Jesus. Do you or do you NOT Believe the Man that died for you LOST in darkness needing Help?
The Truth THAT CAME and Restored the LOST INTO a House BUILT by THEIR Father. NONE ENTER into the Body, House of God's Presence, BUT the Perfect IN, BY Christ, WITH Him, Enter. Do You Believe? THEN Why DENIAL of Christ's Work on behalf of OUR Father?
TRUTH. By Faith IN Truth,very Word, THOUGHTS OF God, PERFECT Mind of Power. The Body of Christ Stands in the Eyes of God, UNFALLEN, NEW, Living the Thought-Life of Christ. Believe or believe not, ONLY God Chooses AWASS God, Creator, His Children as Father.
JOB. By fear of disobedience, was perfect in following the WRITTEN law, upright in the eyes of flesh and blood, AVOIDED evil, as a HABIT avoided evil. Job his flesh, his substance was according to FLESH, WAS the greatest flesh of ALL the east. His substance, flesh FEASTED IN THEIR house, DAILY feast, eating and drinking together. WHEN their feasting time GONE, Job sent for them to come BE Sanctified. Job rose up EARLY OFFERING sacrifice in case they CURSED, disobeyed God IN THEIR hearts. Satan knowing Job's weakness WAS his flesh and blood. Came to Report his coming and going over the earth. And God ASKED Satan, HAD he CONSIDERED Job the Servant of God. NO other flesh like obedient flesh Job. Job? You DO everything FOR him. You Protect him like a HEDGE. You BLESS him, all he HAS, INCREASE for him. BUT this perfect flesh, will curse you, not Bless You your Name, not Accept both the good and the evil. ONLY WHEN good, does he Bless you. Job fears evil, avoids evil, BUT if you Remove the Hedge of Protection, he will curse you like any other man of flesh. Take away ALL substance necessary for flesh to live, and his soul WILL CURSE You Your Power, Your Will. Flesh desires its own will, thoughts BE DONE.
Human flesh resists the Will of God. God allowed Satan to touch Job's SUBSTANCE, ALL he possessed. BUT Job Worshiped IN Truth, I CAME from flesh into the world NAKED, the Lord Gives and the Lord TAKES. IN Worship Job did not sin, think evil of God.
Satan the father of the fallen, said, TOUCH his flesh and blood, BECAUSE flesh will give up ALL he HAS for the life of his body. The spirit in flesh will CURSE You, resist You Spirit, UNLESS You Serve him his will. Job cursed the Day, that Appointed his TIME to BE. Job prayed for THE NIGHT TIME of his birth to cease to BE, the Eyes of God Removed from him, VOID OF Light, the darkness and the shadow of death, stain, terrify, cover him. A cloud between Job and the Light. Suffering the Will of God, he became suicidal. Wished in his mother's womb of darkness, he had been given death, given up his SOUL to darkness rather COME UNTO Light and Live. Giving up the ghost of TIME. BETTER sleep, death, Lifeless in the womb, mind of flesh, THEN TO suffer the Will of Spirit, Life.
The servants of wickedness, as infants THAT NEVER See the Light OF Day, the dead have NO trouble, they prisoners of death, rest with their darkness AT peace with darkness.
Job CURSED the Will of the Lord, that Willed Job into existence in world, womb, mind of darkness. Better to BE DEAD than Serve God His Will, Spirit, Mind? The BITTERNESS of his flesh OVERFLOWING his lips.
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