Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Transformation BY Spirit, Power, God, from being dead soul, body of death UNTO

 Life IN Christ Living Truth His Body.  The OLD man, soul dead IN disobedience, REBORN A NEW Man of Obedience unto Spirit.  God IS the Spirit, Life, Obedience, Power IN Christ His Word, IN His Body.  Delivered UNTO death in blood, life of flesh.    The Spirit of Obedience, Christ's Life, ENTERIN  dead soul QUICKENS INTO Living SOUL OF Obedience within Body of Christ.  Chrisit WILL CUT OFF FROM His Body ANY arm, hand, foot, mind, thought, soul that Belongs not unto God Life.  ANY part of His Body HE Shall Separate from Him His Body.

Flee from FEAR BEING DISOBEDIENT part not bowed to, unto God, IN Christ OUR Head.  NO venom, spit, thought of the dead will EVER Kiss the Lips of Christ.  The HUMAN BEING will NEVER ENTER IN BY Human mind, spirit, thoughts of flesh. NEVER.  Stop MOCKING God, Truth, WITH your OWN human thoughts flowing from spirit of deceit.  Your human will, thoughts are not God.  WHY EVEN your father, spirit of fallen flesh, does WHAT God Truth Says.  The PRIDE within soul shall hidden in flesh, that pride drags its flesh in chains farther IN TIME from God the Life in His House.  Eve Given TO Adam, Gave her self, soul to lips of death in disguise.  

Christ NEVER LEAVES His House ALONE WITH darkness.  There IS NO excuse for the Bride of Christ.   NOT NOW Truth HAS GIVN Him His Self Thoughts, Mind, Power of Spirit TO Her His Bride.   Where there IS NO Light, NO Power, NO Presence, that house falls down, is being burned down back to dust.

A BEAUTIFUL Mind, Crown upon His Bride.  A Beautiful Reflection of the Bridegroom His Spirit.

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