness within Soul RESTORED,UNITED to the Presence of Brightness.

WHY die with the children of deceit, envy, bitterness fed the thoughts of darkness?  Fallen flesh believes any thought given them, EXCEPT THE Bread OF Life, the Thoughts that Save the soul from desires of flesh and blood.  Temporary lives of AIR.  The Spirit, the Breath Of Life OURS IN UNION WITH Christ our Head.  Saves us from the mouth of darkness, temporary life of disobedience.  From crib to coffin, in a fallen state of mind.  Christ the Substance, the Life of Reality, Saves His Body that OBEYS Him, Loves Him no other spirit, presence, BUT God.

Christ the Riches GIVEN TO the Body of Christ, His Bride Chosen BY Father.

 People of religions want to give their religion MONEY.  God desires we Give unto Him the Spirit of Obedience unto Him.  WHAT does God need with earthly mammon that nations of flesh and blood, human spirit, desires. Gather in spirit of war, to take by flesh what has not been Given By Spirit, God.

THERE is A TIME, a place for war, BUT NOW IS the NOW for Peace with God THAT Light, Presence OUR PEACE WITH ALL.  Let the children of darkness their power, give, SACRIFICE THEIR OWN flesh TO war.  We Give our selves to God, souls Planted by the Hand, W ill of God into Christ, Living Soul of Light that NOW Reigns from within His Tribe of Holy Spirit.  The Living souls, Gathered by FAITH into the House, Body NOW our Residence of Goodness.  House of Bread.P

Finish the Plan, His Plan, each his Work Given  him to do.  Work BY Spirit, Given His Children. DO ALL Spirit TELLS you, WHEN your Obedience is Perfected by His Presence, Substance, THEN COME HOME WHEN your Work for Him has been Done.  NOT EVEN one thought of darkness, disobedience can be found remaining in you His Body?  Wake up from darkness, Christ His Presence, Sprit of Power, Provides ALL the Power of His Substance TO His Body, Bride.  ALL Christ's Obedience is NOW Hers, the Daughter of God, BY Faith Behold the Riches of Heaven, EVERY Thought of God, NOW our very own Thought of Holy UNION.

Let the dust, kingdoms of THIS world KEPT captive to darkness, finish their self destruction.  We DIED IN, WITH Christ BY Faith, the OBEDIENT Reborn Bride IS ON our Way Home, The Path that is THE very Thoughts OF God beneath our Feet.  

The beast in your Way, remove one Bite of time upon another.  The Brightness in His Body CAN BY Faith Remove THE darkness.  ONE giant at a time.  Stand IN Christ. USE the Rock of Truth Given you.

Father Restore TO us Your Presence, Peace of Mind. A People of Right Mind, Love.

 God IS Peace, His Thoughts ARE Peace. We are a nation FALLEN far from God unto other spirits.  The Evidence the confusion of chaos sweeping the land You Lord God Gave to us we HAVE brought into this world, disobedient Godless chidren of flesh.  Rightly so.  Twelve years old and I pointed to father's rules for his children WERE NOT the SAME rules for him self. His response always, EVEN at end of HIS TIME?  DO AS I say NOT as I do.  The infection of hypocrisy.  Rules FOR you ARE NOT the Thoughts of Truth, Love, Mercy.  NO Peace in the DOUBLE MINDED nation.  A nation divided by different spirits that HATE, the disobedient spirits that serve their master, king of perdition.  Good, IS Good FOR others and our selves.

Father our Goodness, Restore this nation UNTO Your Spirit, Presence of Mind.  uThis nation ruled by minds gone mad with power of darkness, MONEY their power, chains of bondage.  Father we are SO VERY SORRY we FORGOT You the Power of Your Presence.  Human flesh has chained us to destruction.  Father TURN the Light of Brightness ON ACROSS THIS nation.  MAKE America Your America with ONE Love, You. Her lamp of Light HAS GONE OUT.  Save us from the darkness greater than flesh, but disappears by Your Presence.  Set the world of flesh ON Fire with Love, Desire for You, Your Good Substance, Rain that PUTS OUT raging fire of chaos, destruction.  Restore our Peace, UNION WITH You, OUR Source of Peace with others.  Where there IS NO Peace, THERE shall come flesh of war, to rob TAKE BY flesh what belongs to flesh.  But nothing can take the Life of Christ, our Riches and AFTER life.  War with flesh is not War WITH God, His Children.  We ARE His Children, LIVING SOULS, OUR Father to BE GREATLY feared by flesh of darkness.

God does us WHAT we do unto others. Seems FAIR, Right GO me. But to hypocrite?

 Truth is TRUTH.  Any human excuse is JUST a lie.  God HAS Given BELIEVERS the Power to TURN the other cheek, this HONORS God our Father.  ORDINARY flesh and blood says anything to defend disobedience TO Love,  But Believers Say, Think, THEN WILL Do as Promised by the Power, Will of God.  God's Rules ARE God, not rules of unstable, inconstant, ever changing rules.  Their thoughts, emotions are NOT God's.  They respond to SELF-ish rules, thoughts that SERVE them, not God NOR others.  God, the Thoughts of God, Spirit, CAUSE sorrow, ENDURING sadness, For the Sword of Truth pierces the hardened heart of flesh UNTO Repentance.   Sorrow, self examination and confession of thoughts and actions, AGREEMENT with God, Peace OF mind, without death by flesh. HUMAN being at war with God.  To want others of flesh to do what you your SELF does not also do.

Each fallen person, a kingdom unto themselves.  Trillions of kingdoms of self, upon earth.  HOW CAN there EVER BE, EXIST peach on earth IN fallen flesh?  God OUR Peaced must Become THEIR God, OUR Peace, BY Bowing to His Spirit, His Thoughts, His Power of Love, We BECOME ONE Nation UNDER God  that can not be divided, separated FROM God.

Monday, April 29, 2024

The Presence of God my HOLY Obsession.

 I Pray that THIS Love, THIS God, ENTER AND Have His Dominion over EVERY soul that IS His.  We His Body ARE His Love slaves.  The soul is the slave of the flesh, human spirit OR Slave, Body of Divine Spirit.  You can not serve TWO masters in, AT, the SAME Time.  His Beleiver IS Freed from sin of disobedience, UNTO Obedient by Faith in Word of God POWER.S

ONCE in TIME, I surrendered to disobedience, NOW Reality HAS Come, I SURRENDER the soul its mind, its heart, and my flesh UNTO Truth.  A Reborn Servant to the Holy Purpose OF God.

The only hindrance is doubt of unbelief in the Declared Truth, that whosoever Believes IS Freed INDEED.  The WHOLE Reborn soul DEDICATED TO Spirit and Truth, RESULTS IN Eternal Life, after death of flesh IN TIME, Faithful to God of Truth UNTO END of old flesh and blood.  The soul within Body HAS Spiritual Wings.  I Believe Him.  My ONE Desire is to Love Him with ALL my soul, mind and heart.  Christ the Gift that Keeps on Giving.  Eternal Life IN Union with Christ our Lord.   The WRITTEN law rules ONLY while people live, Where there is no Spirit Law they do not Live AFTER death.  TWICE dead.  BOTH soul and flesh.  We CRUCIFIED WITH Christ ARE DEAD TO the written law for dead BLIND souls, Christ's Body is Ruled by Spirit, God Living Law.

God THROUGH Christ HAS Saved me from death of soul BY UNBELIEF.  Warning, to be controlled by HUMAN nature, disobedience OF flesh, to do what flesh wants is to die.  Live according TO Spirit, Divine Natuer, Reflecting God, and do not die with the dead in disobedience.

Death rules by doubts of unbelief. God, Life Ruled BY Faith.

 MANY HAVE DIED BECAUSE OF the disobedience of Adam, soul and flesh.  The soul must BECOME REBORN Of Faith, Receive the Body of Obedience OUR Reward for Obeying God and AFTER RECEIVE THE NEW Flesh, RESTORED TO LIFE of Obedience.  All THINGS BECOME NEW.  MANY dead souls void of Spirit, ARE TAKEN BY darkness of death, captive.  HELL BOUND.

Death ruled over disobedient unbelievers.  Christ died and Raised His Obedient Body, and we by FAITH Are THAT Body of Resurrection.  Christ the Spirit of Christ His Obedience  IS OURS as His Body.  We HAVE DIED TO disobedience, NOW Live by Faith the Life of Obedience, ours IN Christ.

We ARE THE LIVING SOULS, THE Reborn INTO His Body by Faith IN God.  NOW BY Faith we are the slaves of Obedience NOT disobedience.  Freed by the blood of Christ.  The Spirit, Breath of God, NOT the temporary breath of body of death.  We KNOW EXACTLY WHAT God HAS DONE FOR US His Children.  The Work of Spirit and Truth, THE GIFT of Obedience unto God, NOW ours. OUR Gift TO Him, LIVING A Life DEDUCATED TO God.  We MUST NOW Freed fromu disobedeince, MUST Surrender IN Obedience the OLD life, old human thoughts, desires TO the Presence, Divine Nature Of GOD WITHIN us.

By Faith Surrender to Reality of God His Presence.  Live Christ, depart unbelief OF DELUSION.

This world of darknes, the human spirit are but dreams in the NIGHT time that is passing away.

Abraham father of the flesh Chosen by God. Spirit the Father of LIVING SOULS.

 The flesh Chosen for the Flesh of Christ. A BODY Conforming unto Obedience.  Christ, THE Promise to Abraham.  Salvation of Believers.  We ARE Changed, Transformed not by Written Rules but by Spirit, Living Law OF POWER.  The SOUL CONFORMING TO God, Reality, Shall NEVER die disobedient.  By Faith IN Christ His Spirit, Presence of God, Faith UNITES US IN the Body, and God Raises us up BEHIND Christ OUR Head.  God the Mind in Christ OUR Head is Savingt us from disobedience of darkness.  Truth CASTS OUT doubts of unbelief. Faith in the Head, Union with Head is OUR ASCENDING From this world of death and unbelief INTO the Kingdom of God His Presence.  A SPIRITUAL Kingdom.  Where the BODY of Spirit ENTERS and ABIDES FOEVER.

The loss from Adam's disobedience to God, HAS BEEN Restored unto Obedience of Christ IN His Flesh.  We are the dead souls LOST IN TIME of darkness, BECOME SERVANTS, SLAVES IN THE Chains, THOUGHTS OF Love.  The Life of Christ can not be Lived without Faith.  IMPOSSIBLE without the PERPETUAL Presence, POWER OF GOD, HIS Will. NOTHING CAN RESIST the Will of Power.  BOW TO His Feet that Carry His Body HOME. Step, Thought by Thougt, Step in the Path of Obedience.  The ONLY Way Home.  BY Spirit.

Persevering Faith IN God His Word. Saying NO TO doubt of unbelief. By Christ IN us.

Faith in God, Spirit, Power TO OBEY.  Spirit the Grift of Power to OBEY, Say NO TO Sin, by Faith in God's Promise, Revealed to us IN Written Scriptures BY Spirit.  Spirit, God, IS the Author, Writer of Holy Scriptures.  First the demand for obedience, THEN Christ the Life of Obedience which NOW IS our Life we Live UNTO God His Honor, Glorifying Him as God and Father.

