He came TO me, then left. ALL that I CAN TELL you IS the Truth. BUT you are UNWILLING to hear, receive, believe. That my eyes WERE blind, but NOW See.
Christ His Presence, Substance, Spirit, Had APPOINTMENTS His Eternal Father, MADE FOR Him on earth. He CAME, He Worked, Finished the Work Sent TO DO. Raise a NEW House of Perfection, TO Give to His Bride. His Soul Mate. Christ the NEW Man Eternal, Measured was not Found LACKING ANYTHING. Hie Obedience, NOW OUR Obe
Obedience by Faith-Union, HAS Rooted us INTO Reality with Him, AFTER death. His Holy Ghost Walks the earth, world IN the Power in the Rising Tribe IN TIME. He was PIERCED, Bled out, physically died, BEATEN to death the temporary flesh of time, Raised His Spiritually PERFECT Flesh and the Man, Head and Body, NOW AT Home in union with Father. This flesh old flesh drops unto death, BUT no longer bound, one with old flesh, Rises INVISIBLE NEW Flesh. The Flesh OF Obedience, Spirit, God, His Presence.
You will not Understand NOW, but WHEN I Come back, FOR you TO TAKE with Me, THEN you Will Understand. My Body Knows BY Spirit, Understands and waits, READY, Prepared by Spirit TO GO.
His Body, Bride of Obedience, IS EAGER, Ready TO Go with Him, United by Spirit, Will of God. The TEST for QUALITY, Inspected by God. The TEST OF Obedience, of Perfection, Substance in Her. His Seed, THOUGHT-Life, no other Thought BUT Spirit. Approved, after Examination of Eye of Spirit, Body ENTERS Spiritual Reality AFTER Him, Head. Tested and FOUND to BE Worthy of His Body, Work. From WEAK eyes of flesh, by Spirit Rebirth, NOW I See, Behold, EXPERIENCE, Live NO in this world OBEDIENT TO Spirit, He Power SOURCE within my SOUL. The Head HAS Performed FOR me, impossible fort me, the Perfect Obedience of FAITH. He Removed the OLD blood, thought-life, NOW BY Faith in the Living Word of God, I DO ALL , to depart without one doubt OF UNBELIEF to keep me earth-bound.
Wheresoever He wants to Go, He SENDS me. The INVISIBLE Christ, Son of Holy Ghost and Father, Never leave me ALONE in the darkness OF Night, TIME. He IS my night Life IN darkness of TIME.
THE TEST to Say NO Perpetually to disobedience, UNTIL Judged, READY TO Go. FROM this pit, world of hell, where the darkness REIGNS from within ALL man-flesh, fallen by lack of surrender to the Will of God. That ALL men BECOME Like Him His Son. Disobedience brought the death sentence upon me, a slave by unholy spirit, evil thought life, not God's BY Spirit, Thoughts. Hell bound UNTIL BY Spirit I Believe my chains ARE BROKEN by Faith in Truth, Christ. The flesh of Adam, gave his flesh to the mouth of the lion of darkness. Sold UNTO temptation, thoughts of darkness to serve, UNTIL the Key, Spirit, Truth, Released me by Faith in the Good Work of Christ.
The Man HAS COME, and the APPOINTED MOMENT IN TIME, Raises me Home IN Union.
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