Monday, May 27, 2024

HOW LONG wickedness unto death, reign over the LOST? UNTIL they Surrender to the Lord, Truth.

The Truth RAISES them BY Spirit from God Above. BY Truth, NEW, different their Thought-Life than the dead lost unto THEIR darkness. They the body that lives by temporary AIR,life of deceit. Themselves deceived and decieving other flesh of human spirit. The blind and Lifeless souls, the dead leading the dead FARTHER from God than before. The dead souls of pretense that say but are not God's. The dead souls destined for the SECOND death, their flesh, with NO Way,no Body to ve to Life. The wilderness OF TIME. The wilderness of TEMPTATION. So many trees VOID OF Fruit. The hungry soul so hungry he eats,lives a little while, than falls dead IN the forest of death. I will not BE ACCUSED OF UNLOVING life, I Will DAILY Receive from Him Life, the Fruit He Gives me TO Eat and Live by. I Will Serve My God, My Father,His Christ on earth until I Dwell, EXIST with Head on the PERPETUAL,Kingdom of NO RETURN TO kingdoms of earth.

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