Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Mystery, God and His Word, Revealed to the Bride BY Spirit, in TIME of darkness.

It IS WRITTEN that no man of fallen flesh, disobedient flesh, HAS Received by Spirit the Revealation of God,the Reality God Prepared for them the Body of Christ tha Love Him. The Preaching of THE TRUTH of the Cross, Work of God THROUGH sons of unbelief, IS FOOLISHNESS TO THEM without Spirit of Understanding, Gift from Love. Their human spirit DECEIVES them unto death of disobedience, unbelief. The Evidence of Spirit, Truth, Power IS THE Body in time THAT OBEYS the Spirit, the Mind,Thoughts of God. WOE UNTO me if I Think not Declare not the Gospel of God, Truth. I BOW TO Truth and Serve the Truth, VERY Thoughts of God to the Children DRAWN TO His TABLE in time. They who Speak, Preach,Serve the Gospel, Food, Thoughts of God, MUST LIVE BY THE Thoughts, Gospel of God's Mind. BETTER for me to die to self and Serve ONLY God, Christ His Body THAN TO BE Revealed as unbeliever my glorifying God MADE Void.

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