Monday, May 27, 2024

God the Truth IN me that TREADS DOWN the enemy that rises to keep, take me hostage again.

Gone, Removed are the stones of flesh, Removed from the Field of Christ. The Field Eternal that BELONGS TO Him. The Restorer of the property LOST TO darkness IN TIME. The Gardener's Son Removes any thing evil that seeks to enter, root down into my heart. My Presence SANCTIFIES,Magnifies,Reveals I AM the Lord, THEIR God. The Spirit of the Lord Anointing that is the Source, Truth OF Gospel. Truth to BE Preacned int the Acceptable TIME TO Hear and COME TO God. Turn from Time TO Eternity and Live not die among the dead of darkness. Many UNCLEAN, NONE Cleansed IN TIME, but Those Chosen by God to Believe do what He Says and BE. Union with Spirit, Seated at the Feet of God, Silently Waiting for His Voice, His Thoughts, DIRECTION. The Lord of the Sabbath, Head AND Body DO Good, TO Save Lie UNTO God. This IS OUR Sabbath. Christ OUR Sabbath. ALWAYS does His Body Serve Him ONLY Him not human flesh nor desires, thoughts of darkness. WOE to false prophets that flesh speaks well of. But the Children, Body of Christ Know the darkness in unbelievers. Woe to the house of death, the church of mistranslation that DAIRES TO speak lies AS Truth.

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