Thursday, March 21, 2024

WHEN the INWARD COMPELS the OUTWARD? spiritual dominos?

 Living UNDER COMPUSION OF Sin? IF I do what I want not TO DO?  Born compelled to disobey. NO, TO fall from union Peace with God into disobedience, a tool, fool of disobedience.   Adam: IT was the woman YOU Gave me.  Eve: It was the serpent, he TOLD me.  SO His Creation called God a liar.

Old comedy skit.  WHY did you do THAT?  The Devil made me do that.  The evil thought.  Conceived in mind of serpent, FED TO Eve her mind, ENTRANCE of deception as god, Eve BECAME mother, flesh of sin, disobedience. INFECTED.  Poisoned? Seduced? Stolen?  Adam, Blamed Eve for his failure as head to rule his body, Eve.  Choosing to believe liar instead of Truth?  A comedians line everyone knew was "the devil made me do it".   

What ever MOVES the soul, OWNS the soul.  From UNDER Desire OF God, TO under desires of flesh separated from Spirit by a different thought, word, spirit, TONGUE.   The game of dominos. Excuses for disobedience. Breaking the ONE House, Garden Rule of Creator.  The broken Rule of God, Separated from the Mouth, Mind, of God.  O Eve, WHAT HAVE you DONE TO ALL?

Souls desire of MORE THAN God, WHAT He Gives, Supplies.  Don't know WHAT you got until it is GONE!  People are so foolish, dumb, stupid WITHOUT God.  Father Knows BEST.


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