Monday, May 20, 2024

Keep on by Faith Knocking on His Door. Father LOVES the Persistent of Faith.

 The Almighty OPENS the Matrix, Womb of the Body of Christ and Brings forth Living SOULS, from the BODY Given to Spirit.  God Feeds His Children that ASK BY Hunger for Food.  A Feast INCREDIBLE, Available BY Asking IN Faith without doubt.

BAD to the bone.  There is a Remedy, A Physician who Knows all about broken bones.  Spirit the Transforming Power, the Fixer, Restorer.  There is ONLY ONE Spirit that Satisfied with Peace.  The GREAT Awakening from time of darkness by the Brightness of Light Shining.  God the Reality, WITH ALL the Power, all the SUDDEN Understanding HOW FAR FROM God you ARE IN-TIME, VOID OF Spirit, VOID OF Life. belief, Hapless, Powerless, how lost in unbelief, the shadow of darkness.  Our God, Father, Helper IS Real, the spir t of flesh time bound, the souls in chains thoughts of darkness.  Christ put on our chain bound flesh AND BY Power of God BROKE OFF all the chains on his flesh and blood.  The children of flesh and AIR are NOT the Children of Reality, the Body of Christ IN Obedience. ARE there any who WANT TO Give their human self TO Spirit for Understanding?  Surrendering to Know AND Follow God His Thoughts, the Path of Christ. The Body of Christ Walks in the VERY Thoughts of Spirit.  We BY Faith ARE the Body of Christ our Life of Reality.  IT takes but a NOW moment, TO Receive Reality.  Freed from human imagination, mind of darkness.   A soul ENERGIZED BY Presence, Power of God.

The Chains BROKEN BY our Faith IN Christ, our Life of Obedience.  Bride is the Body of the LAST Man Standing.  God's Man, Spiritual Man of Eternity.  By the Mind their Vow. ONE.  God the Power of our Separation from darkness of TIME, Night.

 NOTHING IS Real but God Reality.  The Breaker of my chains, thoughts of darkness. Blessed the SOUL that Lives by Thinking about God, the Thoughts OF God, Spirit.  IF IT TAKES ALL my time in NIGHT OF darkness, TO TELL THOSE LOST without Reality, LOOK, See, Hear what God has Done unto this weakest, unclean with stains of disobedience, God Chose to Save BECAUSE I Believed His Written Invitation, to COME Home NOW TO Love.  Spirit of Love, OUR Passion for Christ.  Desires of flesh and blood of AIR is lust that is NEVER satisfied.  By Spirit of Love we Body Ascend in Perfect Union, ONENESS WITH Head.  WHAT is the Power of  Love?  The VERY Thoughts, Mind, Head we NEED TO Live not die.  The Head Gives, the Bride Receives HER Invitation.  God the AUTHORITY, THE Sender of Message TO Body Invited to COME FROM Time TO Reality.  The Bride Sees, the Beauty, Power, of the Word of Love.  She would BE DEAD if she refused the Invitation TO Life.  Crystals Shining in the Light of His Presence.  Seated at His Table of Thought.  Wine flowing in Celebration.

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