Saturday, March 23, 2024

God IN us IS MADE Perfect our Obedience, Union WITH Him Peace.

 The Giving of self, all time self-HAS unto God, Spirit.  Union, Life IN Kingdom of Peace, IS UNION ONLY WITH God, Spirit, separated from time, thins of time, darkness, thoughts NOT God's.  The giving up flesh life FOR the Reality, Life IN God.  The Body of His Bride is not hindered by walls, His Body of Believers WALKS THOUGH walls of time.  God Origin.  ONE Spirit, Thoughts, ONE Mind that BINDS the REBORN into ONE.

FORGET, give up building, working, desiring that which is off this world of death, AND Rise by Spirit, Work by Spirit the Will, Mind, OF God.  The Salt of His Presence that keeps the nothing of time, from growing, remaining, abiding.  The Salt from Tears falling from Heaven.  The Tears of He WHO LOVES me BETTER THAN I love my old self.   The Body of Christ the Bed where Christ Rests His Head.

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