Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hearing Truth they say, COME TOMORROW, ANOTHER Day, TO Listen AND THEN DO.

NONE can TAKE the Honor but the Lamb of God, Called to sacrifice human flesh IN OBEDIENCE. The Head and Body, we ARE BEGOTTEN OF God IN UNION,United in Chains of Love TO Christ. His Obedience Perfected His Body of Holy Breath. Chrit the Doctrine of Perfection, ours by Spirit. There is NO Good,Spirit, IN FAST FOOD FOR those too busy TO EAT Bread with Spirit. DAILY Fresh Bread of Life, in Father's House. The MOMENT God NOW Real, the moment you stop thinking, speaking, doing what pleases your flesh and spirit, AND Meditate on WHAT,HOW TO Please God.] The WRITTEN Law MADE NOTHIHNG PERGECT, BUT BY Christ Spiritual Law, the Presence of God MAKES Perfect His Body OF Faith. Surely as He HAS Blessed me with His Spirit of OBEDIENCE, NOW by Fait in Spirit, Powr of Obedience, I WILL Live Obedient to Christ. His Bride is Holy,harnless,undefiled,Separated from sinners,fallen flesh. We ARE the Flesh not carnal minded,but Spirit Minded, the Powr of ENDLESS Life. Without Head we WANDER. BUT God HAS JOINED US as the Body IN UNion with Head. The Holy Ghost is the Wirness of our Union. There is no longer TIME for RE-union, ONCE Union BROKEN BY willful sin, disobedience,self bearing the thoughts of sin into ACTION, existence in TIME. ONCE the Knoledge of Truth, IS COME by Union, there remains NO MOVE Sacrifice, Blood for sins. ONCE for ALL LOST in separation of TIME. They who CANNOT CEASE, STOP SINNING,Forsake Truth, Christ, they STILL live IN ERROR, they speak, promise, words of freedom but themselves remain servants of corruption,worse than the beginning. LIKE Balaam, they KNOW THE Way BUT DO NOT DO NOT BY Spirit of Love. Seeking to self-serve and Serve God, Spirit at the SAME TIME. John:His Word is not IN liars. His Body, His SAINTS, Bride, Children Reveal that they Know Him BY THEIR OBEDIENCE. The Sign of Hi Presence IN His Body. OUR Obedience, Manifests His Presence. He OUR Light, no darkness present. The TIME OF MANY anti-Christs, this HOW we Know that IS IS the LAST TIME. Deny not the Power of Truth,His Obedience NOW OUR OBEDIENCE. ABIDE IN Him and Live ONE that you may not sin, disobey Him. Do not let and person of flesh and human spirit,religion deceive you. Your SOUL, Mind,Heart BELONG TO Truth. Time is for TESTING for FAITH or unbelief. Faith Lives, unbelief died.

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