Saturday, May 25, 2024

There IS NOW a Man,bey His Chosen Body, Walks DOING Good, the Obedience BY Spirit, POWER.

Ecclesiastes 7:20. His Body REPRESENTS Him His Power, the Will of God,before the eyes of darkness. We ARE that Body, that Christ IS Rais ing from the dead in diobedience UNTO Life of Heaven. Ecclesiastes 7-11. it IS NOW the SOUL DEAD IN UNBELIEF that NOW IN TIME, PROLONGS his own life of wickedness. Unbelief is not Faith. Human spirit, human thoughts, works ARE NOT God,Spirit, Life. The SOUL IN Christ His Body BY Faith, DOES AS Obedience Commands IN TIME, PASSING THROUGH TIME without the chains, thoughts of death. The SOUL that Believes,and fears disobeying Love,Spirit of Faith REMOVES the chains, thoughts, power of darkness, and IN OBEDIENCE,BY POWER OF OBEDIENCE, Comes, Separated from darkness TO Brightness. The Children of Wise God,Come WHEN Called. WHO CAN Seek, Find Freedom? The soul that EARNESTLY, PERPETUALLY Searches, comes Confessing the Diagnosis of Christ CONCERNING FALLEN human flesh, True Confession and Faith in Phsician, Receiving Prescription, Healing Truth WE Rise by Faith in our Good Doctor. The SOUL that Believes IS THE SOUL THAT Escapes TIME Alive from the dead. Christ the NEW MAN, Spirit IN Flesh, Raise His Body, BRIDE Alive into Kingdom ABOVE hell below. The Body was Made for THE Man Her Head, to QUICKLY Serve do what He Says, BECAUSE He Loved SO MUCH,He CAME DOWN TO Gather from TIME, the Body LOST TO darkness her abuser.

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