Friday, May 31, 2024

ONLY God, Spirit, Life, Presence, in a dead soul Saves the Soul, Perfects FOR the Body of Christ.

God His Spirit IN a soul, Saves the SOUL from life that ENDS IN Death. God Speaks, QUICKENS the dead soul INTO Living SOUL, IN THE Body of Christ. We ARE the Body Obedient BY Chrit His Spirit IN us. THERE IS NTHING good in us, ONLY God IS Good, Perfection,Love. We are DEAD SOULS WITHOUT Him, we ARE dead flesh walking the earth. IN Christ IN UNION WITH Mind in Christ our Head, We Think, Speak, DO as Spirit of Christ Says. We the body of death,dying flesh of dead souls, NOW by Faith Reborn LIVING SOULS,BEING Gathered into the Body of Faith, Chist His Body, TO GO AS ONE Body of Obediencce TO BE with Head ABOVE. Spirit Knows the Mind of Spirit, Spirit SEARCHS the hearts,the minds FOR the Thoughts of Spirit. NO Seed. NO Spirit. NO Life. Christ Planted in Adam before his fall, DORMANT IN TIME until Rain Poured UNTO Seed. Quickened by Rain, Living Waters, Christ the Dormant Seed BECOMES Alive. Spirit the Water of the Fruit, Christ. The Body Produces a Great Harvest of the Mind of Christ. We HAVE the SAME Mind in us as Christ IN us. BECOMING ONE. Receiving the Thoughts of God TO DO His Will. We ARE the Trees of Seed, that BRING A GREAT Harvest of Christ unto Father. ANY UNPRODUCTIVE tree, that bears not Christ Fruit, SHALL BE CUT OFF,CAST BURNED OUT OF EXISTENCE by flames, fire of darkness. God, Spirit, Knows the thoughts of flesh from the Thoughts of Spirit. REBORN of Substance, Spirit of Spirit, WE BELONG TO God OUR Father. Reborn to BEAR His Thoughts, Fruit, no other thought, spiit but God. God, Christ PRAYS for the Saints ACCORDING TO His OWN Good Will, not the will of flesh. Saints BECOME Alive to DO the Will, Thoughts of God. Saints, FOREKNOWN BY God, PREDESTINED TO BE Conformed to SPIRUTUAL Likeness IMAGE of Christ. The Body a PERFECT Reflection of Head, Serving the Will of God not the will of fallen flesn, spirit of darkness.

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