Friday, May 31, 2024

Let not the religion of HUMAN spirit, human thoughts, darkness in flesh HINDER the Body of Christ.

There is BUT ONE God, ONE Spirit, ONE Truth, ONE Holy Tongue of Holy Mind, God, that Speaks INTO BEING what is now not existing. Father Thy Finger, Hand through Christ HAS DRAWN A Line, NOW Father by Spirit BRING US TO, Cross us over out of disobedience, INTO the Life of Obediendce, Your Side. Save Eternal from the temporary flesh of TIME. Dwell IN and THROUGH the Body of Christ. SHINE.Speak and Raise Your SOULS FROM darkness UNTO Presence of Brightness. THE SHIMMERING of God CLEARLY Seen by the LIVING. We Give ETERNAL Thanks to God our Life that Saves us. They THAT say they are but ARE NOT apostles of Light. Haveing NO Light IN them,fonud to BE LIARS.His Body BEARS His Thoughts unto the world and FAINT NOT. BUT leaving the Word of Love, RETURN TO Him, Repent and REMAIN. He COMES QUICKLY and Removes UNLESS Repent, TURN FROM HUMAN THOUGHTS OF disobedience TO Bearing ONLY the Thoughts, Seed of God. We OVERCOME disobedience by Spirit OF Obedience. The SOUL BECOME ONE with the TREE OF Life. Separated from the tree of death, by the Sword, Blad, Tongue of God, Spirit. Truth. Let the soul that HAS the Spirit, Listen to and OBEY only the Thoughts Voice of Spirit. Faith in the Thoughts of Spirit able to transform the synagogue,flesh, of Satan INTO a Church, Body of God's Presence., Know THE children of death in flesh by their thoughts, their spirit,BITTERNESS that is NOT Sweet.

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