Tuesday, May 28, 2024

What does the church of hypocrisy, human spirit have to do with Church of Holy Spirit?

What do prtenders seeking money, have to do with the Spirit of Christ TRUE Riches. They gather unto themselves, their RELIGION, THEIr HUMAN thoughhts of misunderstanding other Spiritless souls. Teaching the thoughts of mistranslation by their human spirits, NOT the Thoughts of Spirit, God. Pretending,SAYING that they ARE free of the human spirit of BONDAGE, BUT ARE STILL slaves of OWN humn lusts. They are WAVES OF VANITY,that swallow the drowning LOST from God into the sea of darkness, belly of the beast. They lure unprotected souls, like the PREDATORS they ARE, offering thoughts their flesh seeks to hear, not the Truth, Word of Mouth of Spirit, that Commands Turning, COMING TO Spirit of Christ to Save you. The hypocrites live by their OWN flesh desires, OWN human SELF as god. BY OWN thoughts Chained slaves of disobece not God. Their god is a WRITTEN,memorized version of Truth, but not the Truth of the Spirit. Christ is a Living Law. We the Body Think, Speak, Live according to Spirit, the Power of God His PRESENCE. A club where people of religion gather, NOT the Church of Spirit,Truth,Stands Speaking. There is but ONE God,ONE Spirit, ONE Truth NOT MANY. The human church works for money, numbers gathered,MORE MONEY. Until Spirit Comes, Teaches,ABIDES in the soul, you are only a pretender through rituals,not a Follower of Spirit.

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