The Spirit of Humbleness within us Reveals that we CANNOT BOAST of Obeying, doing WHAT IS Right.  For it is God, Spirit, Christ in us OUR Obedience, Yes to God, No TO disobedience.  IT IS God, Spirit within us that CONFORMS US, the Body of Christ unto Obedience.  BY Faith, Spirit, we Live the Obedient Life of Christ.  The Power, Presence of God, CONFORMING US TO His Likeness.

Spirit BEGETS Spirit.  Flesh begets flesh of disobedience.  We MUST BECOME the REBORN SOULS, IN the Body of Christ.  WHERE there is NO obedience without disobedience, THERE, there is no Spirit, Reality, Power Presence of Truth.  Just SOULS dead in sin, disobedience, being swallowed up in TIME OF darkness, THEN Swallowed with darkness of death, INTO Perpetual, Brightness of Reality, Eternal Life.  That REBORN OF Spirit IS Spirit, Holiness Saving us from death of unholiness.  Holiness Removes unholiness.  Brightness Removes darkness.

We OBEY God because God Lives, Dwells, HAS His BEing God wihtin us.  Spirit is not confusion, misunderstanding.  Spirit IS our Understanding. The Thoughts of God and our Power to DO the Thoughts of God our Father.  God HAS DONE this, Placed His Spirit and Truth WITHIN So by my Faith IN Him His Presence, Substance, POWER, THE Life I NOW Live BY Christ, Truth.  ONLY God and His Word RECEIVE ALL the Honor, the Glory of my surrender to Truth.  Victory is the Lord's.

The Free Rebirthday Gift from God TO His Living Children, found Alive AFTER time and darkness ARE GONE.  Found Alive IN Christ, His Body.

Moriah. THE Lord my Teacher, Wind that Frees.

 Carried away by the Wind, the Temple Mount, Mysterious Place.  Rain, Wind, Fire. OBEY, Remain in Union with Spirit  The one that Lives IN UNION, ONENESS with Christ, Truth.  Truth Revealing Him Self to His Body.  Head Keeps His Body PURE as He Head IS Pure.  To disobey is to sin AFAINST God the Law, Spirit of His people, Children.  NONE that BELONG TO Christ, His Body, CONTINUE TO sin, disobey Father.  There is NO sin of disobedience IN Him. All Believers IN Body of Christ  can not CONTINUE to disobey BECAUSE all that ARE IN Christ OBEY Spirit.  We can lie and deceive our souls with out own thoughts, delusions of deceit, BUT God is Spirit not a Flesh, a Spirit.  A Spirit IN the Body, Flesh of Christ.

God's VERY NATURE, Divine Spirit, His Substance within us.  THEREFORE we CANNOT DISOBEY Him and please our OLD substance, human nature. Honor God and His Truth. Bear the Thoughts of God, His Thoughts ARE Life.  HOW We Know God LOVES us, is that He Sacrificed Christ FOR OUR disobedience of His Bride. 

1John 2:26, I am Writing Warning you ABOUT those trying to deceive FOR the rewards of flesh.

 IF by your Faith, Christ HAS Poured His Spirit, of Obedience INTO you, AS long AS Remains I N you God's Chosen Body, YOU DO NOT NEED ANYONE TO teach you.  The Spirit Teaches you EVERYTHING True nothing false. SO OBEY the Spirit by Faith REMAIN IN UNION with Spirit.

You need not flesh and blood to teach you.  You NEED the Spirit Teacher of the LIVING Reborn of His  Body. Divine Spirit of Life Teaches Truth no falsehood.  OBEY Spirit, and Remain by Obedience IN UNION with Christ.  Understand THIS, all who do WHAT IS Right, Obeying Spirit, IS God's Child IN Christ.  ALL who OBEY are IN Christ His Body.  ALL Children of Spirit and Truth OBEY God our Father.

Leave the children of the devil unto their doctrines of human spirit of deceit.  That which IS darkness belongs to darkness, FEARS Truth, Light, Presence of God. God Spoke UNTO Abraham, Led Him out of Sodom and Gomorrah to BE, Live alone with God's Presence.  STOP clinging to the dust and Breath the Life. Christ our Example of God's Power, Obedience, Right Heart, Right Mind, Right Spirit.  The Spirit IN Christ, the Spirit in We His Body BY Faith.  God IS Revealing TO His Body a Life Lived with, in Reality.  EVERLASTING Substance of Eternal Life.  BY Faith WE BECOME the OBEDIENT Reborn SOULS Prepared by Spirit of Obedience, TO Receive the Spiritual Garment, Flesh of Life without death.

My Conscience cannot lie. God IS my Reality, my Spirit RULING me. Romans9.

 I BELONG to Christ, Truth, TO Serve Him.  The Holy Spirit RULES FROM within my flesh.  Spirit CONFORMS Flesh to the Spirit of Obedience.  HOW CAN I lie, hide from others WHAT GOD HAS DONE, IS Doing TO me, BECAUSE He IS God.

Who belongs to God? His Children LOST IN TIME.  God Reveals TO His Children Reality, the Obedience THEIR TRUE WORSHIP OF God.  The Body Worships IN Union with Head.  HERE OR THERE WITH Head, We offer or Worship-of=Obedience BY Faith..

To live in time WHAT God HAS DONE, TO make His Power Known TO me. Based on the Call to those Called to Obedience.  The disobedient Chosen by God FOR Obedience IN Christ. UNWORTHY, YET Let US NOW BE FOUND Worthy OF Gods' Love, Spirit.  Let NONE CALLED unto Obedience SHRINK BACK TO disobedience, BY resisting, denying, ignoring the Voice of Love.  IF you Hear Him NOW?  Come QUICKLY to See, Taste, WHAT God HAS DONE.

Some Lessons Loved. Substance, Reality, Obedience, Brightness, Remedy, Mind.Breath.

 Father BRING DOWN THE WALLS AT THE Feet of the Body of Christ.  MARCH AROUND the walls of the earth, upon their own head of darkness.  IF the enemies of God HAD KNOWN their murder of Christ WOULD Raise the Kingdom of GOD UPON New Foundation, Eternal.  NEVER would they have TAKEN HOLD BY THEIR will the Body of Christ.

The SPIRITUAL IS Reality.  This world of TIME, but many dreams of the dead THAT REFUSE TO Wake up  AND Remain Awake to Watch.

The Conforming the inner BEING TO Spirit, IF Christ IS IN you THEN you DO BELONG TO Christ.  Spirit IS Life FOR You. EVEN though the OUTER flesh is going to die unto death.  The SOUL OBEDIENT by Faith in the POWER, WILL OF Presence is going to Receive the Body, Garment for Reality WITH IN GOD. 

Long ago in time, watched a Helen Keller movie, Reminds me of Teacher.

 Nothing existed but darkness.  THEN Helen SUDDENLY Understood, KEPT TAKING HOLD of her teacher's hand.  The SPARK set her of FIRE. A mind lost unto darkness, CAME Alive.  God is SO Patient with the impatient, SO Kind with the unkind.  SO LONG IN DARKNESS, ALONE IN TIME.  THEN the Brightness comes and EVERYTHING IS Changed by the Word, VERY Thought of God His Presence.  God PUTS Right by His Substance, Presence, people that Believe, He Saves by His Presence IN them BY Faith.

It is Faith that Saves from darkness of disobedience.  The Body that Depends on, Relies on, Trusts in Spirit not on works of flesh.  We ARE the Body, Flesh OF Christ, I His Perfect Spirit of Obedience.

DO NOT BE human-self-deceived, NO OBEDIENCE, NO Spirit, NO Life within soul.  Time IS FOR Coming to Truth, BOWING IN OBEDIENCE to Live not die outside with the rubbish GIVEN TO the fire of darkness.  FAKE light, darkness in lamp pretending to be Light.

EVERY MOMENT I Think of the Hand that Teaches everything I can not see.  A World in Reality OPENED DOOR UNTO me.  EVERY day I wake I Think THEN Pray for ALL Those His He WAITS TO Reach for Hand of Help.

Faith THE NEW Way back from death in darkness. FOR Jew and Gentile AS ONE IN Christ.

 To ENTER Body of Christ BY Faith. AND ABIDE IN Faith BY the Will of God, Spirit.

The TIME of Trial, TEST, PATTERN OF Flesh FOR Garment.  The one who Comes IN Obedience, is the one who COMES IN UNION WITH God.  We ARE Transformed by God, Spirit, Divine Will, His Dominion of Presence within.

God DOES THIS.  Romans 3:22, HOW?  Through Your Faith IN JESUS CHRIST.  TRUTH IN Us His Body.  ALL THE WILL AND Power ARE God's ALONE.  AS the Body  of Christ we SHARE the Riches OF God, Spirit.  Who IS Free but the Beliver in Truth, Thoughts of God, Spirit.  Who a slave to a disobedient flesh BY UNBELIF?

GOD HAS SET A TIME Known ONLY TO HIM, a moment of ENOUGH disobedience.  He HAS SENT Messengers of Truth. Christ Stripped NAKED, BEATEN, REJECTED, MOCKED.  We ARE the Body of Christ, Chosen to SUFFER as His Body the rejection by darkness.  Christ GLORIFY Your OBEDIENCE UNTO Father.  The Bride ENBRACES the Head of Truth, Her Life of Bearing Christ, Holy Thoughts, Truth of God, into the world of death.  The Signal of Life, Light, Peace to those about to WAKE up in darkness of TIME.

SHEBA'S rebellion against David's kingdom? 2 SMUEL 20: 22. SOULUTION?

 Joab SENT with army from David.  Joab SENT to the REBELS. ONE woman of wisdom thought WHY SHOULD ALL DIE because of this rebellion OF ONE man?  The solution to cut off the head of one man's flesh and CAST OUT OVER his head to Joab TO TAKE BACK TO his king.  Taking the head the king's forces WITHDREW BY THE sound of a Trumpet blown

With the Sound of Trumpet, the Body of Peace shall Rise United TO Head.  Christ CANE DOWN IN Spirit THEN IS His Body Raised Behind Him.  From TIME. Remember.  Christ came down Spirit, put on flesh of TIME.  The SAME Way COME DOWN, His Body SHALL RISE from time GONE UP gone from TIME.

Christ died for the disobedience of HIs Body TO GOD, We ARE the Body void of disobedience by the Power of God, Spirit OF Obedience, Christ IN US our Salvation from time by Reality.

Father GIVE UNDERSTANDING TO Your LOST Children IN TIME OF darkness.  Gather by Truth that BRINGS Home.  God Saves ALL those who STAY, IN, ONBOARD Christ.  Not the minds filled with darkness, Given over TO UNCLEAN thoughts OF THEIR thoughts flesh. We ARE the Body of Christ, His Thoughts OUR Thoughts, Pleasing God.

When Spirit Comes, WHEN Spirit ABIDES, Remains as Peace with God and Flesh.

 Where Spirit Remains, THERE is Obedience of Peace with God.  Love of God IS Obedience.  Obedience is Love of God and His Truth, His Thoughts, His Spirit.  God THE Detector of disobedient flesh, human spirit IN flesh of TIME.  HOW will the soul EVER Live in Happiness, Union of JOY, if the Presence, the Thoughts of God ARE not your thoughts of human spirit of air IN flesh and blood of darkness.

