Sunday, May 26, 2024

The TEMPEST OR Peace of Obedience, ONESS with Mind of GOD? GO TO Ninevah, NOW.

Preach, Speak,My Thoughts TO them. SO Jonah got up and went Preaching according to Thoughts oF God, TRUTH. AS Jonay ENTERED Ninevah, he declared Ninevah in 40 days WOULD BE OVERTHROWN. Ninevah BELIEVED and FASTED put on sackcloth of mourning,from least to greatest. The King of Ninevah took off his rob for sackcloth and SAT IN ashes. Let not any thing eat and TURN TO God, Spirit FROM THEIR EVIL, VIOLENCE AGAINST Peace. WHAT the Lord Desires if Obedience TO Peace with God. Prish not in the anger, wrath, TURN TO God. And God Repented of unleashing evil upon them. BUT it PLEASED NOT Jonah, he exceedingly angry. Could not God HAVE DONE this without Sending Jonah all this way for nothing? Johan all about Jonah I Knew that Thou GRACIOUS, MERCIFUL, SLOW TO anger, kindness,so that RETRACT evil. SO NOW take my life,FROM me a SERVANT thinking Better to be dead than Serve thee Jonah had a BAD heart,the burden of the LORD,too inconvenient to PRIDE? God Said TO Jonah, BETTER to be angry and die,die rather than Serve the Will of God? TIME. Night. That which appears in the nigt, AND PERISHES IN the Night. BLINE, UNABLE TO See. Shold I NOT Spare Ninvah that TURNS to worship unto Me.They Heard and IMEDIATELY TURNED. You RAN TWICE FROM Me, Presence and Will.

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