Monday, May 27, 2024

The evil winds of TIME, shall carry away the seed of death, into open mouth of grave.

The FOREKNOWN Plan of God,the test of unbelief,the WHOLE world IN and UNDER darkness,TIME,fOR the Revealation of God, Brightness, His Supreme Power, Will,RETURN the blind,deaf,the soul dead and the flesh fallen, BACK TO Life from the dead children of unbelief. What is TIME to God, THE EVER NOW, Reality. WHEN the NIGHT time IS past, the Watchmen Cry the HOURS TO His Lost ASLEEP WITH,IN darkness of Time. God Knows WHERE Everything His IS, ALL THE TIMke Abraham, We Awakened by ENTRANCE OF Spirit,Kissed by God,His Breath Awakens, the soul TO Serve God. Yes,Father We Hear You. Speak. We DO Your Will not the will of old fallen,broken,crippled dying flesh. We BELONG TO You. You HAVE Delivered us from the pit,the lion's mouth and the dragon. WHAT CAN Compare to You Your Presence in the Body OF Christ? The Power of Faith and OBEDIENCE TO Christ? BY human will we die, BY Spirit we PERPETUALLY after death BY Faith in Your Promise. The dead in UNCONSCIOUSNESS,Void of Spirit,the flood of darkness shall carry them away IN the NIGHT. They ARE as withered grass without Rain. Your Presence in Lamp of many lamps,ONE,Reveal out secret, hidden sins of flesh we lie not, hide not, BUT Removed by Sword, Mouth of Truth, THAT we Live not die back into the dust. You ARE God of Christ and His Body. Christ Shepherd Sent by Life TO Gather His Awakened BACK TO Him, Home.

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