The Bride His Body Conformed to Spirit, Thoughts of Spirit, the Kingdom, Residence of Love.  God PUNISHES those evil souls in flesh BECAUSE God HAS MADE Known through TIME His Divine Nature, His Plan, the world reveals His INVISIBLE QUALITIES, His Power, Divne Nature seen by things MADE by God.  They know HAVING NO EXCUSE AT ALL for disobedience.  The deny, refuse to GIVE TO God the Obedience DUE Him AS God.   THE PROBLEM?  THEIR OWN thoughts, human minds, thoughts of darkness and flesh.  THEY WORSHIP THEIR OWN thoughts AS God.  Darkness OVERFLOWS their minds.  They love their own fallen flesh not God.

God HAS GIVEN people, flesh of darkness OVER TO be ruled by their darkness, thoughts, Godless desires.  The EXCHANGE of Truth for the thoughts of darkness.  Behold the children of deceit. That follow flesh not Spirit.  ROMANS ch 1.  THE FALLEN CONDITION OF flesh and blood.

Spending our TIME THERE, Getting Ready, Prepared TO GO.

 God does not circumcise the children of flesh and blood.  Father Circumcises the Hearts, souls in the Body  of Christ.  The children of flesh and blood following a written law they themselves could not obey Perfectly, BECAME ANGERY, GRABBED Paul ACCUSED of Teaching, Speaking a different religion than the WRITTEN.  The children of religion love their own thoughts of unbelief.  They HATE that which is Strange to flesh and blood.  God, PERFECTION, beyond flesh and blood.  By instinct of darkness they resist, rage against the Truth THAT IS NOT their truth, thoughts, doctrine of fallen flesh

Do not BE, live deceived, ROBBED IN time by darkness of the Riches, Thoughts of Power, that Restore THE DEAD, LOST IN TIME BACK TO Realiy, Perpetual Life.

Hypocrisy OF deceived flesh of TIME. We SO NOTHING Good unless BY Spirit in us.

 The HARD TIMES IN the pit, mouth of darkness.  He Opened the mouth of lion and set me free. He Keeps me Freed by Faith in His Presence, Power TO CLOSE THE mouths of roaring lions of darkness. Walking as ONE WITH Truth, GOING Home WITH Him IN HIs BODY BY Faith. The HOLY Union of Faith.  Substance with Substance, Spirit with Spirit. ONE Life Lived in REALITY BEYOND time of darkness.

Science shall discover, yet deny WHAT THEY find as true.   Science shall glimpse but NOT WITH UNDERSTANDING What God HAS DONE, Reality.  Revelation is for the REBORN ENABLED BY Spirit to GRASP.   Flesh always understanding or misunderstanding according to mind of fallen flesh.  Let the flesh fall by disobedience, the BODY OF Light shall Remain STANDing AFTER TIME.

FIERCE wolves of darknss ARE COMING. BUT DO NOT BE AFRAID.  Christ Shepherd HAD LAID DOWN HIS Life FOR us AND IS WITH US.  PIERCE THE hearts of darkness with the Blade OF Light.  Human spirits, human thoughts ARE BUT HUMAN IMAGINATIONS.  WHAT IS death to Children of Understanding WHETHER WE live in this realm or in Realm of Life, Christ IS WITH in us TO LIFT, CARRY US TO the OTHER SIDE of death.  THis a DREAM OF DARKNESS in time, NOW.  Wake UP.  Where Head, Christ IS, Hid Body FOUND.

REALITY.  God.  The AUTHOR OF EVERY life Lived IN time.  Father only of the Reborn of  Eternal Spirit, Life of Faith in Jesus the Christ.  Creator of flesh and blood, FATHER OF Christ the PERFECT SOUL OF Obedience, Spirit.  Christ the only Soul that COULD SAY NO to disobedience, KEEP US ON THE CROSS for Removal of disobedience, blood of AIR to be BLED out, THEN BY Spirit, Breath of God His Presencce, RAISE us Alive unto Obediencce unto God.

There is no pledge of allegeance to any kingdom of earth, I Pledge my LIVING SOUL IN His Body, UNTO Father the MIND, VERY Thoughts of CHRIST.  LET the kingdoms of flesh and blood fall to death that rules them, BUT LORD RAISE Your Kingdom of Christ upon the Foundation of God.

The human mind can not Receive, Perceive, HEAR GOD without His Spirit within.

 Spirit Speaks Thoughts of Truth, FEEDS the SPIRITUAL Children of God.  God, the Father, His Spirit, and His Seed. Christ His Body Receives without reistance, denial, rejection?  BECAUSE We are Reborn souls OF His Spirit.  We THIRST, Hungar to BE Fed the Mother MILK OF Good Bones.

We ARE the Body He Raised FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE OF REALITY.  God the Reality, the Life, the Milk, the Bread we CRY FOR, Ask unto We RECEIVE.  THE PERSISTANT Receives.

There is more than that flesh sees, THERE is a SPIRITUAL Kingdom House Built WITH MANY Rooms oF LiGHT for His Children.  Where there is no darkness, no thoughts, doubt, shadow of darkness existing.  WHAT We HAVE Heard, Let us go and See with EYES OF Christ.

John Related to Christ IN TIME, Exchanging his head, his mind, his temporary spirit for?

 THE Body AND Head of Christ.  The Living souls the spiritual Relatives of Christ.  John Knew, he was not losing a head, a body, a life, he WAS Gaining LIFE IN CHRIST, Body Raised by Christ from death.

O self-deceived souls, GIVE UP your head, your mind, your life of human spirit, AND Receive the Power, the MYSTERY, hidden Way BAC to the Paradise His Presence.  Receive you no other thought but Thought of Christ our Head.  We are His Bride bearing the Thoughts of Reality, His Presence in time.

BREAK the chains of flesh in time, BELIEVE AND Live Freed.

HOW will Christ BE Seen Returning? The AIR has its way in time, BUT Eyes FIXED ON BODY

Will See according to Spirit of Reality, Shall Behold the Coming of TRUTH IN His BODY TO Judge the children of deceit and war.  The flesh that listens to the voice, thoughts of destruction shall remove itself. SUICIDAL flesh.  BUT the Super natural Flesh of Christ SHALL Reman by Power OF Presence, OBEDIENT EVER AFTER.

No man-made rocket shall rescue them from death of disobedience, life of unbelief.  ONLY God Knows, NOT EVEN Christ Knows, WHEN the NOW outside time, is Complete.  SO BE Prepared, Ready FOR CROSSING OVER from TIME, ALIVE in Christ OF ETERNITY.

NONE so blind as the religious soul the WRITTEN FOR the dead IN FLESH OF TIME to see.

 IN INVITATION Received that only CAN BE Accepted by Children of Spirit, THOSE THAT ENTER IN Christ His Body Given to them to come, enter, LIVE in, through Christ.  Receiving the GRACE, Truth OF God, AND BY Faith Coming AS TOLD TO COME. 

There is NO thought of darkness in the Mind God IN Christ.  The darkness swallowed the Bread OF Life, LIGHT and darkness SWALLOWED BY LIGHT, ceased to exist, but remains in the flesh of TIME that yet walks the earth, shadows of DEATH, gone with THE Brightness of Reality, THE NOW, the Reality of Now where there is no DARKNESS EXISTENCE but in the remnant of darkness in time of flesh.  HUMAN flesh and blood of disobedient Air, spirit CEASES TO EXIST IN the Body, Kingdom of God's Presence.  God open the Eyes of the Body of Christ to See, UNDERSTAND, the ONLY WAY IS DEATH and LIFE AFTER death, in THE Body of Christ.  By Spirit we Breath, we Live Obedient to our HEAD, the Mind in Head, GOD.

Paul's Goodbye Speech. A Warning TO TURN from THEIR master, DISOBEDIENCE, TO?

Actts OF God.  TURN NOW FROM human mistranslations TO God His Spirit, His Thoughts.  TURN from unbelief of flesh TO Spirit in Christ, Truth OF Spirit.  The Servant with His Spirit, MUST FINNISH the Work Given, COMPLETE unto END OF time Given the Work ASSIGNENT.  Any part that obeys not Christ Shall BE REMOVED from Body.  The Sword of God's Mouth CUTS OFF EVERY, ALL parts failing to Obey AND ENTER.

HOW ARROGANT to think that God Should ALLOW disobedience to enter and INFECT Kingdom with PRIDE OF DISOBEDIENCE.

God SENT Christ, His Spirit of Spirit into fallen flesh of time HE CONFORMED Body UNTO Obedience, Removed the blood, life of AIR, from His Flesh, THEN Raised the Children, Seed of His Garden, ALIVE.  We ARE THE Body, the Field of GOD His Seed, His Rain, His Light.

The Faith of Abraham, TO GIVE UNTO GOD WHAT HE Asks, Requires.  OUR flesh, the flesh of Jesus the Christ, SACRIFICED TO God, and Raised by FAITH IN PROMISE.  By Faith we Believe, BY FAITH we ARE Obedient unto Christ our Head.  Children BOWED UNTO the Mind, Thoughts of God.  WAKE up, Can you not Remain Awake with Christ UNTIL Night is over?  The NIGHT IS OVER, THE Son HAS Risen, Head FIRST, THEN WE HIS Body, Harvested from time by Angels of His Presence.  The Watchers, that Report TO God.

God WAITS for your TURNING IN FAITH TO , Our Father, Spirit, Teaches, Explains EVERYTHING BY HIS SPIRIT unto His Spirit WITHIN the Reborn.  Grown MATURE Fruit, READY FOR His Harvest time NOW, the Fruits, Children of Seed and Spirit.  RESIST NOT, do not turn back surrendered to disobedience of time, REMAIN Surrendered to the Path of Christ SET BEFORE HIS Body.  The Path OF Obedience UNTIL Harvested from times, hours of darkness, NOW Seated AT His Table of THOUGHT.

Father I Know You ALONE ARE GOD. I See the Heart of Samuel, his hope FOR SAUL.  The only Thing that matters IS You, Your Mind, Your Word, YOUR Spirit, Breath of Life.  Father Release YOUR LOST in darkness of this TIME, Father LET YOUR Brightness BE SEEN in, through such a darkness that has covered the earth with his wings.  The Greater the darkness EVEN GREATER THE Light in THE Body of Christ.

Our Life, Christ's Life of Spirit, God, HOLY Life Honoring God His Power, His Love.

 The Spirit, Life, NOW ours by Faith, the Reborn of Body, into Body, Serve in flesh their Father, THEIR God.  IN flesh AND AFTER in Holy Flesh We Serve by, IN His Spirit, the Door of His House, Presence OPEN UNTO Us the Tested IN TIME and FOUND Obedient by Spirit, our NEW Life before Eyes of God.  WHERE there IS disobedience, unbelief in Christ the Living Testimony of Obedience by the Power, Presence of Spirit within.  THERE is a spirit of unbelief, doubts, that hinder the children of flesh from Believing.  Greater is DOUBT of unbelief in them THAN their soul LOST ALONE in time separated from God Eternal.

ONE Step of Faith AFTER ANOTHER Step, Thought of God, we Rise, fall not to the bottom of the pit.

ACTS 8. Spirit, the Angel of His Presence, Holy Ghost? Speaking NEW Truth, Law against Written religion.

You Shall See GREATER Things than THIS.  Behold, Angels COME From, and GOING TO Heaven.

Stephen was heard Speaking a Christ THAT WAS NOT THEIR Religion of  self-righteousness. His ACCUSERS drug him BEFORE THE council of the OLD Law, the Written preferred by hypocrites that Know NOT OF the LIVINH Spirit, Gift of Holy Life FROM God.  Stephen accused of NEVER STOPPING his Spirit agaisnt THEIR spirit, written law without the Spirit, Powerless to DO ALL God Requires of flesh and blood to ASCEND, ENTER INTO His House of His Presence.

The Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Life in Union with God.  The Spirit GIVEN, FOUND IN His MATURE REBORN Children.  THE Spirit of Obedience, Life IS OURS by Union with the Truth.  The Power of Faith, Truth, Life, VERY Breath of God, Raises the Believer to Stand IN Christ.  WHAT the Children of God ARE NOW, the flesh cannot see, believe, deny.  Christ is a Life Poured into Chosen Vessels of vessel Held in His Hand.

The New Truth, Spirit HAS COME DOWN, A Life IN His Body of FAITH.  AS Stephen Spoke, Testified, his face, flesh BECAME RADIANT?  LIKE an Angel's.

The Spirit of Christ, the NEW Life, Law of the LIVING can't STOP Speaking the Good News OF Life.

Do you NOT Understand WHAT God His Son HAS DONE IN Obedience FOR us His Body of Faith to WALK IN Spirit of Freedom?  SURRENDER NOW, BEFORE THE door of TIME is closed, nonexistent.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Headless do not Know WHERE their body IS, DEAD IN disobedience, DEAF and Blind.

 There is no Following Jesus without Spirit, Life, Healing.  JUST CON men for hire to feed their dying mortal bodies IN Time.  O you children of darkness, partakers of disobedience.  Your testimony? IS yourselves that you are the children body generation that hate, kill the servants of Christ, His Body SENT with Good News.  O you flesh and blood, body of disobedience.  FLEE from the Judgment OF HELL on earth.  You serpents, vipers, scorpions, wolves, foxes of the WILDERNESS OF TIME.  You lions of malice, darkness.  I AM Sending My prophets, wise men and SCRIBES you will DRIVE AWAY, kill, crucify.  The mouth of pit of hell shall Swallow the Light, Life of His Body, darkness CONSUMED by Light.  The WICKEDNESS within THEIR OWN destruction out of existence in time UNTO Gone.

We are the Body RULED by Head.  BOTH Head and Body Ruled by the Mind, Thoughts God.  Behold, See THE Coming of God, Kingdom, COME WITH Power, Spirit.  The TIME OF Mercy is about to Close.  BOW your flesh of pride DOWN TO His Feet. Or the head of darkness BE Crushed by His Feet.

Your human spirit, your OLD thoughts your dead soul in old flesh cannot ENTER the New Kingdom BUILT FOR the Living Souls, Substance of His Substance.  Die for the Rising up of Truth, die not for the rebellion of darkness in flesh.

The flesh and blood, waves that RAGE against the Will of God, Spirit. Spirit calms the waves.

 Christ His Body with Him Head, Walking upon the SMOOTH PATH of His Presence, everything silent, under Dominion of His Feet.

WHEN He ENTERED the city of men SOME asked WHO IS this Man?  While others took off  garments for His CROSSING OVER.

His Body GIVES their life if TO many who CALL OUT TO Son of God, the blind that hear His Body passing by.  They will not be still, be quiet, REBUKE the blind and they WILL CRY OUT EVEN LOUDER, Lord HAVE MERCY UPON us.  And OUR King STOPPED and ASKED them WHAT they WANTED Him TO DO FOR them?  CRIED OUT, LORD OPEN our eyes to See, AND Jesus the Son of Mercy IMMEDIATELY Opened THEIR eyes TO See. AND IMMEDIATELY they Followed Him into Jerusalem.  Matt 20:31-34.

Good Father of Merciful Word, Call Your LOST Flesh in the bonds of unbelief, OPEN their Eyes TO See. Discern Your Presence Passing through the NIGHT of darkness.  God Removes SCALES Removes chains, Breaths His Spirit into hearts of AIR, Transforms into Living soul of Holy Heart.  We are the Flesh of MANY, MANY Rooms OF Light.

WHY do You Speak in parables they CANNOT Discern, Understand, Receive?

 To fulfill the PROPHECY that THEY Children of flesh and blood will hear with difficulty, not Understanding, Void of My Spirit, they see WRITTEN for flesh but by human spirit of flesh they cannot Perceive, Receive by Spirit Understanding.  The HUMBLE souls REBORN OF HUMBLENESS, My Spirit, PERCEIVE, BELIEVE AND Live not die with flesh and blood, temporary things.

The children lost in their OWN darkness' without Light, dead without Spirit, Life.  The dead constantly causing their flesh and flesh of others TO fall unto darkness with NO Power to Raise and Keep them from falling back into the darkness, mind, mouth of darkness.

 We the Body of Christ Hear and ASK to BE Turned from darkness UNTO Light.  By Faith we BELIEVE. By Faith we ASK and Become. The Head and His Body ARE JOINED, ONE by Father His Spirit within.   IF you CAN Receive, Understand, ASK and Sprit Will come in, ENTER Feed the Thoughts of God from Head INTO Body.  Ask by Faith and Receive BY Faith without doubting.

At the Seaside  they gathered around Him, Rock and SO MANY Gathered at the Sea SHORE, He had to get in a Boat and Stand to BE Seen by ALL Coming.  He Spoke to ALL in Parables, Understood by those Called by Spirit.  Preparing those Chosen to CROSSOVER Behind Him.  MANY LONGED to See, to Hear WHAT NOW you See and Hear, BUT DO NOT, WILL NOT Understand the Way Prepared to Cross OVER.  For the darkness within them, removes, mistranslates by spirit of flesh unto their own misunderstanding.  Presence, Spirit, Truth IN THEM must Stand AS their OWN Spirit, Granted fo Reveal the lost in death and Reveal the Living Body of Christ on earth in times of darkness THEN Gone WITH Him Head, HOME.  He ORDERED the people to sit down, seated to BE Fed by Him BREAD and Fish, Supper.

Truly IN the NEW World, My Body of Followers of Head, WILL BE Seated WITH Me.  The FIRST TO ENTER Obedience and the LAST TO ENTER Obedience.  Seated ONE Body UNDER ONE Head.  The SPIRITUAL Government of God Reigning in and over His Children REBORN OF Seed, Water, and Obedient Flesh of Christ. Stop sitting at the feet of flesh and blood that profit from mammon.  We ENTER IN Prepared, BEARING the Riches God His Truth and Receive the NEW Garment of Truth. 

My Father and God, HAS Lit Flame in my soul, TO Remove the darkness. 2Sam 22:29.

 Christ Your Living Law, Spirit, IS WITHIN me.  Your Will BE DONE.  God my Faith, Power, my Separation from the disobedient, dead in their disobedience.  The Lord REPAYS according to the Cleanness of Flesh.  Christ His Spirit our Cleanness in Eyes of God.  The Fire of Perfect Cleansing.  This Body NOW Keeps Clean, Righteous according to Spirit within.  As Body HAS Believed Truth in Head, SO the Bride IS.  The QUEEN Seated Beside Her King. It is the Work, the Power of His Presence, Body, Mind and SOUL LIVE IN Perfect ONENSS.  Eternal Life.

The children of flesh and blood, earthly AIR, temporary life, spirit in flesh.  Seen HERE now AND THEN GONE dust in the winds of TIME, GONE.

The Fire of His Presence, Purifying my SOUL, Removing darkness by His Immortal, Perpetual Spirit. Lord you ALONE have done This UNTO me.  The Fire IN the Bones of Christ, my Freedom from flesh, the Fire that Perpetually Saves THAT nothing can TAKE, Remove from me.  I BELONG TO Him Obedience my God. My ONLY Spirit I Love AND DIE FOR.  

What could a SOUL die for but Life bearing the Thoughts of God UNTO God.

The blindness and death of flesh snake bit.

 Enticed, tempted, overpowered by deceit, the thoughts of mouth of doubt unto death.  The flesh ruling over the soul by the power of flesh. cause of disobedience death with flesh.

Bewitched, beguiled, misled, deceived, tricked, tied up and robbed OF Life in Faith? Let no spirit in flesh, no man-made doctrine of human spirit, man-made religion, human doctrines, separate by mouth of serpent from the Mouth of Truth, God.

WHY IS His Body of Gathered SOULS, Speak, Tell, SHOUT, ANNOUNCE the Good News, Spirit that Saved us from evil self of darkness?  We COMPELLED BY Spirit not by flesh and blood, Declare the Coming of Christ to Save us from IDOLS, thoughts, imaginations Created by flesh.  We Children of Truth, Seed and Rain MUST Speak IN His Way, Calling to those Prepared by God His Presence TO Come.  Those Called MUST COME Believing they ARE Become according to Truth.

Be careful of serpents and flesh that throw rocks, that do not Recognize the Presence of Reality within.  The flesh and blood of human fathers, flesh that denies, hates the Truth WITHIN you, they argue and spiritually stone you, and even only killing you satisfies them, Your Rise Following Head to BE WITH Father and Truth, Safe ABOVE the flesh of death and time of darkness.  They release us from our OLD flesh of time, SO we Reveal the NEW Flesh and ENTER EVERLATING PERPETUAL Bliss with God.

The Victory of Reality, the death of human imagination.  Come as YOU are?  COME as the Body of Christ, Obedient without any disobedience of flesh and blood.

The beggar, house of famine, was blind, THEN Changed. Testified. John 9.

 WHAT NOW happened TO you?  The Man Told me WHAT to Do and I Obeyed, Obedience OPENED my blind eyes TO See.  I WAS blind, could not See.  He Told me WHAT TO do and I Obeyed, did WHAT He Said TO DO.  The blind in disobedience became a Seer by Obedience.

The Truth a Stranger children of flesh and disobedience, they the substance of deceit.  We His Body Know, BELIEVE the Word Commanding us, THEREFORE being His Body, His Substance, we quickly do as He Says and EXPRIENCE the Power of Obedience.

God HAS COME DOWN to His Children of His Body and Spirit.  Christ Knew what was hidden in all flesh and blood. The Spirit within the Reborn, QUICKENS, Raises from the dead in sin to Obedient Flesh of Life.  The Thoughts of Seed and Rain are the Harvest of God.

The Spirit of tears of Repentance BECOME Transformed into Wine of Joy.  MUD Applied by Hand of FAITH, the Eyes THEN Washed, BECOME Clean COULD See.  God Says and DOES what He God WANTS TO Do as God.

The Spirit, Angels of Enlightenment, Come OPEN the Doors of the Mind of God.

 The Dormant Seed of Christ, Truth, QUICKENED BY the Coming Rain, Living Waters upon, into the heart Chosen by God to BE Circumcised, By Sword, Tongue Mouth of God.  Rain QUICKENS the Seed buried in the flesh of darkness IN TIME of NIGHT.  The Seed of Life Rooted into, soul, Roots soul INTO the Realm of Reality, Light of Day.

The Servants of Light came in the night, and opened the prison doors of jealousy that hinders, keep separated FROM Love, Freedom.  The New SPIRUTAL Zion Shall COME DOWN, Removing the old foundation of human doctrines, mistranslations of deceit, darkness hidden in flesh.  The Bread and Living Waters that Feed REBORN souls the Truth they DIE for TO Live.

The LIGHT ON IN His Restored house TO Light. Removal of the darkness that keeps the dead unto nonexistence with TIME.  The water baptism, outer, is evidence for flesh to see, the INWARD Bath to BE Held in Father's Arms.  A bath is just a bath without INNER Cleansing with Soap AND Water.

