Sunday, May 26, 2024

To OBEY Spirit, the Testimony, Evidence OF Life, Glorifying the Power, Presence of God.

As GOD Thinks and Says, is Reality. The children of HUMAN imagination MUST BECOME Receivers of God's Thoughts by Faith. COME NOW to Me and Live. Receive My Spirit and Please God not human spirit in flesh and blood. Faith the Gift from God TO HIS Children LOST IN CAPTIVITY TO evil ons,bound int the thoughts of darkness,SELFishness. The life of disobedience, the life of self-help before helping others. Helping the LOST Children from Israel. His Lost ARE His by Spirit NOT BY FLESH. Filled with Spirit, Speaking Spirit, the Love Language of God,Right Thoughts, IN TIME, Heard by those His that God OPENS their Ears,Minds,Heart of LIVING souls TO COME TO Him from darkness TO Light. They flesh and AIR will WONDER why you no longer GO WITH them flesh, BUT NOW Remain with Spirit. Those God Loves,those disciplined by THEIR OWN disobedience,human spirit. By darkness we See Light. BY disobedience We Learn Obedience. The suffering of ths soul its path, TURNED into the Path of Joy, Peace,Life in Union with the Mind,Will of God. The HUMAN spirit of AIR, the tool that TURNS the Srayed back TO Him His PRESENCE. The Jews FOR A TIME, QUOTED a Written Word, that ONLY BY Spirit CAN BE OBEYED. NOW is the TIME of BY Faith,BECOMING in Christ His Sacrifice of US,His body, BLED OUT, Resurrected BY Spirit, the VERY Breath of God His Presence. The religous flesh NOW by darkness within, Remain OUTSIDE the Kingdom, Body of Christ. TIME for you TO Wake UP IS Come. Ruse from death in disobedience and Serve ONLY Spirit only the VERY Thoughts, Truth that died to Raise us Alive TO Brightness. NOTHIN G SO blinds the darkness IN flesh and blood, AS THE SUDDERN Shining of Brightness. BOW, NOW on your knees of flesh,and ASK Him and He WILL Show, Tell, INFORM you WHAT He Wants YOU to DO for Hime. Head FIRST, NOW Body.

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