Monday, May 27, 2024

At Dawn, Coming of Day shall ALL DARKNESS DISSOLVE. ONLY Light of Brightness REMAIN.

The seed of darkness shall dissolve with darneess WITH THE Coming of Light upon world. The seed of darkness is not the Seed of God, Presence, that Quickens to Life BY RaIN. Christ, Seed and Spirit ROOT us INTO Mind of God, Holy Kingdom. They believe BUT NOT BY His Spirit therefor fall away IN TIME. God IN the Heart of Christ His Body, Does the Will of God NO OTHER human spirit. There is but ONE Divie,Good, Holy Spirit, the CAUSE, the Source of our BEARING the Fruits OF Christ. TOO BUSY for God, to GIVE YOUR time TO God? Come to Right Mind and Serve BY Spirit THE Thoughts OF God NOT EVIL HUMAN SPIRIT OF TIME. ONLY Christ, Head IN UNION WITH Body,is any SOUL Acceptable. Serve not flesh and blood, GIVE YOUR soul, your TIME TO the Body of Christ,and Live not die later. God's Presencce Transforms the bread of malice, bread of tears,TO Wine of Obedience, JOY IN Morning AFTER NIGHT of darkness, TIME, GONE. Hear Me, Spirit and BELIEVE,there shall not enter the dead flesh into the Realm of God, they, their darkness, thoughts of darkness shall REMAIN AS ONE outside into nonexistence in Reality. NO stranger god of strange flesh nor worshipper, follower of disobedience shall remain. ONLY Mine that Hear, Listen and OBEY, DO AS Christ Commanded and Lived by Obedience. Lord Awaken the Body of Christ IN TIME, to Come, Rise from their slumber time with darkness. The Light of God NOW Shines, Perpetually unto Eyes that CAN See, Ears that CAN Hear by Spirit. These Come out of darkness, Stand, Waiting to Receive Your Command, Thought BE GIVIEN them. Slice of Life, DAILY Bread FROM the Mind of God.

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