Jesus Knew WHAT was in man hidden from flesh and blood.  Give EVERYTING you possess TO Him that MAKES ALL things New Things, Restored by the Presence, Power of God.

IF you don't Hear Him, THEN BECOME Closer TO Truth. But the darkness fears, hates Truth.

 To ALLOW the Truth to Examine you and Believing the Physician's Diagnosis. THEN do ALL He Tells, Prescribes for you to DO and BE Healed.  The Remedy of Sweetness is bitter pill to flesh of darkness.

We Learn Taught by Spirit, the Law, Thoughts of God, OBEDIENCE.  SO THAT WHEN NOW in time IS COME, His Body CAN BE ONE Head and Body of OBEDIENCE, Spirit. NONE CUT OFF, Removed by the Gardener His Son, the Physician THE Cure.

Do not CORRUPT your souls with idols made by human mind thoughts of human spirit. LEST you worship the things Created by God for THIS world, the stars and host of heaven AND GO ASTRAY and worship, follow them.  God HAS Chosen you FOR Him His Self, Presence. TO Draw you out of the furnace, oven of hell TO BE Filled with Living WATERS, Saved.  Do not perish with the dead vessels of unrighteousness that evaporates and IS GONE.    Cling to God by His Substance in you.  You shall abide in the land, generation to generation UNTIL Generation of Spirit, Prepared TO CROSS OVER from time INTO Eternity.  Blessed are the Children REBORN OF Understanding, Giving and Receiving the Power of God, Truth, the Thoughts of Wisdom to Lift BRING THEM OVER TO Home. 

The spirit of chaos. MOST OF them, not all, do not EVEN Know WHY they come as one.

 They do not Know a spirit of destruction BRINGS THEM TOGETHER as a body of darkenss.  There is NO Light IN them, the lamps of darkness.  The things of, in this world COME TO NOTHING but darkness of TIME, THEN Gone the way of darkness WITH darkness OUT OF EXISTENCE with Time.

The human being has no EXCUSE for disobedience to Truth OUR Peace. The only life worthliving IS the Life of Christ, Eternal NOT temporary ordinary air, spirit.  The Body Lives RELIANT UPON Breath of God, His Spirit to Live and NOT die cast into the pit, open mouth of grave, death.  The grave is where all the dead souls and their dead flesh are cast.  There is no shadow of darkness Seen hiding behind the Body of Christ.  The Kingdom of Brightness is for the SOULS OF Brightness to Live WHERE not even the shadow of darkness is found.

Believe IN the Lord Jesus.  Those IN, OF His Body BELIEVE, and their Faith TURNS them, Removes their darkness, thoughts, shadows of darkness FROM the Body, Residence of Life.  Our lives are WORTHLESS, unless Run IN Thoughts, Pathe of Obedience, according to the Mind, Boundary of God. THEN WHEN Obedient from Rebirth, MATURED, Ready, We ENTER and Receive our Prize, Reward NONE CAN TAKE from us.  That Given to us BY God.

God Helps His Runner. TO REMAIN IN Christ.  BY Faith He Helper if you START TO fall, He WILL NOT LET you?  WHY?  BECAUSE you BELONG TO Light not darkness. Do not let the lying spirit, the deceiver, cheater to hinder, separate you from the Prize of Believers.  You ARE weak, but IF you Believe God His Word, Truth Strengthens, Holds you IN His Body, Keeps you from being mugged, robbed BLIND.

Have I offended?  Then you offend, are an offender of Truth.  UNABLE TO BE BAILED OUT by Truth.

Teacher's students at His Feet, Given a thorough Understanding by Spirit, Knowledge.

 Becoming the EVIDENCE OF the Power of Reality to Waken His children asleep in flesh, house of darkness, TO Awakened by Spirit TO COME OUT of darkness into the Body, House of Light with Truth.

Unbelievers void of Spirit OF Truth, Life shall be GONE WITH their idols of darkness.  ALL that IS Light SHALL Remain, all other gone.  He HAS TOLD that He IS Coming TO REMOVE all darkness of the world of TIME.  TIME to be FOUND WITH Christ SEATED AS God upon your soul, mind and heart.  WHEN the music, instruments, of darkness STOP, this the NOW.  Bye Bye. Give your soul and ALL your thoughts in EXCHANGE for His Thoughts.  Use the time Given wisely, gamble not on flesh

The Truth IS out there.  Be STILL.  I Hear Him Knocking on your door, house. Open unto Him INVITE His IN.

We TOO ARE His Children. We Worship not the idols of flesh and blood as they DO.

 We HAVE Heard, Believed, are the Body of Faith Drawn Led by Head to Rise, Stand and NOW Follow the Spirit of Chrit within us NEVER CEASING, NEVER TURNING BACK to flesh and blood of AIR.  We are the Body Filled with the VERY Breath of God, Spirit.  HIDDEN under the OLD skin, the NEW Skin WAITS, UNTIL Father Removes the OLD so we CAN ENTER as Body not flesh and blood of disobedience, TEMPORARY life of AIR.

By Faith we Believe, Walk, WAIT UPON God.  The Race Run, the Finish Line CROSSED.  We Shall Receive OUR Reward, Life in the SPIRITUAL Kingdom, World of Spirit.  Our Souls HAVE Perceived the Reward of flesh Conformed UNTO God the Father of Living souls.  Father, Keep the Door OPEN UNTO Light of Day, UNTIL ALL Called that NOW on their Way Home, ENTER Behind Christ, Head. THEN Close the Door that darkness fears to enter.  The Glorious House of Brightness, Presence of God.

So His Body, OF Servants, Believers, TOOK the Good News, Bread AND Shared.

 Those Believers Separated by Truth FROM the unbelievers, DIVISION, the believers Followed Hungering FOR MORE Truth TO be Given, Received.   Search, Find, ASK the Source for MORE.  Christ His Body UNDER Head, Instruction of Presence, THE BRIDE, Daughter of God Works with Bridegroom in TIME unto Harvest, THE Day of Work DONE, She Leans upon Him as They Walk Together Home to THEIR Father.

The darkness in fallen flesh man of disobediences, hates, rejects, denies the Living Seed of Truth QUICKENED by Rain, Spirit. The REBORN soul of God's Soul, by God's Spirit, Presence, Gathered unto Body of Christ, Rises and NOW Serves their God, Father, Spirit, TEACHER.

HOW HUNGARY ARE you?  Sitting under the SHADE, shadow of a tree of this world and Seen by Jesus, He Stops, ASKS you to COME WITH Him Living Word, Come from WRITTEN Invitation TO the Living Word that NOW this moment Sees you.  He Knows you, is Calling you BY Name.

A Hand-Delivered Invitation from the Spirit.

become WEAK? God Will MAKE STRONG Again. Divided, WHOLE. Acts of God.

He Sent them out to TELL the Good News.  The Truth, Good News, DIVIDED the Believers from the unbelievers.  Unbelievers wanted to STONE them.  Acts 11-ch.15.  A divsion between Faith and unbelief.

The Good News as Told David, that God WILL NOT ALLOW His Faith-full Servant to Rot in the grave.  We ARE the Body of Christ, Raised by Head .

Preach, TELL the Good News about Truth that ALL those who Believe Truth, Thoughts of God, Mind IN Head, Will BE Freed from disobedience UNTO Obedience of Faith.   Those Told, Sent, GO as the Spitit Tell them to...WITHOUT HESITATION of fear.  The SCOFFERS Shall BE Astonished BY WHAT God IS Doing, NOW Today, Something THAT THEY CANNOT Believe, Grasp BECOME one with.  Spirit Hears Spirit, Listens TO Spirit and DOES as Believed...OR not as unbelieved.

KEEP Following the Spirit of God, His Grace you Receive BY Faith in Thoughts of God.  The Truth, Good NEWS MUST BE Told, SO THAT those Rejecting deny the Truth FOUND unworthy of Truth of Eternal Life.  The Truth must be taken, offered, shared to The End of the world.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Christ's Body Gives His Souls TO Peace, the Mind of God.

 We the Children of God His Presence, Give their whole Soul of Soul, Mind of Mind, Spirit of Spirit UNTO God OUR Peace without fear of disobedience.  We do not Give our Body TO the enemy, father of wars of flesh, pride and fear.  God IS OUR Peace of Mind, the Spirit of Christ OUR Obedience to Father.

Let the many kingdoms of flesh of power and pride, them of darkness war against each other for THIS world.  For We ARE the Body of Christ,  His Souls of His Spirit, Presence Walking in the Thoughts of God our Peace and Love for ALL Created OF God.  The Body of Christ, His Flesh of virgin flesh obedient to God His Will, THE Pattern Drawn FOR us His Flesh, BOWED TO the Mind, VERY Thoughts of God, Spirit IN we the Body of Obedience Christ Raised upon the Foundation of God, Truth.

Father a WRITTEN Plan for Worship IS NOT the Spirit, Power that Brings Christ INTO Existence within.  What value the soul, heart and mind WITHOUT Presence of Spirit?  Christ.  Upon THIS Holy Ground, Foundation Built by Spirit and Rock  We are adrift on the seas of chaos in time, LOST without the ANCHOR Eternal to Hold us IN Place.

The human spirit off unbelief, doubts and darkness TO BE Removed WITH Time, LOST, LOST is Babble-on, Cast far from God His Presence NEVER TO EXSIST beyond time of misunderstanding.

Lord Please OPEN the Eye of Understanding in the Body of Christ.  Great is Your Brightness, See]in the darkest of darkness in time.  BE STILL, His Body IS NOW HERE IN TIME, to Ask and Receive Cure, Remedy FOR POISONED minds and heart.  Poisoned by the thoughts of darkness, Lord Raise Your Body UP FROM time of darkness UNTO Eternl Life of Light.  Lord Quicken LIVING HEARTS, Fill them with the Joy of Your Presence.  Be Still and Listen in time of darkness, Hear the Sound of AN Army of Spirit Raised up by Spirit to crush the enemy UNDER THE  of  Heel of Christ.  Louder, Lourder, EVER Louder IN Number, Lead by the Word of God's Mind.  ONE Step after another.  The world trembles for the Power of Light that COMES TO Remove the minds, spirits, flesh of darkness IN TIME. We are the Body that Walks upon the Heels of Christ in us.

We Forgive the lost in darkness of TIME, BECAUSE God HAS Forgiven Us.

The WRITTEN Thoughts for the blind, deaf, dead in darkness can not give Life, Thoughts, Obedience to Please Father.  ONLY the Spirit of God IN Christ His Head and Body, Pleases God.  By Head we BREATH Spirit, Life as Children of God WAITING FOR  IN Reality to BE Seen WHAT we NOW are UNDER this old garment of time in darkness.  We Live by Head the Life of His Body.  COME NOW REMAIN UNDER Wings of His Presence, Spirit UNTIL temporary time of darkness IS GONE.  And Shedding our old skin, Reality Revealed to the MANY GALAXIES OF Perpetual Now.

Paul Told WHAT Reality Revealed to him, as ONLY Flesh and Spirit of God CAN Understand.  God Enables to See ALL Things God.  HARD TO Explain what UNBELIEVABLE is to flesh and blood.  The MORE TIME SPENT WITH God, the MORE Understanding Received WITH Reality

Those that Know Him, are Known by Him. Father HAS Written by Finger dipped in Blood?

Our Spiritual Freedom INTO our Hearts, Minds of WE the Body of His Resurrection from TIME.  God FREES the Body of Christ, His Children REBORN IN Christ His OBEDIENCE.  The Life of Obedience our Covenant with Peace.  The Forgiven for disobedience, separation from God, Reality.

