Saturday, May 25, 2024
Wake not, stir not, BE STILL UNTIL it Pleases Him. The Voice of Beloved IS Calling, Closer.
He Looks,Sees me ASLEEP. Revealing His Presence,through the window. A Voice, a Call, a Knock. The Voice of Beloved Calling me to Come AWAY WITH Him from slumber of darkness. BECAUSE WINTER TIME is past and the Rain COME AND GONE. The time for vines, figs, grapes, GOOD,NOW IS COME AND GONE. The little foxes, little thieves take grapes by THEIR mouths. The Beloved Calls to Her HIDDEN IN the Rock like a Dove, the SECRET Place. UNION,He IS MINE,Calling me to COME from darkness of cave, RevealED TO the Light.
BY time of NIGHT, before Brightness,Removed darkness,I Heard and CAME. The shadows, souls of darkness pass away, GONE WITH Night. I Answered His Call, Rose to Seek, FIND Him, but could not. I ASKED the Seers, Watchers I asked,a LITTLE TIME then BEYOND them I PASSED FROM them BUT Found Him this soul LOVES, I Found Him ALONE, AND TOOK HOLD OF Him and would not, Refused to let Him, Presence GO from me. I took Hims home to my Mother, Spirit, House of my Conception. The SECRET Chanber.
The Bride, His Dove, PRODUCES the Fruit, Thoughts of Love.
The TIME OF jUDGMENT, Reveals WHO HAS Received the Seed of Life, and who the liars of pretense,
decepti, bitter fuit, bitter seed, thoughts, words of DEATH. O,Jacob BECOME Willing to BE Taught by God,TO Walk IN His Way,Spirit AND Thoghts, AND BE AT Peace, REST IN Him His PRESENCE. God REBUKE the nations, and BY Him His Presence, REBUKED they their swords,tongues INTO PLOWSHARES AND their spears to pruninghooks, nations that war no more, the POWER OF Peace,Spirit come, the whole world UNDER His Feet,Ruling BY Spirit all thos BOWING head, minds TO His Feet.
BE NOT,LIKE the Phistines, they who PLEASE themselves NOT God,Spirit, STANGERS TO God, their land, heart NOT God's, their idols, their worship the self worship of flesh and blood.
NOW the time to COME Called by Love, AFTER NO TIME TO WAKE UP IN the hands of Wrath. Come NOW, HIDDEN IN the Rock as DUST, and Glorify His Power, COME out of darkness UNTO Brightness of God. The Lord EXALTED, all the souls Humbled, BOWED DOWN IN His Body UNDER Head, Thoughts of Truth. Blessed each soul that EATS the Fruit of Obedience, it Shall BE Well with the Body of Christ. The Reward of His Presence IS COMING FOR Them. The Presence OF Faith, their bearing only, always the Fruit of Christ.
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