Friday, May 31, 2024

I Shall TRUST in Spirit, Accept Will of God FOR me, and not in ignorance seek own will.

God Took Hold and He Will Finish through me His Work Given me to DO. God HAS Chosen the WEAK things of earth, the foolish, the things NOT, TO BECOME Things of God. God Gives His OWN Spirit, the Spirit OF Christ, Body and Head THE UNION,the Work OF ONE unto God HIS GLORY. They that Work NOT,NEITHER they EAT, PARTAKE OF Food of the Body of Christ. Sit in His Presence AT His Table, Feast for the LIVING. The Lord, Spirit, God, DIRECT, GUID, LEAD you by His Spirit His Thoughts, Truth, into Patience while WAITING FOR Christ. His Body WAINTS FOR Him, ALL REBORN OF Him, Truth, TO Come and BE Seated at His Table with Him. We ARE His Body,Bride,Fed the VERY Thoughts of God. His HEAD BOWED, Body BOWED WITH Head, still in silence, THEN the Meal He Serves them,THEIR Portion, From the HAND OF Body. The WHOLE world of flesh is in the power of darkness, wickedness. Flesh ASLEEP with their own wickedness,devil. And His Body Knows that our Understanding COMES FROM Christ, Spirit in us. BY His Spirit, Presence WE Know that WE ARE OF God, BECAUSE we OBEY EVERY COMMAND BY His Presence. God KEEPS His Reborn with His Spirit UNTO Himself, Presence. The sin of unbelief leads to DEATH,but Repentance of unbelief IS Life. TO REJECT the Invitation of God TO Life?

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