THANK AND Glorify God with OBEDIENCE.  His Wings Spread over the Boey of His Presence. The BODY where disobedience HAS BEEN Forgiven BECAUSE OF Faith of Obedience, and Obedient unto Faith.  Christ HAS PERFECTLY Washed our disobedience by Obedience to Spirit. Christ BLED OUT the spirit, blood [air] of disobedience. And Raised us His Body of Believers to DECLARE the Work of God HAS BEEN DONE BY God.  What is death to the Living, but the door opened the SOUL Carried INTO THE Realm of Light, Brightness.  The darkness WAS Swallowed by the ENTRANCE OF the Son of Light, Brightness AND THEN GONE, Swallowed by Spirit of God into nonexistence.

Lord BLESS ALL that COME, Let them See UNTO Experiencing the Work of Father, Son and Spirit. We are the Children of Bride, fallen NOW Raised by Life INTO Reality of PERPETUAL Life IN the Mind of God.  ONCE you Understand, ALL that Remains IS God, Spirit and Thoughts of Truth.

When Hearing their thoughts of darkness, chains of their darkness, Keep your Armor on.

 The human mind without Gardener, FILLED WITH WEEDS overgrown, overpowering, choking the human life of AIR out of them.  We ARE the Body, Restored Garden for Holy Fruit of Tree of Life. The Garden state-of-Mind, Perpetually Watered by Spirit.  BELIEVE UNTO the end of time of darkness AND Found in the Garden of His Presence. Feasting upon His Thoughts no other thought.

God IS MAKING me into the Image, Likeness of Christ the VERY Image of Father.  And this Reality IS MORE JOY, Happiness than a child of darkness will EVER imagine in chains, thoughts of darkness.

The father of disobedient, gathers his dead as body of darkness.  Self destructive, they will destroy themselves within darkness WITH a weapon of mass destruction.  But the Body of Christ IS NOT OF their world of TIME, the Body Resurrected Lives NEVER TO DIE AGAIN.  Whether we ARE Alive in Christ, OR souls Alive among the dead of darkness.  The Brightness COME, By Faith we Live NOW the Life of Christ NOW IN Him Now and AFTER time with Him IN PERPETUAL NOW of Reality.

DO NOT BE afraid of flesh and blood with evil spirit serving hate, Christ died so We BY Faith Live for God by Spirit of God, NOW in Surrender and AFTER WITH PERPETUAL Reality, NOW our Father.

Listen to our Father, Do as He Word Says. Slow to understand? BE Quickened by Spirit.

 Holy Download into His Children LOST IN, UNTO TIME, the Spirit, ON BY the Finger of God His Hand.  Holy GPS, the Route, the Path of Truth that BRINGS Home.  IT IS Christ His Spirit, our Father, Who IS Leading the HUMBLE THAT SURRENDER TO His Thoughts, Truth, ALL the Way Home, Holding us by His Spirit IN THE STEPS OF Christ.  It IS God.  ALL that is Real IS Reality, God in us.

Tired of walking lost with the dead of TIME? Call Home, God ALWAYS ANSWERS Listens to His Lost Children, WAITING for their Call for Help to GET HOME Alive. From rags to Riches.  WHAT child does not Understand Father, BUT those that ARE NOT His, those that think, speak, live not the Life of Christ Head of His Body.

STOP giving your self, mind to liars, spirits of darkness. The children of the flesh of darkness their mind overflows with thoughts of unbelief. Wake up to the EVER, PERPETUAL Now Reality.

God Save us from the mockers, clowns, followers of darkness, their father.  Turn from human governments, stop being slaves of darkness IN flesh of time.  COME BACK TO ONE God, Government of ONE Spirit, ONE Living Law, We the Body of Christ ARE NOW Ruled by a LIVING Law BORN OF, COME DOWN FROM God to Save those who ARE Chosen to Worship, BOW unto Christ. and depart this world of flesh being swallowed BY mouth, thoughts of NIGHT.

We the Body of Christ, Carry the little ones Returning WITH His Body.  UNTIL the little ones BECOM MATURE Enabled to DISCERN, DISTINGUISH between Good and evil.  HOW CAN those Receivers OF Faith, Presence of God, LIFE, be separated unto death, disobedience AGAIN, AFTER BEING Raised  ONCE NOW IN Christ?  UNLESS a child of unbelief, doubt, CHAINED to the father of the disobedient?  We ARE Believers, the Body of Christ NOW and FOREVER His Bride BEARING His Thougts of God the Holy Mind of Reality.

The bad news of being a slave of disobedience, driven by my own evil spirit within me.

Then ALMIGHTY Truth CAME TO me as Written Thoughts of God.  THE Good News Revealed by ththe Eyes of God to me His Soul IN His Body of Life.  Trading the chains of pain for the Chains of God His Letter OF Love.  Becoming a passenger in His Chariot, TAKEN Home by Spirit, the Presence Driving.

Reality.  Seeing OUR NEW SELF though Eyes of God OUR Father.  Father of the Bride, Purified For the Seed of His Mind.   BECOMING AS God Truth, Sees, SAYS we NOW ARE.  God HAS Saved us from bearing the seed, thoughts of darkness INTO actions of darkness.  That Truth, Life of Truth IS OURS to NOW Live as the Body, Head in, with His Clouds, We Vessel Filled OVERFLOWING Rain to the dust outside the Garden of Life.  The Gardener, the Owner, the Restorer, is doing His Work. Gotta BE Removing weeds of weed, all seeds of darkness from His Garden of ALL Brightness.  TIME be gone when ALL His Lost HAVE COME BY Faith without doubt and unbelief.

The Circumcision, Removal of flesh from the Body of Christ.  HOLY Circumcision Performed by Father.  Evidence of BEING His Body, IS OUR Circumcision His Removal of evil from heart of flesh. EVERYTHING New, IS God Removing, casting, the old off OUT.  My Rebirthday as His Son, as the Son SO the Bride of Divine Spirit FOUND IN Reality.

God's LIVING Sword, His Truth. AS God Judges SO His Sword Judges THE human spirit.

 Christ CAME DOWN INTO flesh to Stand, Fight, CUT OFF THE head, mind of darkness FROM its flesh.  The same flesh that beheaded the GIANT of darkness.  NOW BY Spirit, the Sword REMOVES the head of fallen flesh of disobedience.  Christ IN His Body of BELIEVERS, IS Alive, ACTIVE. Spirit the Mind of RIGHT Thoughts, NOW God IN Christ OUR Head.  We ARE Rising passint throuth times of darkness, Ascending BY Spirit AS ONE, the steps of time ENTERING the Kingdom of Holiness UNHINDERED BY darkness of time.  The Feet still upon the world, Obedient to Head.  Tell the Good News while still if flesh that falls as we Rise.  The flesh cannot exist without AIR IN TIME.  The AIR the winds of darkness fan disobedience unto consumption of its flesh. The Fire in us Swallows the fire of hell into nonexistence in His Holy ETERNAL Flesh.  Where Light of Brightness EXISTS, the darkness shall not BE found.  Darkness ceases to exist WITH TIME.  Time temporary, Swallowed by THE Greater Eternal.   There is no darkness within you that God does not Recognize, Know.  Come Clean but NEVER unclean, dirty house of unbelief.  NO place for the darkness to rest his head, mind, presence on IN Kingdom of Brightness OF Day.

This world, temporary life, is but a dream of darkness GONE by EVERLASTNG Day.  The darkness in me confused me, kept me from Understanding unto Knowing BY Faith, Reality, the Life of CONSTANT Consciousness IN UNION OF Faith WITH Christ.  Truth IS, I Confess I listened to my flesh, followed thoughts of flesh that lead, END in death separation from Life by unbelief, doubt. BUT God, GOD Knew me BEFORE I Knew Him.  Love and His Truth of Love TOOK me Captive to Love. NOW I BELONG TO the Bridegroom of Life EVERLASTING.  Taste the Truth BY Faith, and See for yourself, HOW Good it is to BE Loved by God.  He Thinks about You, You THINK ABOUT Him.

Do not allow fear to hinder your Coming Awake in the Presence of Realty, He Reality IN His Body

Mystery of Rain that puts out the fire of hell in a house of flesh.

 The houses of darkness, many rooms of darkness in the house of Adam thoughts of darkness the wind of flesh, AIR HUMAN spirit FANS unto WHOLE house aflame by darkness BURNS the house down into nonexistence IN Time.  The Fire of Flame and Spirit of God, Holy Breath, Rain, REMOVE the fire and the Fire that Saves from fire, the Living Water, Spirit, put out the fire of hell.  The house Restored to Light, Fire, that CONSUMES not the flesh BUT spirit.  The Water of Righteousness, the Fire of Righteousness, His House is UNDER Him Restored, KEPT New by Obedience OF Faith.  

Christ Son of God, Born of Spirit into fallen flesh, HAS Raised us Restored, Keeps us Walking in the Will, Mind, Thoughts of God.  Truth the Storehouse of Divine Thoughts. We NOW are His Body, SOULS asleep with Spirit in the Storehouse of God.  Some Stored asleep, while His Feet, Body Walk IN Time unto DRAWN UP.  His SOULS, LIVING SOULS, asleep in His Body, Flesh yet in time.  We His Hands, His Hands, His Arms, His Legs Walk INVISIBLE TO fallen flesh asleep in, with their darkness.

Thank God our Father, thank Holy Ghost that Moves the Body wherever the Mind, Thoughts, Head DESIRE TO BE, GO.  The Tongue of Fire, the Mind of God His Thoughts that DO Separate a soul from its darkness in the joints of fallen flesh.  The Sword of Truth CUTS, PIERCES the heart of darkness, Separating His souls FROM thoughts, chains of darkness, unbelief.  We ARE the Body of Christ, OUR Truth KEEPS, PRESERVES us Free of darkness, yeast of darkness, malice, that RISES, filing the WHOLE heart with darkness.  We ARE the Body of BREAD without darkness.  Have a Slice of Bread with you?  The Bread of Faith, the Bread of Life, the Bread of Salvation, our Preservation.  EVERY Slice, Thought of Christ is Good for the souls Hungering for God.  Thirsting for LIVING Water that PUTS OUT the fires, arrows of war AGAINST Peace.  The Lord within TAKES EVERY thought of darkness HOSTAGE to our Father, Brightness.  The fire of darkness Removed BY Presence of Eternal, PERPETUAL Rain.

Yeah.  We knew who STARTED THE fire, BUT Glory unto Spirit, We NOW Know Who PUTS OUT, Removes all the thoughts, arrows, swords of hell.  Peace has OVERCOME perdition in his sons THAT ARE His Lost unto the mouth, tonge, winds OF TIME.  NOW is a GOOD time to Wake up and Obey.

Put on the Armor OF Peace with God. The Word of God, His Thoughts, Alive, Active, Present.

 His Tongue, Spirit and Word, OUR Weapon SHARPER than any double-edged, double-minded sword.  The double minded unbeliever must Surrender TO Truth OR die dead OUTSIDE the House, Body of God.

Fallen upon steps that are BOTH going up and going down.  The Angels of His Presence, Keep us from darkness unto Light, Life, Presence.  The Mind of God IN Christ our Head, IS upon, in His Children. Christ our Peace with God. NEVER, NEVER, EVER surrender as flesh of darkness into darkness of time.

