Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Jesus, Knowing ALL Things TO COME upon Him. I HAVE Told you I AM He.

 Whom do you SEEK?  Let these here in the garden with ME, TO their-wy.  Father those You GAVE ME, I have LOST NONE.  Put away YOUR sword, the Cup Father HATH Given Me, Shall I NOT Drink it?

Jesus AND His disciples, WAITING in a GARDEN, thatJesus OFTEN went with His followers.  Father, THIS WORLD HAS NOT Known Thee BUT I HAVE, Known Thee,  AND these WITH Me HAVE Known that You SENT Me to DECLARE Your Name.  SO THAT the Love, You HAVE FOR Me, MAY Be IN them.  God, Spirit, Thoughts in Me, Head BE IN Them My Body.  They ARE NOT OF the world of flesh.  You Spirit HAVE Given them TO Me,  they ARE NOT as I AM NOT OF the world.  These HAVE Known AS I HAVE Known Thee SO  BY Spirit, You IN Me WE ARE ONE Spirit.  Spirit Knows Spirit, Hears, DISCERNS Spirit, TRUTH.  Truth, Spirit IN them SANCTIFIES them My Body.  AS You, Father SENT Me, so NOW I Send them.  That those Drawn to My Body through Truth, Spirit, those Hearing,  their Word, Spirit, COME TO You.  Father I Pray for THEM who Believe Spirit IN them.  John ch 17-18.  Keep them Safe from the evil one while they are IN the world.

Spirit in them, the SAME Spirit IN Me?  NOW that Know, UNDERSTAND that they ARE NOT OF the world, LIKE Me they belong TO Spirit within. The Spirit of Eternal Life, Given Me, Head and My Body with Head.  I Glorify You Spirit ON earth?  I FINISHED, Completed the Work ASSIGNED Me, Word of Truth, TO Do.  Thine Sheep HAVE Kept Your Word OF Spirit,  They KNOW that ALL Things Given Me ARE Mine.

Spirit IN Me, Feeds them the Thoughts, Food, of the Spirit.  I Your Truth HAVE MANIFESTED to them that BELIEVE and BEAR Your Name.  Your Mind, Source of Truth, IN Me THEIR Head, Ruling they My Body.  KEEPERS OF the Truth, Spirit.

AS You SENT Me TO them Mine, Yours, SO I NOW Speak, SEND them My Body of Spirit.  OUT INTO this world, place of darkness of NIGHT time, TO Shine, Draw unto You those with Eyes Opened to See, Ears, Opened to Receive.

Spirit IS the Power, the Key, the Life of Understanding WHAT IS HIDDEN IN the Written Invitation.   Spirit KNOWS.  Truth concealed to flesh and blood of disobedience. Blessed BE our Father, of we the Bride of Christ, Given His Name.  Truth within Rules His Body, Bride, TO Save, TAKE OUT OF darkness.  Jesus the CODE Breaker.  The Thoughts of God unknown, undiscerned by flesh with AIR in the blood.  His Bride Breaths, Lives by Presence of Spirit, Truth.

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