Tuesday, May 28, 2024

God a Presence we Know not, Chooses to Reveal a life beyond human imagination.

He IS our Father, The ONLY Father, Substance,Spirit, His Seed Thoughts,Harvest of Spirit. The flesh Created for the Spirit,Seed, Presene of God, Power. The Reborn of Crucified Christ, Prepare by Spirit to die IN Faith unto Resurrection Alive. UNION, He Sacrificed for us, we sacrifice our temporary life of flesh FOr His Obedience. The soul sacrifice of selr, thoughts of self, emotions of self, to die to human thoughts, spirit TO Live a Life of Glorifying God with EVERY THOUGHT His. DEAD TO God Consciousness, Presence, Thought. Liveing in self conscioiusness alone. The Children of the Written Word have no Spirit Power to Obey. The Living are the Body of Christ, Conforming to the INWARD Presebce Power the Thought of God. The state of hypocrisy, the disobedient discipline their children for the same spirit of disobedience within them the flesh parentss. ONLY by Spirit can we Know by Spirit the Power to DO Right. Understand that NOW has God Given the Body of Christ, Bride, the Power to Follow, OBEY only Him. Either the soul lies to soul OR Lies TO God, the EVIDENCE OF UNBELIEF IN the Presence,is the disobedience, leaving undone that which God Commands MUST BE Done. Christ His Life, Lived Obedient by THE Substance,Spirit, Presence within HIS soul. And we NOW His Body Resurrected by Faith Walk the earth,TIME, Spirit in us, Serving ONLY God of Truth. God HAS DONE this. The Spirit POURED OUT Quickens the Seed, Life of Christ, but it quickens not the seed of enemy, it thirsts not for Water of Righteousness. The seed of His enemy dies, the Seed with Rain, Lives NEVER dying if it obeys unto Harvest from TIME. The children of hypocrisy SHALL NOT ENTER within Reality. There is NOTHING good IN us BUT God His Presence, Power,Goodness. God the Power of a Life of Obedience. I Will not DENY my Father, nor His Word of Faith. Howl you howlerd caught in the lips, teeth of hell. God HAS Blessed me with His Presence. I REFUSE TO Exchange Truth for the life of deceit that dead souls bow doen to.

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