By Faith, Presence of God OUR Faith, we Stand without falling under the lesser power of evil disobedience?  UNBELIEF, the doubt of unbelief MUST NEVER pierce the REBORN soul, KEEP YOUR Armor on, REMAIN IN Christ His Body by Faith or be just a unbelieving body part on the bloody ground of TIME.  I Believe Christ, BY Faith His Body Stands IN Obedience, not fallen dead of disobedience.  Get Ready TO IN STILLNESS of Flesh BEHOLD the Battle the Lord IS, HAS ALWAYS Won.  Darkness, body, spirit of darkness WILL NEVER ENTER the Kingdom of His Presence by the Body of Christ.

I may sound crazy to children sitting with, in their darkness, ALL I Hear, See is the Brigthrness of Love.

 To Live on Top of Mountain AMONG His Clouds. Sorry I LOVE it here, don't ever desire to come in flesh gone with darkness TO war.  

Israel, before, EXCHANGED Christ, Truth, VERY Thoughts of Spirit of God, FOR Saul a man of flesh JUST LIKE them flesh.  The government, flesh ruled by flesh.  O Americans WAKE UP.  Give you self to BE Ruled, a slave of Obedience, Obedience Removes disobedience and Saves the kingdoms that surrender.   The ANTI-christ THAT GOVERNS ALL flesh void of Spirit, Darkness is flesh shall take your children of flesh GIVING them to be slaughtered ON THE ALTAR OF WAR.  God wants the minds, hearts, actions TO Give their SOULS TO Him.  WHATEVER is Given TO Him, He Gives, Returns BETTER then before.   

The dead surrendered to Faith, Obedience, COME BACK TO Life.  Lord the greater the darkness of TIME, the Time WHEN Presence of Brightness IS Seen.  Shine in, and across our fallen America, Lift her from her knees before darkness, Come Lord Come and TAKE, Lead, Bring Her HOME TO You.

Awake?  The night time, darkness ALWAYS is coming for the children of TIME to swallow them, DIGET them into darkness while there remains TIME.  Ask Mary and Joseph, Ask the mother of Moses. NOTHING CAN STOP the darkness, Close the mouth of darkness BUT Hearing and DOING WHAT He Tells YOU.  The God, this Father, allowed disobedience, darkness, death, swallow the Son Light ot Brightness in the NIGHT OF darkness and darkness VOMITED OUT OF pit of hell, the Son of Brightness, BOTH Head and Body, ONE, BACK TO Father, Life.  Living Truth, Faith, Love, SHAKE His Body, WAKE, Help and Stand us UP.  Let us IN Christ Stand in the way of darkness, and SHOUT the Good NEWS OF Freedom.  Come out, Come out, little Children wherever you ARE.  The Light IS SHINING. NOW, Shout as ONE, Brining the walls of the kingdom of darkness DOWN upon their OWN heads, minds.

Friday, April 26, 2024

It is not about death. EVERYTHING IS ABOUT Life. The New Life of Perfect Obedience.

 The NEW Life that IS Christ His Spirit of Obedience.  God IN Christ, Christ in us by Faith in the Thoughts of Holy Mind, Creator OF ALL, Father of the Obedient.  We are the Flock Gathered in Body of Son Sent to Call us.

DO you Know Him, REALLY Know WHERE HE Comes From?  Know, Recognize Who SENT Him?  THEN why Say but NOT DO What He Says, Tells His Body TO DO?


The Bride of Truth, Stands, Walks by the Power of His Presence, Spirit.

 Do not be deceived by the temporary garment of darkness, dust.  Cling to the One AND Only Truth of God. Garment of Life Chosen FOR His Body.  Bear His Thoughts only into Existence.

The BODY Receives His Name. The death of self, the Rising up within the Spiritual Life, that IS Christ, Obedience unto Spirit.

It IS Right to OBEY God and always say not to flesh, liars, children of disobedience.  The Children of God COME ARE Home WHEN Called.  By Faith we ARE, by unbelief they ARE NOT.

The Body cannot STOP Speaking the Truth, WHAT We Heard, Receive from God Speaking to His Home in His Heart with Him.  WHAT IS Right IS WHAT God Says.  Christ is a Life IN His Body, not a WRITTEN Invitation for the blind and deaf.

THIS IS WHAT God Does. Tongues of Wind and Fire. Lord You Know Your OWN Thoughts.

 You Reveal, ENABLE TO Speak by Spirit Your Thoughts.  As Spirit ENABLES, SO shall we Speak.  EVERYTHING IN ACCORDANCE WITH You, Your Plan.  Raise Your Children AS Planned, Call by Your Spirit Your Children TO You.  It is not of our human mind, thoughs, spirit that We Walk the Path of OBEDIENCE.  Glory GOES TO Christ His Spirit, Spiritual Man within We His Body.  Christ His Spiit of OBEDIENCE NOW ours by Faith.  Spirit the Power, Spirit, THAT TURNS US BACK FROM disobedience UNTO Life.  IN TIMES OF CHAOS, DARKNESS, DEATH, He IS AND EVER IS WITH IN His Body Helping.  Jesus the Bridegroom Chosen for the Body Gentile and Jew. TWO BECOME ONE. The Spirit that Rules His SPIRITUAL Nation.

The dead CHOSEN FOR Life in the Body, OF Saints in the ARMOR OF God, Marching without falling out of Line.  The Reality IS there has been just ONE Long Night of darkness, darkness that only exists as a dream of darkness.  The Body of Faith IS WAITING, lamps of Flame, Fanned into Brithtness, THE LAST with the First and the First with the Last.  The bad dream GONE Good. 

Listen CAREFULLY, Believe ALL He Says. Those Believing DO ALL He Tells them His to Do.  ANYONE, ALL WHO DO NOT Obey Him WILL BE Separated from Him by their disobedience.

WHERE was Jesus His Body TAKEN? ASK the Angels, Spirits of Christ, THEY Know.

 Those who have been , who NOW ARE Listening to Him, KNOW.  His Body Knows.  DO you Believe because you see Me?  Blessed My Body that believes WITHOUT seeing Me.  Stop. Stop your doubting of unbelief, AND Believe without seeing Me.  These Things HAVE BEEN Written THAT you MAY Believe BY Spirit and HAVE Life, Spirit IN you.  His Spirit, His Presence, H is Life the BEST Life EVER.  Christ His Spirit of our Master-Mind Gives Instruction, Thoughts unto His Chosen Body.  His Spirit our Spirit, His Presence, Receives Hear the Voice, Thoughts of Him His Spirit.  Christ is a LIFE not a dead religion.  A Life LAID DOWN UNTO death of flesh, THAN Raised us NEW Body of VERY Breath, Spirit of Life.  

Christ Speaks and His Body Knows BEYOND DOUBT, grave, death, OUR Christ Lives NOW in us His Body.  DO NOT DOUBT, RESIST, FOR Spirit WILL COME Knocking on the Door of your Heart. Open unto Him, DO NOT ALLOW Him to depart, CLING TO the Spirit of Christ, Life after death. And unresisted, Spirit FILLS OVERFLOWING the Substance of Presence, Life, Thoughts.  The Teacher COMES and Remains where Students Sit in Stillness Ready to Receive their Portion.

I will not deny the Work, the Will, the Power of His Presence.  Our BROTHER IN Christ His Body Knew, Spoke, Tells WHAT THIS IS, THAT God HAS DONE. IN the LAST days of TIME, I God Pour out My Spirit on ALL EVERY ONE that by Faith CAN Accept, Receive.  Dreams, Visions and PROCLAIM My Message, BEFORE THE Great and Glorious COMES TO Save by Help those who Call upon Him His Name.  We ARE His Body, Bride.  Stay Clean, Stay Ready to GO. LETTING GO OF EVERYTHINH G BUT Him His PRESENCE.

God Shall DO AS He God Planned BEFORE He His Presence left us souls alone, and we LET the darkness into His house of ordinary flesh in TIME.  Jesus ALWAYS His Plan.  Christ. Purring on flesh of TIME, taken hostage a house where evil lives.  Christ Crucified the flesh, Kept us on the cross in Obedience.  The children of darkness wanted to Crucify Christ DEAD, BUT God Raised the PERFECTLY OBEDIENT Body, not of US but of Head, Mind,w Thoughts of God, We Live NOW and NEVER DIE AGAIN.   We souls in the body of death, SET FREE from disobedience UNTO Life of Faith.  Christ in us.  The ONE and ONLY Body of Goodness, Took us as His Body.

EVEN David Knew, died and was buried Knowing WHAT God Promised, that God would make ONE of his many descendants a FUTURE King.  David GIVEN SO MUCH yet NEVER SATISFIED flesh. Died NEVER satisfied.  Christ by flesh a descendant of David, BUT Son, Descendant of Christ by Spirit.  It is not my mind, my truth, my spirit, WHAT you See, WHAT I Hear is a Gift of His Presence. Oh that the WHOLE nation fall at His Feet again. What a mess flesh has made of this nation of flesh and blood.  Lord Pour down Fire upon the head of darkness. Dust to dust.  But Ashes of Fire BLOWN from the earth INTO Heaven.  To Know God IS Life. Purify.  Purify Trees SET ON FIRE yet not consumed by AIR.  I Want to BE an Eternal Lamp of Flame.  The Body Walking the earth, Ghost, until the Night IS GONE.

Jesus Who TELLS His Disciples to not BE troubled, IS TROUBLED by?? John 13.

 DEEPLY troubled?   ONE OF you here NOW WITH Me, IS GOING TO BETRAY Me.

PUZZLED ABOUT WHAT Jesus Said?  The one who Loved Jesus MOVED CLOSER TO Jesus.

WHO Lord, Who WILL betray You?  The one Chosen that I Give bread DIPPED with sauce, and THEN He Gave it to Judas, who TOOK, Received the bread BY His Hand, dipped something else??  AS SOON AS Judas Received the bread, Satan ENVERED INTO him.  And Jesus Said to him with Satan's presence TO GO and DO what you MUST as servant of Satan.

NONE at the Servants at Christ's Table Understood WHAT Jesus Said to him in charge of money bag.  The lover of money can not also Love the Riches of God.  Selling the Body of Christ for money.  We AREA the Body of Christ.  The mind of prostitute. The Bride CANNOT BE bought.  Simon the magician by flesh thought he could BUY the Power that IS Spirit.

Jesus put to death, BURIED in a garden where the Grave for burial of His Body.  Joseph a SECRET follower of Jesus BECAUSE he feared the RELIGOUS AUTHORITIES, AND NICODEMUS went with him IN COVER OF DARKNESS, and ASKED fot the Body of Jesus.

My heart believes the Nicodemus that went IN FEAR, cover of darkness, the SAME Nicodemus in darkness COME TO Speak with Truth, TO Know Him.

We are the Body, His Bones OF His Substance, Bones Covered with Holy Obedient Flesh.

 We are the Children, the LIVING Reb orn of His Substance from NONEXISTENCE UNTO Reality.  DO NOT be worried, concerned, afraid.  EVERYONE WILL know that You ARE My Children I Disciple IF you Love and Forgive as I DO.  You CANNOT God with Me NOW, but following NOW you will.  My Body Follows AFTER ME, Head, WHERE I AM Going NOW. The Body WILL BE FOUND with Head AFTER TIME, IN the NOW with Me.

