Thursday, March 21, 2024

The LITTLE doubt OF unbelief, that unholy misconception that ABORTS the soul TO death.

 Repeat AFTER Me.  Keep Listening, Believing. FOR those wanting to by flesh BEHOLD the Evidence of a SOUL Given unto God, Life.  Yes Lord I Hear.  There is a God, Reality that takes captive the dreamers of darkness IF THEY WOUL BUT SURRENDER NOW to Truth AND Pass, from the world, womb of darkness with the Preserving Brightness, out into Perpetual Day.  Life with God where there is no darkness, doubt, spot, infection, madness of flesh.  Believing UNTO BECOMING Reborn the Body of Truth, Body of Obedience that REMOVES disobedience.

Christ Has Called this soul BY Spirit.  Spirit in me Receives Thoughts of Spirit. Spirit IN me ONE WITH Spirit of Truth.  HOLY Union UNBRWAKABLE BOND OF Love.  God TAKES ANY thing He WANTS. EVERYTHING BELONGS TO Creator, to USE AS He SO Wills TO.  The Perfect Man Son of God, was not the flesh man left alone in Garden.  He the VERY Fruit, Substance of God, has taken fallen flesh RAISED BY the Presence of God, CONFORMED unto SPIRITUAL Likeness of God, the OLD BLED OUT upon the earth ITS AIR, temporary breath of flesh separated from God by flesh and death.  NOW yet IN TIME, We FOLLOW AFTER Head in UNBROKEN Union, to Find NOW WITH Head, IN Kingdom of PERPETUAL NOW. Gone the temporary TIME, AND the EVER NOW Consciousness of His Presence, the Brightness that will not allow my return to sleep in darkness.  My God, My Love, My very Breath of Life.  O Father I can not take my Eyes, my Ears FROM Your Spirit.  Wake me UP when the dream of darkness IS OVER, DONE.  WHEN EVERY SOUL LOST IN darkness, taken, IS Restored. Wake me in the Body of Christ.

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