Saturday, March 23, 2024

Dedication. Do not corrupt the Temple with things, thoughts, fallen flesh.

Who dares to ENTER His Temple without Spirit? IMPOSSIBLE for the dead soul, child of darkness in human flesh.  The children of the dead are as maggots of flesh unto Holiest.  Coming out of the fallen flesh.   Wake up IN Realization WHERE you are IN TIME.  Woke up in time TO?  Call the Physician for Help?  The HUMAN mind of flesh CAN NOT Conceive, Receive, Understand God without Spirit to Help, UNITE WITH the LOST FAR From Home.  The OLD flesh of dust returns to dust.  The NEW Flesh OUR Garment, the Body of Christ, LIVING SOULS.  The unclean, the corrupt, stained with disobedience, SHALL COME and BE FOUND Standing in, with THE Presence of God. Holy Saints, REBORN and Raised by Spirit, Prepared TO ENTER the Presence IN the Body of Christ.  We ARE the LIVING SOULS, that Stand without falling, Held IN Place by the Will, Hand, Spirit of God.  

The Body, Temple of Christ, where Living Souls offer Acceptable Thoughts of Love OF Truth TO OUR God.   IF you do not YEARN for the Life of Christ, to Live His Life IN Union of ONE, THEN you will hate, flee unto, refuse to LET GO the OLD life OF being human.

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