Thursday, May 30, 2024

The ONLY TIME-Traveler IS God His Word. God NEVER GOES BACK on His Word.

O,foolish flesh of AIR, your hearts SO SLOW TO Believe without Spirit, Undnerstanding that Christ SUFFERED UNTO His Glory. THE Birth of His Bride. Sin-full flesh, disobedient spirit, their father IN them wated to crucify Him a LIVING Soul TO death. But God HAS Raised Christ the Man, Head and Body, FROM TIME unto Eternal Life to Walk with Him, Bear His Spirit, Thoughts, INTO Existence IN Time, Glorifying God. I NOW am by Faith one of Multitude IN His Body. The only Christ the DEAD IN TIME will they EVER See, Hear, IF God OPENS their hardened hearts, opens their blind eyes, their DEAF ears TO Hear, and Awaken to the Voice of Reality, Calling from the dead childfen of TIME TO Life IN Christ His Body. Does not my heart Burn,Shine within me WHILE He Talks and OPENS the Written Scriptures. He HAS APPEARED,Risen, Head AND Body, ONE. HOW He is Known, Recognized TO His Body is His BREAKING OF the Bread,He Gives US. Suddenly Come IS Christ, Standing IN THE MIDST of you. Afraid He WAS a human spirit, thoughts of fear rose up within them. DO NOT BE troubled a human spirit HAS NOT Flesh and Bones, BODY AS I Have. EXAMINE My Body, Body of Peace, Spirit I GIVE, PEACE IN the world of TIME and AFTER.

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