Thursday, March 21, 2024

HOLY HOLY Epiphany OF, FROM God Above, Sent unto, INTO His LOST Flock.

 If your flesh rejects the Truth THAT Saves, Restores the soul WITH Reality? The soul dies with the flock of death, NEVER TO RETURN to the Father of Living.   His Sheep, Flock Restored, ALWAYS Follow THIER Shepherd of Truth UNTIL Stored in Barn.  God HAS Commanded it BE, DONE.  Following Christ OUR Obedience, Freedom from shepherd of the disobedient, WHAT BELONGS TO God, wandered off with darkness, Sheep Restored TO Mind, Presence of God. The ONLY EXCUSE IS THAT you love your sin, CONFESS, and ASK FOR Separation from sin of disobedience to God.

Those that HUMBLE themselves to Truth AND ASK for Helper, such as DO Hear, See the Way BACK INTO His Presence, TAKE HOLD BY Prayer of Faith and REFUSE TO Let Him GO.   We are the Body, Bride, Church BUILT UPON Foundation of God, Reality.  There is but ONE Shepherd of ONE UTMOST Omnipotent God, His Omniscient Word Sent to Gather by Spirit, Children of. Spirit their Eyes NOW Opened, Ears Hearing, Running to the Remedy for death, He Life OF God.

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