Sunday, May 26, 2024

Keeping the Eyes of SOUL on Christ THE PRIZE, Perfect Eternal Obedience, ours by Spirit.

A STUBBORN, REBELLIOUS heart which will not OBEY the Voice of Father, Spirit,EVEN AFTER Chastened for disobedience and STILL disobeys? REFUSES TO OBEY He BE CRUSHED BY Rock, under Feet of Rock,dead. An EXAMPLE to those with thoughts of disobedience.Sin not against the Christ, His Body MUST Honor,Love and OBEY Him at all times, seasons. The PERFECT Lot. The IMPERFECT TAKEN, BUT the Perect Escape. 1Samuel ch 14:41. He that Works with God a Great Salvation. Shall not die but Live by the Body Saved. Christ our Head, We His Body. Lord as You Your Soul Lives I will not depart, but in the Body of Christ, Ark of YOUR Presence. America,America,God OUR Help I ASK TO OPEN your Eyes and Sbee HOW FAR APART FROM His Presence we walk. Father OPEN the Eyes of SOULS BOWING TO THE Path, Feet of Christ. Your People that Know Righteousness,BY Spirit of Your Presence, fallen back to sleep, WAKE THEM UP. TO Fear NOT the flesh nor spirits in their flesh, mind,soul, For Christ HAS Dried up the sea, wounded the Dragon, Opened by Thy Arm THY Way for the Redeemed TO Cross OVER,into the Kingdom of YOUR Presence. WHO ARE THEY? WE are the Children, of the Body, Bride of Christ. Children that die not as grass, as children of flesh and blood. REMEMBER the Lord our Maker, NOW OUR Father by Faith. AWAKE,Awake, AWAKE FOR THE TIME of slumber from drunkeness of human spirit. SHAKE THE DUST off AND Arise the Army of the LIVING that Follow, Uphold Christ THEIR Hegad. The Lord God HAS Revealed His Power TO His People. He Shall Rise because of the LIVING SOULS BEING OPPRESSED by the children of death. Opressors of the Body of Christ, the source of HOWLING, THAT CONTINUALLY,EVERY daY blaspheme My Name. THEREFORE My People Shall KNOW My Name,AND NOW Know that I AM He that Speak, BEHOLD IT IS I. The Watchmen IN TIME,Lift up My Voice,MANY TOGETHER ONE They Sing Eye TO Eye, Spirit TO Spirit,WHEN THE Lord BRINGS Forth His NATUION from the many other nations of TIME. Time is but a blink of eye to God. TIME OVER, GONE. His Alive IN Eternal Power, Presence. ONLY the unbeliever dies IN DISCONECTION FROM Faith, dead in unbelief of Time.

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