Jeroboam COME TO, ENTERED the grave. God Saw, Knew What was hidden in his flesh, seed, God Gives TO RAIN. The Lord, Spirit, SMITE Israel, LIKE a Waterless, Godless reed. By His Hand God TOOK Israel FROM the good land, SCATTERED them BECAUSE they ANGERED Him BECAUSE the sin of Jeroboam was theirs by example, teaching, substance. Following flesh substance and not Spirit, they sinned. EVERY generation of Judah doing more evil than the last generation. The Sodomites which the Lord CAST OUT the abominations, THEN Israil entered the land. Judah did evil, THEIR sins provoked God TO Jealousy by their disobedience.
THEN God TOOK their treasure FROM them ALL the gold of Solomon, the SHEILDS OF gold Solomon Made. REPLACED with brass to the keepers of the door of the king.
David DID ALL but NOT ALL Written Law of God. David did evil. Conspired to kill Uriah the Hittite, TO COVER UP His Adultery with Bathsheba. David instead of BEING WITH His Army, took the wife of a man so he could hide, cover his sin TO flesh. David all but one not Good. And Asa his son did what was Right in the Eyes of God, Spirit, and REMOVED ALL the sodomites and idol OF flesh, he dedicated TO God, PLEASING God not flesh. Asa and Ben-Hadad, BRIBED joined with Asa against king of ISRAEL. When Asa died, slept with his father, flesh.
Ruled by flesh and blood NOT Spirit, IS DEATH. The death of all children of flesh, void of Spirit, VOID of Obedience, Spirit of Power.
Christ the Perfect Man BY Spirit, Having the SAME Mind, He OUR. Head OVERFLOWING Perpetual Thoughts of Truth, now our OWN Head Salvation. Christ THE PERFECT Example, SOUL of ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE TO God. Living, Thinking, Walking, ABIDING ONE by Presence of God.
Christ's Faith Planted His Seed Christ IN OUR SOULS, Hidden unto Risen by Rain, Breath, Life. As Christ Lives SO we His Body Lie NOW by Spirit of Obedience. The LIVING Word of Spirit, Returns to Spirit with His Bride without one thought of darkness. We ARE Bones of His Substance, Breath of His Spirit, Today we Walk and tomorrow and SOON Behold Father His Face, OUR Reflecion.
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