BE STILL and Know God, Hear Him Speaking His SPIRIUAL Thoughts, Life INTO you. The PAIN is the resistance of flesh, refusing to Surrender NOW to Reality. DO NOT USE your words, your spirit of flesh, the thoughts with doubt, unbelief. Spirit in Flesh, Body of Christ Hears BY Head the Mind, Thoughts of God. God KNOWS the thoughts of fallen flesh IN TIME ANYTHING NOT God, CUT OFF, LEFT behind with darkness. Even darkness goes with the Coming of Brightness upon the earth.
Those Hearing Him, DOING WHAT He Says TO them, Pleasing Him not the temporary human spirit of AIR. IS OUR Escape from the world of darkness IN TIME. Waking a LIFE IN Reality. We are NOTHINT BUT dust blown by winds, spirits of darkness, IF there IS NO Light, Presence, Power to Save, Rule in, over us. God HAS Appointed a TIME, to the flesh of fallen man, a HIRELING of hell. Spends its TIME gathering the things, desires of fallen flesh OF TIME.
Awaken this Room in the House of Christ, FILLED WITH Light, Presence, Shine Brightness fill the House FULL OF Presence. Every Room OF Faith, a Room of Your Presence. LIFE. Deliver us the Body, Redeem us, Teach us, BE our UnderStanding, OUR Good EVERY Thought Life. Christ the House of MANY Rooms for the Bride, His Body, Children.
SEEK God His Presence, the Spirit of Christ in His Body, Bride. Seek Him EARTLY, FIRST Thought and LAST Thought in darkness OF TIME. Where the Light IS, there you find NO excuse for darkness of disobedience. WAKE UP? The Work the Work of Father and Son. Finished IN TIME, Done.,
SURELY IF you EARNESTLY, PERSIST TO Receive His Presence, IF by Power, FAITH THEY Removes THEIR chains, thoughts, THEN He WOULD COME, MAKE His Habitation IN Them, PROSPER the Children of Faith. THEIR Riches, Prosperity GREATER at the END of THEIR TIME.
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