Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Truth, Thoughts of God, Presence, Power, Sword of our Circumcision?

 His Presence the SOURCE OF Life, Reality God.  God IN Christ PUT ON flesh to MANIFEST God, Reality in the Body of Christ. We MORTAL flesh of death, TRANSFORMED BY Seed and Rain, Presence of God in BODY OF Christ.  The Bride and Groom of ONE Father, Life, Spirit, RAISED AS ONE invisible Reality unknown to children in the flesh of darkness alone.  We that WERE born NAKED WITHOUT Truth, by Faith NOW Clothed, the Flesh of Chrit OURS so that we BE NOT FOUND NAKED and Ashamed by Eyes of God. NAKED of Christ We WOULD BE Swallowed by darkness, spirit of death.da

OUR Confidence, Evidence IS Christ of Spirit IN us.  The flesh receives the death of disobedience.  The Body REBORN of Faith IN Truth, Word of Spirit, OUR Thoughts, Mind NOW?  Spirit Raises us to the Reward of Obedience of Spirit UNTO death of darkness, AFTER the time of NIGHT is gone, the dust, flesh of death NONEXISTENT IN Reality.

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