Friday, March 29, 2024

ONE Flock , Gentile believers and Jewish Reborn Beievers, WE being Gathered by One.

 Christ the Savior of  ALL-unbelievers CALLED UNTO Faith.  Seed and Spirit Transform the dead into LIVING. God, Creator of human souls, Father of LIVING SOULS, Reborn, Raised unto Obedience.

Spirit the Mind in Christ our Head.  IN Truth, Christ, EVERY THOUGHT OF God Existence.  Stop chasing a religion that separates, Seek Christ, Living Truth, His Spirit, Presence of God.   THE SUPER, Superior Spirit in the Man Jesus.  We ARE the Body of Christ, AT His Feet, CLINGING, Rising with Him OUT OF TIME.  The ONLY NECESSARY Thing IS the Spirit, Presence of God IN His People of Faith REBORN.  The Body Fed by Head the Thoughts in His Mind, Shall Live by no other thought BUT His Thought OF Truth.  Christ is NO religion of flesh, human thoughts, spirits, He IS OUR Head, We His Body.  Flock Gathered into His Pasture.  Christ in His Body does not fight NOW with flesh but spirits of flesh, deceit, error that LEADS SOULS TO NONEXISTENCE  outside the Body of Resurrection.

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