Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Crime Scene, the Investigator, the Witnesses their Testimony.

 A Case of Breaking and ENTERING, the house OF Creator unto a residence of EVIL, a master of disguise.   The Truth put on fallen flesh AT the scene of the crime, earth.  His Testimony?  Father Sent Me down TO Restore what was stolen by deception IN TIME of darkness.   Before we BECAME the Restored House of Light, we WERE FAR FROM Home, LOST LED hostage to darkness of TIME.

A broken down house NEEDS a Carpenter of Restoration.  The NEW Foundation, the NEW Door, the NEW Security System, Spirit, the Mind of God that Saves from the enStrance of flame, TONGUE of destruction by mouth, thoughts of hell.

The SECRET Presence that Saves the Body of Christ.  The Sprinkler System IS Rain PUTTING OUT fires set by flesh.  SURRENDER TO God the ONLY One that CAN, DOES Save HIS House.  We are the MANY SOULS in MANY Rooms of His House. Faith IN Christ the Door of His House. The Truth that Opens only to Children COME Home by Spirit.  Wheat of His Seed Rooted INTO Life by God. The Holy Gardener, that REMOVES the wheat, tares, seeds of darkness IN TIME.  Wheat Gets, IS Harvested INTO Body, Storehouse of God.

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