Thursday, May 23, 2024

God TRUSTS NOT His Saints, Children. Spirit and Word, OF God, His Presence He TRUSTS.

 The GOOD NEWS OF God, Spirit.  We BUT Speak the Truth, Thoughts, LANGUAGE OF Truth, Spirit His Power TRANSFORMS us By Faith, Spirit, Substance of God into Children of Obedience.  There is NOTHING Good in our flesh and blood, The ONLY Good IS Spirit of Christ IN OUR Reborn SOUL, GROWING INTO THE Spiritual Likeness of Life.

The children of wickedness in flesh and bloom, AFRAID OF Light by nature  i, know not, hear not, understand not the Truth, the Shepherd, REFUSE the Presence of Light that ENTERS the soul and Separates from darkness OF TIME.  The darkness in them is to them their light.  They are the dust of the land of darkness and death.   The place where darkness reigns over his flesh, body of death.

In my old mind I thought HOW UNFAIR?  BUT NOW I Understand the Thoughts of His Presence.  God is not a man, but He IS THE Man OF God. Born into skin of death, Christ HAS Raised us Saints, Children LOST in Adam-Eve, AS ONE Man, Head and Body.  Servants before DEATH, THEN AFTER death, Standing by Spirit, the NAKED Reborn Bride RECEIVES HER NEW Flesh, obedient skin of Jesus.  OUR PAST disobedience our shame, Christ our Joy in Obedience to God.

TIME is for the LOST in Separation from God, to REMEMBER Him as He Reality Thinks, Remembers us back INTO Existence IN Reality

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