Thursday, March 21, 2024

Taught by Spirit, soul Enabled to Hear, to DISCERN Truth? Condemnation is upon rejecters of TRUTH.

 IS there NOT  A-God, Truth, Spirit that Power to Save?  The children of flesh and blood, unbelievers, generarions of Godless dead souls, the dust of death beneath the Feet, Body, Bride of Christ.

It is the flesh raised on its own cross of disobedience, THAT LOOKED UPON Christ upon OUR Cross, that Cried out and WAS Saved, WITH Christ IN His Kingdom not of HIS world.  The dead and dying CRY OUT.  AND He Raises His Believers IN His Body WITH Him, UP.

Condemnation REMAINS upon those NOT WITH Him, His Body.  We NOW ARE His Body without blood, air of disobedience.  His Body HAS BEEN Delivered from Sin chains, thoughts,NOW BY FAITH Serves God.  With the Mind of Christ, the very Mind Thoughts oF God RULE IN DOMINION.

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