John LOST nothing but a mind, head, thoughts of flesh, And Gained the Body of CHRIST.  The Student of Truth, MIST Receive Walk in the VERY Thoughts of God IN Christ our Head.  Passing the TEST OF TIME, being tempted by spirits and flesh of darkness, TO PASS THE Test of Obedience.  The PASSING by Obedience INTO as the Body of Life, Christ's Body into Reality that WAITS FOR us.  Hypocrites, sons of disobedience, weeds of TIME can not pass from THIS world, field of TIME.  Only the Heart, Field of Love, bearing the Fruits, Thoughts of Love ENTER TO Living the Life of Spirit.  NO human spirit of pride and bitterness shall ever enter the Dawn of PERPETUAL Reality.

Christ in us OUR PASSPORT, Life carries us Alive from the darkness of disobedience, unbelief, hate.  The Wind of Obedience, Separates us unto the Presence of God, from the seed, body of disobedience. Tears shed by disobedience, HAVE BECOME THE Tears of Joy.  The Labor OF Love Bringing NEW Life into the Kingdom of His Presence.   The children drawn to WRITTEN Truth MUST BECOME BY Love, Spirit, the Children, Body of the Spiritual Truth OF God. NO religious flesh void of Spirit Shall ENTER THE Kingdom of the Reborn, Spirit Obedient souls.

And what soul filled with darkness, controlled by bitterness of pride, would ever be allowed by darkness within them to ENTER THE Shining Forth of Light?  Amazing WHAT God HAS DONE, ALL we CANNOT, FOR us His Seed of His Wheat.

We ARE His Body He RaisED from death to Life. AS We Believe Him so We NOW ARE by Faith.


The Mark of Cain, evidence, his thoughts of human spirit, disobedince the mark of death.

 The Evidence, Mark of Life, IS OUR Obedience unto God.  Evidence the Spirit of Christ Obedience Lives, Abides, Works IN and through Flesh Born of Spirit.  We old disobedient flesh, bound by chains of darkness TO the mouth of evil one, his thoughts, HAVE NOW, NOW ARE the Body of Christ BEARING His Thoughts, Works in the sight of the dead and father of death.

To reject the riches of the world for the Riches of God IN Christ.  To FIX the SOUL UPON the Cross of Christ and DIE IN UNION WITH Head of Obedience, and Rise by Head, Mind, God of Spirit to Walk the earth as Servants of Holy Ghost Planting Seed of Truth, we in STILLNESS Watch, See God POURING His Substance onto the Redeemed hearts from TIME.

God is God all by Him Self.  We just as His Children See Him at Work.  Our Father Who Gathers His Wheat of Seed from TIME by His Angels of His Presence.

Whose your Daddy, your Spirit, Teachher, Life, Friend?

 ,We ARE the Body of Christ, REBORN GATHERED INTO THE BODY OF Faith. NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY nothing IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR Body of Christ IN UNBROKEN Union with Head.  NOT EVEN Obedience is impossible.  Christ ALREADY Obeyed died IN Obedience, SO His Bodu could NOW Realize, Understand  His Finished Work on earth to Raise us Alive Standing by Spirit of God.  Walking, Listening to Spirit, our Father and Walk in the Thoughts Given by Him TO us to Walk WITHIN. NO spirit of earth, air of flesh, can hinder our Union with Truth.  Father BLESS the Body yet upon the earth, WITH the Peace needed in the harshest time of darkness.  The END of darkness RESITING the Reality of His Coming Presence to Raise NEW World of Existence upon Foundation of Christ.  HOLD ON to Hope of Reality, with Help we Watch for Joy of the Morning of Day Come.  We ARE HELPLESS ETERNALLY Lost if Separated from OUR Head.

only God SPIRITUAL Reality, Life Saves, what do we flesh know but self delusion, love of flesh.

 Stop looking around this GRAVE of dead, Lifeless DUST.  You My Body FIX Your Eyes on Head, KEEP IN UNION WITH Head, PREPARED, ALWAYS Following in His VERY Thoughts of Supreme Wisdom IN Him our Head.

Please Listen.  Please Believe. NOTHING we think, believe of flesh Saves.  LET the dead bury THEIR dead flesh, BUT MY Body WITH Eyes FIXED ON Me, IS NOW WITH Me.  The Feet of My Flesh Walk IN OBEDIENCE, until Lifted up BEHIND ME Their Head.

The darkness will NEVER STOP seeking a way, thought of doubt, unbelief TO RE-ENTER the flesh yet unbelief fallen bound in chains, thoughts earth bound.  Say NO to the darkness by Spirit, Presence IN you My Body, BREAK FREE NOW from mind, thoughts of TIME, Risse up IN Union UNBROKEN. The UNBREAKABLE Vessel of LIVING Water for the WHOLE House to Drink.  YES TO God is NO to death of disobedience. Forgive the enemies of Truth, He Forgave us our time dead in darkness.  We HAVE the Promised Life Lived by Christ on earth.  Wake up.  Believe, Rise and Walk Freed by Light of His Presence from the darkness in flesh and blood of disobedience.  The unbelievers swallowed up by self of darkness out of existence in time.

God GRANT you the Eyes TO See HOW God HAS AND IS Separating Adams body, flesh from darkness that ENTERD the door of flesh into heart.  The SAME evil spirit that OVERCAME Cain, and EVEN NOW has dominion in the human flesh of TIME.  We ARE the Body of Christ.  THE Door Closed to serpent, mouth OF TIME.  IN Christ, Ark?  His Body DECLARES the Truth, the Power, Love of God for His House, Body, Ears to Hear and See by Eyes of Head, DECLARES Almighty God TO those NEVER SATISFIED WITH WORLD, ONLY Satisfied BY Presence of God.  PEACE with God IS BETTER THAN pleasing human flesh of TIME.  Christ HAS DONE FOR us OUR Peace of Obedience.

The Chosen for Pass OVER, WATCH through the NIGHT. Twilight, Awake, Waiting for Day.C

 Christ OUR Pass OVER Sacrifice of souls IN Body of Christ.  Blood of Christ, Spirit of His Blood, Holy Life upon our Door posts.  The angel of death passing not through the Door of House, Heart, Door.  The Body of LIVING SOULS Prepared for Passing over out of TIME, the unbelieving, unprepared left behind dead in time, never NOW.  God Spirit PASSING OVER the world of unbelievers, Judging disobedience.  The darkness of NIGHT swallowing the dead of disobedience.

The LIVING Obedient IN Ark of Obedience depart the dead of disobedience IN Christ by His Spirit Faith.  NOW you Hear Him COME TO God, Right Mind, Truth, Jesus and Live not perish disobedient.

We ARE the Body by Faith, Spirit.  Believers REBORN OF God His Will, Presence, Power. Children of flesh and blood, born of flesh and human spirit bound to death MUST by Faith, Spirit, Will of God BECOME COME Clean, UNBOUND BACK TO Father.  REBORN OF Bod His Holy Mind, Womb of Creation, FATHER of Eternal Body, Bride of Christ. ONLY They REBORN Believers of, in Flesh, MAY Receive Eternal Life, Seed of Life.  His Bride the Receiver, UNITED TO Truth by Spirit.  Seek Truth, Sed, Rain, Power to OBEY, Honor, Glorify God and disobey all that is flesh and blood.

Be MODEST, HUMBLE OF Spirit, the Judge, the Examiner of ALL SOULS.

 God HAS MADE ALL flesh and blood prisoners of the spirit AIR they breath, live by.  You disobeyed IN THE PAST time, but NOW you Know, NOW you Believe, HAVE Received Mercy Life from the disobedient dead souls in flesh.  NOW the Body of Christ.  Raised UP WITH Christ in Union with Head. God the Spirit in Body, God the Mind of RIGHT Thoughts IN OUR Head.

God HAS MADE ALL prisoners of disobedience in flesh. so that He Shows Mercy unto Believers.  Who HAS Known God, Truth, Power OF Love. Give the Living soul TO God, Life in you.  Spirit the Power to Please God, both by Thought AND ACTION.  We ARE THE Body of Head, the Sacrifice of self unto God His Self, Presence.

Conforming to Truth, Spirit within, CONFORMS us, COMPLETELY Changes us from disobedient TO Obedient Body of Christ.

BE PATIEN IN ALL your troubles in darkness of womb, your flesh AND FULLY Conformed into the Spirit of Christ, COME FORTH From darkness INTO the Brightness of God to Live OUTSIDE the womb of darkness, evil imagination, disobedience.  Glorify, Honor the Presence of Spirit, BOW perpetually to His Presence.  He IS God, Father of Body, Bride, the Power that UNITES us TO Head. Nothing of this world of darkness CAN separate us from God, only a darkness in us hidden from us that KEEPS OUR flesh from the NOW IN OBEDIENCE TO Voice, Presence of God, Who Called us out of darkness INTO the Marvelous Presence of Life.  The Body and Head SENT DOWN, ENTER ONE INTO the Kingdom of the Perfected by God His Presence, Spirit.

BE the Light, Substance, Shining from within you His Lamps of Light.  Shine.  Save ONLY Head and Body CAN, DO.  Oh, Esther, BORN TO BE QUEEN, Bride of King, BE NOT AFRAID, your God IS WITH you, TO Save you and His others.  The TEST OF TIME, to Shine or not to Shine.  BE BRAVE. Your King LOVES you.  The enemy destroyed him self, spirit, with very first deception.  TIME IS BUT a thing of human imagination, outside the Eternal Reality, God.

There IS a Secret Truth unknown to flesh and blood, human children, that Children MUST Know.

 The Secret that the children of flesh and blood LOST, but the Children of Body, Bride, WILL BE Saved. NONE ARE Permanent OUTSIDE Christ's Body.  The Savior WILL REMOVE ALL wickedness, disobedience from the Children of Zion, the children of Jacob. BECOMING ONE New Tribe of Obedience, Reborn Jew, NEW with Reborn Gentile, TWO BECOME ONE IN the Body of Man.  The Sacrifice of His Perfect Son to Save His LOST IN time of disobedience.  The HIDDEN Dormant Seed in Adam, BY Rain BECOMES A Harvest of LIVING SOULS UNTO God.

I Know.  I Know this is HARD for Godless flesh to receive, accept, bear.  NEVERTHE LESS IT IS True.  The Work of God IS DONE, Finished by Son, NOW ENTER AND Receive Reward of Faith and Obedience.  The Reality Prepared for the Body of Christ TO POSSESS IN UNION WITH Head, the Mind in Head.  OUR Father Planned, Worked, planted in Adam a DORMANT Seed of Life, that Restores all LOST IN Adam in time of flesh and blood, NOW BY Faith Rise and Walk, Life the Life of Christ GLORIFYING OUR Father, Eternity, Reality. PERPETUAL God.  IF you HAVE Believed, Awakened, QUICKED INTO ONENESS heart with Seed BY Rain.

QUICK.  I Hear the Coming Rain, BIND your garment TIGHT AND Run to Receive the Rain.  Where the Seed if hidden from flesh, the Rain SHALL Come and QUICKEN INTO Life of Christ.  ALL are fallen down.  The Seed and Spirit RAISE you UP, Lift TO the Light, and we BEAR the Thoughts of Life.  God Chooses, God DECIDES, HAS ALREADY Decided BEFORE we existed in the flesh of time, death.  Who Shall Rise, Run and ENTER Awake, Rejoicing, Glorifying Father Eternal.

Live the life Given you for you your flesh, desires, OR Live the Life of Christ as His Body, Life that NEVER dies of disobedience.