Wednesday, May 22, 2024

God, Spirit, His Thoughts, Mind OUR Reality we CLING TO.

 The flesh of dust and unclean water, spirit, glories in APPEARANCE OF flesh, NOT IN the Presence of  Divine LIKENESS to God BY Spirit.  IF Christ, ONE, died FOR all sinners, children of disobedience, that His Seed BY Faith BECOME Obedient PERPETUAL Obedience of Christ, Truth IN His Body,  Believers IN His Body of Faith, BY Faith in Truth Removing the human spirit, thoughts of unbelief, TRUST IN Him not thoughts of human flesh.  We His Body Crucified IN Time, NOW Rising, Following up BEHIND Him our Head, Source of God His Thoughts.  We LOOK not at outward flesh, but at the spirit in flesh, flesh we know no more.  The ONLY Flesh, Spirit, Life WE ACKNOWLEDGE IS Christ, HIS Body, Bride.

IF ANY SOUL BE IN Christ, that soul IS A NEW creature, the old man Crucified and the NEW Man Risen up within His Bride, Body.  We Speak the Word of God's Mind, the Truth of God our Reconciliation.  Christ the NEW Life we Live by Spirit the Faith in us.  Pray NOW the Word of Reconciliation.  Speak by Spirit, that Raises the dead TO Life. Restoration.

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