Sunday, May 26, 2024

WHAT Good a Message not Delivered WITH Love? Jonah FLED Presence of Love. TEMPEST.

The unloving soul willing to take a Message from Love, put in the mouth, bellly of flesh in the deep. UNTIL COMPLIANT with Spirit. The Word,the Living Thought CAME TO Jonah. GO TO NINRVAH,the cry of wickeneess, accuser has COME BEFORE Me. BUT Jonah was not pleased got up INSTEAD FLED TO Tarhish FROM THE Presence, Will of God. GOD Sent a GREAT Wind into the sea, a Mighty Tempest. SO THAT the ship WAS BROKEN. Noah went down in the ship to hide from the Presence of God. The Storm made the sailers afraid and they cried out each to his god. AND CAST the wares in the ship into the sea TO LIGHTEN THE burden on board. But Jonah down below WAS SOUND ASLEEP. The Shipmaster CAME found him asleep. WHAT DOES THIS Mean, you sleep and not think of us in terror. Pray TO Your God that we NOT PERISH. They CAST LOTS THAT they MIGHT know WHO CAUSED this evil. The LOT FELL UPON Johah. They ASKED, WHO ARE YOU,WHERE DO YOU come from, what kind of person are you? I AM a Hebrew, that fears the Lord God of Heaven and earth. They Said YOU HAVE DONE THIS evil TO us. He told them, they knew he had fled the Presence of the Lord. WHAT shall we DO FOR the sea fo become calm? THIS IS my fault, Cast me off. BUT they begged God to NOT LET them perish for Jonah, hold them accountalble for his disobedience. And they CAST Jonah and the seas CEASED RAGING. This CAUSED them to Worship the Lord with vows and sacrifice. Johan cast off, a fish Prepared by God TO SWALLOW Jonah in the belly of the fish 3days,3nighhts. THEN Jonah prayed unto God for release from belly. I Cried and He Heard me. Know that for ous sake CAME the suffering of Christ, ONE Man FOR ALL. We the Body Raised from death BY Life. God DOES as He God DESIRES.Jonah Confessed he the source of all his OWN sffliction, cast out of God's Presence, LOOKED,Cried in Prayer,Confessed TO God, Spirit, He Heard and BROUGHT me up from corruption,his soul Restored to Presence, Right Mind. The SOUL FAINTS IN ITS OWN thoughts, vaniy,FORSking Mercy. NOW will I Sacrifice my will unto Will of God. Depart disobedience,death, BY Obedience. The Vow of Life.

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